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A Saint Who Was Adopted by the Grand Duke

Chapter ex1: Lets Take A Trip (I)
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“I beg you. Could you please reconsider?”

Alberto, an elder of the temple, pleaded.

Esther had a puzzled look on her face as he held on even though she rejected the offer.

“But Alberto, like I said, I’ve never painted a mural before. There must be people better suited than me.”

“We discussed several candidates as well, but… It’s a meaningful place, it will be the main temple in the future… so I hope that the saint will take care of it.”

Due to Rabienne’s work and the epidemic, people turned away from the temple.

As a result of ceaseless efforts for the past two years, faith was slowly being restored, but it was not as strong as before.

Accordingly, Alberto led the repair of the temple in the Comet territory, with the thought that a new place was more suitable for the temple’s new start.

“If the saint lends her strength to the mural, it will be of great help to the reconstruction of the temple.”

“I also prayed to the goddess and asked her opinion, and she gave a positive response.”

Esther flinched when Alberto brought up Espitos’ name.

‘What are you thinking?’

She couldn’t understand Espitos’ intentions, but she couldn’t ignore them.

Glancing up at the sky, she sighed.

“… I’m not good enough, but if I can help… I will participate.”

“thank you! thank you!”

“It will be of great help to future peace, Saint.”

“Haha. I am already looking forward to it.”

With the elders’ sent off, Esther left the room, her face bright.

“Can I do well?”

For the past two years, she has continued to paint and work.

She held several small exhibitions, but this would be her first tworking on a mural.

While walking down the hallway with that worry in mind, she peeked under the railing, drawn by the noise of children talking.

Three children were carrying a heavy-looking load.

“Hey! You hold it. You are taller than me.”

“Did you gain more weight?”

“I am proud to be fat.”

“What? Fat? Hey!!”

Esther watched anxiously, fearing it was bullying, but the children seemed to be on good terms even though they were bickering.

In particular, the two children shared the share of the short and skinny child, and the three of them walked side by side.

“Apprentice priests? They look good.”

Esther, who had been staring blankly at the children, turned around in surprise at the familiar voice.

Noah was leaning against the railing, looking at Esther.

“How did you get here?”

“I crunning after hearing that you cto the capital.”

“Who is always delivering news ofso quickly? Is it Dorothy?”

“I can’t tell. They are my valuable source of information.”

Esther glanced at the grinning Noah and pulled herself away from the railing.

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She was walking through the hallway, ahead of him. But he quickly caught up with his long legs.

“By the way, what brings you to the temple in the capital?”

“You know that the temple is preparing to move to Comet territory, right?”

“Yes. It was permitted by the imperial family. Isn’t it in the finishing stage now?”

“That’s right. The elders wantto paint a mural in the prayer room for the main temple.”

Esther and Noah went out into the backyard, leaving their escorts trailing behind.

“I’m afraid I’ll ruin something important.”

“So what if you mess up? It’s your work, and that alone gives it worth. I want to see it. I’m sure it will be great.”

Then he added,

“I believe you will do just fine.”

Esther found strength in Noah’s confident words.

“Well. I will try hard.”

Esther’s clenched fist was naturally grasped by Noah.

In an instant, the corners of Esther’s lips lifted and her eyes met Noah’s.

A smile that could not be suppressed bloomed on both of their faces.

Noah stopped abruptly in the backyard, feeling the gentle breeze.

“Did you say Comet territory? When?”

“I heard it’s in two weeks.”

“Two weeks should be enough to prepare.”


“No, I think I have something to do over there.”

Esther was bewildered at the change in Noah, whose eyes suddenly sparkled significantly.

“You too?”

“Yes. I may run into you by chance while working. By chance. That’s right?”

Noah grinned, emphasizing it would be a coincidence.

“Pretending it’s a coincidence… eup!”

Noah kissed Esther to stop her from raising her voice in surprise.

Esther looked around, embarrassed. The people who were following them from afar turned their heads in a hurry.

“What are you doing? There are many eyes around.”

“Coincidences are not planned. You can’t lie, so it’s dangerous to say more.”

After such a short walk, Noah saw Esther off, helping her up the carriage.

On the way home, Esther was flushed as she pondered what Noah had said.

“Could this be our first trip?!”

Even after she said it, she hurriedly covered her mouth in surprise.


That evening.

Esther pressed her beating heart as she headed to the dining room to eat with her family.

“I’m only telling the truth.”

As she walked, Judy jumped out beside her, startling her.


“Oh, what…! Brother!”

“What are you so surprised about? It’s like you have something to hide.”

Esther was very flustered by Judy’s words and stuttered.

“That, that can’t be. But Brother, why are you dressed like this? Where are you going?”

“How is it? Cool?”

Judy spun around in place and posed with his arms around his waist.

“You are always cool.”

Thrilled by Esther’s words, Judy reached out to hug her tightly.

“My cute little sister!”

But Esther, accustomed to Judy’s behavior, ducked aside and entered the dining room first.

Dennis waved after placing down the glass of water he was drinking.

“What is it, Judy, are you going on a date?”


As Esther turned to Judy with widened eyes, he made a hasty excuse.

“It’s not like that.”

“I heard that you’ve been hanging out with Lady Elizabeth recently. Are you seeing her?”

“Elizabeth is just a friend, a friend.”

Esther was shocked to learn that her brother, who had been interfering with her relationship, had completely hidden his own.

Suspicious, she stared at Judy with narrowed eyes, but Deheen cin before she could find out more.

“Esther, did you have a good trip to the capital?”

“Yes. They askedto paint a mural for the new main temple in Comet.”

“That’s great.”

Honey still dripped from Deheen’s eyes as he looked at Esther.

“My daughter’s mural. Should I buy the temple?”

“Dad. The temple cannot be bought.”

Esther let out a sigh after her reply, and Deheen becseriously troubled.

“Then how? I can’t even take the mural off the wall.”

“It’s trouble. We can’t keep it like Esther’s other works. How sad.”

Seeing the twins sympathizing with Deheen, Esther put down her fork and told them to stop.

‘I shouldn’t talk about Noah.’

The moment Noah’s ncout, they would definitely be on guard right away, so she held back even if she felt guilty.

“Do you have anything to prepare?”

“I decided to prepare everything at the temple.”

“When are you leaving?”

“In two weeks.”

Deheen touched his chin, pondering something. Then he grinned.

“We can take a vacation. Shall we go on a family trip? It’s been a long time.”

“I’ve never been to Comet, but I’m sure it will be fun. Can I compete with the paladins in the temple?”

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“Then I’ll have to prepare in advance what books to bring.”

Taken aback by her family members who intervened without notice, Esther rolled her eyes.

‘I can’t do this.’

At this rate, they would have a specific plan, so she cut into the conversation.

“No! This time, I want to focus alone. It’s my first tpainting a mural… Sorry.”

Upon hearing Esther’s rejection, Deheen’s face was stained with shock.

“I… I won’t disturb you even if I go with you…”

“We can go on another trip after the work is over. We can go to a better place.”

“If that’s what you want…”

They understand that it’s work, but neither Deheen nor the twins could hide their sadness.

“Esther, how long will it be?”

“About two months?”


Deheen held the back of his neck upon hearing Esther would be away for a longer period of tthan expected.

“…I will not see you for two months?”

“I only work on weekdays, so I’ll cback occasionally on the weekends.”

“…I got it.”

After struggling to get permission, Esther entered her room and jumped onto the bed.

“My heart is heavy.”

After a while, Dorothy cto the distressed Esther’s side.

“Lady Esther, this is a popular skin care method these days. I will put it on your face.”


“Cucumber. It’s sliced very thinly.”

Normally, Esther would have refused, but calmly lay down and thought about her upcoming trip to Comet.

“Oh, what are you thinking?”

“Just… that I’m old enough to manage.”

At that, Dorothy burst into laughter and placed cucumber slices on Esther’s face.


A few days before departure.

Esther looked around her dressing room and was deeply troubled.

“Which should I take? This? Hmm.”

She rummaged through the hangers and pulled out several dresses and placed them against her body, but none were to her liking.

At this unusual behavior, Dorothy asked curiously.

“Aren’t you going to work at Comet?”

“Yes. Why?”

“You are caring about your clothes like you are going out on a date. Don’t you wear work clothes when you work?”

“Uh, this is because I have to stay for a long time, I just…”

Frustrated, Esther removed her hand from the hangers. She wondered if Dorothy had noticed something.

“Well… Two months is a long time. How about going shopping today to refresh yourself before you leave?”

“Shall I?”

After looking around the dressing room and not finding a dress she liked, Esther called a carriage and set off for the shopping street.

Ame: Judy! You traitor! Ngl, I’ll feel upset if I were Esther. Esther deserves to be pouty over this. Ah and, I believe this is set 2 years after the debutante? Am I the only one who got this idea?