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A Saint Who Was Adopted by the Grand Duke

Chapter 162: The End Is Where It Begins (I)
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Apart from the temple, Esther continued to do relief work within the territory of Tersia.

She repeatedly raised holy flowers and made holy water, distributing them and healing people with divine power.

The imperial family also received the holy flowers grown by Esther through the shelter and distributed it throughout the empire.

But despite that, they couldn’t pull out the fundamental root.

“I should have taken a look at the crystal ball.”

Sharon’s words that only she could solve the epidemic that had spread across the empire were still haunting her.

Angered by the selfish attitude of the temple, she simply returned, but she did not forget it easily because it was something she had already been thinking about before going to the temple.

Of course, there was no answer. While she was fidgeting, a knock cand the door opened.

“Esther, what are you doing?”

“I’m just resting.”

Esther smiled gladly at Dennis as he entered the room.

Dennis was wearing glasses and he had two books under his side. He probably cfrom the library.

“Looks like Shur has gotten bigger.”

He suddenly went to the side of Shur, who was sleeping well, and stared at him.

“Seeing that there is no dust on your desk, the maid must have cleaned it well.”

He pointlessly ran a finger across the desk and made another strange statement.

“Hmm, there are more books on the bookshelf, and everything that should be in the room is there.”

Esther waited patiently, wondering if Dennis was going to ask a difficult favor because he was being unlike himself.

“So, do you need anything these days? Anything you want to buy.”

“What do I need?”

When it led to a sudden question, Esther, who had been listening intently, tilted her head to the left.

“Yes. These days, I’m looking at books like <Ed Elan’s Cat> or <The Life of Eclipse the Sculptor>. How about something like this?”

“Not really…”

Esther didn’t like it at all, so she shifted her eyes sideways, blurring the end of her words.

“Ah… I can’t tell by asking this? Okay. Then I’ll try something else.”

“Brother Dennis?”

Muttering only meaningless words, Dennis left as hurriedly as he had entered.

Thinking it was strange, Esther just sat still.

After a while, there was a knock on the door.

She naturally thought it was Dorothy, but it was Judy who opened the door and cin.

“I met Dorothy in the kitchen a while ago. I told her I would bring it.”

The plate Judy brought was full of beautifully plated desserts.

“Wow, that looks delicious.”

Esther grinned and jumped to welcJudy.

Judy took one of the mini tarts and put it in Esther’s mouth.

Although it was small, her mouth was full. While she kept chewing, Judy showed signs of hesitation.

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“Yes… E-Esther… Maybe…”

His hesitation that appeared to block his questions seemed to completely overlap with Dennis from before.

“What do I want? Is that it?”

“Uh, how did you know?”

Wondering if Esther had read his thoughts, Judy put his hands over his head so she couldn’t see them and quickly backed away.

Esther burst into laughter at the sight. After she chewed and swallowed the remaining bits of tart in her mouth, she said,

“Brother Dennis asked the sthing just now.”

“Really? Dennis did? “

Glancing in the direction of Dennis’ room, Judy stroked Esther’s hair.

“So what did you tell him?”

“Nothing. I don’t need anything.”

“Why not? A knife or a sword made by an artisan is fine. Or how about a horse?”

“I don’t think I need those…”

The things Dennis and Judy thought of were what they liked and needed.

Ultimately, unable to get a response from Esther, Judy left the room with only a tart in his mouth.

“It’s my birthday soon.”

Esther couldn’t help but figure out the reason her brothers did such a thing.

Thinking it was likely because of her birthday, which was now a week away, she was grateful… and her heart was touched for sreason she couldn’t put a finger on.

Leaning against the window, Esther watched the sun go down for a while, then suddenly thought of her mother and opened the drawer.

Inside the topmost drawer were two large diamond necklaces.

One was given to her by Noah, and the other was a pink diamond given by her mother, though she had no memory of it.


It was so precious that she couldn’t even touch it. Instead, she looked at it fondly. After that, she took out the necklace Noah gave her and held it up.

Despite knowing that it didn’t suit her current pajamas-wearing state, she tried to hang it around her neck.

“What is Noah doing? Can I see him on my birthday?”

Absent-mindedly, she looked at the image reflected in the mirror, which was of her wearing the necklace, and was embarrassed that she instantly thought of Noah. Quickly, she put it back in her drawer and closed it.

Then, she suddenly felt drowsy.

She couldn’t stand it, and with half-lidded eyes, she covered her mouth and yawned as she collapsed on the bed.

“Ah. Why am I so sleepy… Should I nap for a little while?”

With blurring vision, Esther watched Shur, who was sleeping on the cushion, cup to her bed, then her eyes slowly closed without knowing when she fell asleep.


How much thas passed?

Esther winced when she felt someone’s gentle hand on her face and lifted her eyelids.

But it wasn’t her room.

It was an empty space with nothing, an unknown place with only endless darkness.

“Where am I? Could it be that I was kidnapped?”

Startled, Esther stood up and examined her body first.

Fortunately, it was the sas it was before falling asleep. Without a single wound.

“It isn’t kidnapping? Then, a dream?”

All the sensations felt on the skin were too real to be a dream.

Even pinching herself did not help. Esther, who was looking around wondering what the hell was going on, stiffened.

She didn’t know when it started, but there was someone nearby.

What she hadn’t noticed before was at a strangely close distance.

“Can you seenow?”

After recognizing the existence, the silhouette of a woman who had assimilated with the darkness began to glow softly.

Her voice pierced Esther’s mind at once, and goosebumps and tingling sensations spread through her body.

“Perhaps… Espitos?”

It was ridiculous, but Esther herself couldn’t figure out why the ncto her mind. It was just a hunch.

“Yes. Humans calledby that name.”

Shocked, Esther covered her mouth and slowly rose to her feet.

“Are you really the goddess? Is this a dream I cup with?”

“Whether it’s a dream or a reality, it’s up to you. I always exist in your faith.”

Hearing the clear voice ringing in her head, Esther couldn’t help but think that this was a dream.

Esther glared at the figure that stood just a few steps away from her, which was within reach.

She thought if she could meet the goddess, she would hurl all kinds of swear words at her. She wanted to ask why she made her life like this.

But when the goddess really appeared in front of her eyes, she was speechless.

In the midst of confusion about which words to say first, emotions swirled in the bottom of her chest.

“…Why did you only show up now?”

When Esther finally opened her mouth, her voice trembled pitifully.

“Do you resent me?”

“Yes. I resent you.”

Esther’s unhesitating answer made Espitos’ voice slightly saddened.

“I thought so, but it hurts to hear it in person. You may not know it, but I have always been by your side.”

The moment Esther tried to argue further, the shape of Espitos blurred.

Fearing that the goddess would disappear like this, Esther hurriedly reached out to grab her, but her hand went right through her body.

“I am not really here. So I don’t have much time. Today, I cto tell you what you must do.”

“What is it?”

“There is a crystal ball in the basement of the central temple. It was born from the oath I made with the child you call the first saint, Rayleigh.”

Esther had already read the ancient book she had received from Dennis. She knew that there was a barrier protecting the empire, and a crystal ball maintained it.

“Break that crystal ball.”

“It’s a contract to protect the empire, but you’re tellingto break it?”

Esther doubted her ears at the nonsense.

“Yes. You must break it. It’s something only you can do.”

“But how can I…”

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“The crystal ball can only be broken with the holy sword made by the saint. Of course, it should be a force comparable to Rayleigh, but now, you are enough.”

“What if I won’t?”

The goddess turned away when she begged for help. This visit and request only repulsed Esther.

“I can’t force you. Everything is your choice. However, if the crystal ball is not destroyed, the empire will remain in darkness as before.”

Espitos spread her arms wide, and she hugged Esther.

Tears welled up in Esther’s eyes at the warmth of a mother’s hug, which she had no memory of.

“There are many precious people. We have to protect them.”

“It’s too much. It’s really too much to do. Why in the world are you doing this to me? Can’t I just be happy?”

In a fit of emotion, Esther exclaimed.

“It’s okay to resent me. If you break the crystal ball, then… again…”

Upon the feeling of emptiness, Esther opened her eyes.

Everything she could see was familiar. It was her room.

Judging from the fact that the sun hadn’t completely set, it seemed that not much thad passed.

“Are you gone?”

In the midst of confusion, her cheek felt itchy, so she swept it with the back of her hand, and found it wet with tears.

As she sniffed, she looked to the side, and she saw Shur staring at her with jewel-like clear yellow eyes.

Suddenly, Espitos’ words to use the holy sword made by the saint cto mind.

“Did you mean Shur?”

Goosebumps formed, so Esther wrapped her arms around herself. She looked at Shur and muttered,

“…What are you?”

Of course, Shur, who couldn’t answer, just flicked his tongue as usual and blinked cutely.


The next morning.

Esther woke up early and went straight to Deheen’s room.

It was because she heard Deheen cback at dawn.

“Where is Dad?”

“He is in the office. I will take you there.”

Ben entered the office first and announced Esther’s visit.

“What? Esther came?”

Deheen, who was sitting at his new desk and busy dealing with the backlog of work, got up and welcomed Esther.

His stern expression, formed from not seeing her for only a few days, finally released.

“You chere so early. You want to see your dad… Is that it?”

“Yes. I missed you and I have something to tell you.”

“Really? I have a lot to tell you too.”

The corners of Deheen’s mouth shot upwards in an instant.

“Let’s sit down.”

As soon as they sat face to face on the sofa, Deheen told Esther the news that he wanted to tell her as soon as possible.

Ame: I can see how this will go >_> just givemore family fluff and romance progression! Goddess, you can remain as unknown and away as you’ve been for the past 160 episodes!