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Abyssal Lord Of The Magi World-Novel

Chapter 223 - Purge (VI)
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Verius' mind was solely focused on thinking of a way out of this predicament. Even if he were able to defeat the man in front of him who was challenging him, the rest will just kill him afterward. There was no way he could fight against so many powerful individuals especially when Heinz and Nero could kill him on their own.

"Wait, please hear me out!" Anxiety was present in Verius' face when he saw the Lich getting closer to him.

Totto could feel the fear of the Fallen. Although this fight was important to him, it would not hurt to hear what Verius' had to say.


The rest were confused by the action of the Lich since he had made arrangements to obtain this battle. But it was his fight so the rest remained in silence.

All sorts of ideas and plans were organizing in Verius' mind. After a couple of seconds, he kneeled. His head was so low that if he was not in the sky, it would have touched the ground.

"I can swear loyalty to the Magi World and become your servant. I will swear any type of oath and sign any contract you want to prove my sincerity."

When the rest of the Fallen saw this, disdain appeared on their faces. He was practically selling himself as a slave.

Verius arrogance was as high as the sky and his pride was immense, even rivaling Nero's. But you would never see Nero begging to survive. The seven winged Fallen would rather die standing than live on his knees.

When Nero saw the thoughtful look in Totto and Heinz, he frowned. They had agreed to leave Verius to Totto, but the Lich was supposed to kill him.

"Him remaining alive will only bring more problems. As long he breathes, he will continue spreading his poison."

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Rage appeared on Verius' eyes when he heard that. if he could, he would rip Nero's wings off and flay him with them.

Totto and Heinz understood the meaning behind Nero's words. Even if he was a slave, he could still create a lot of damage to an organization by spreading fear and lies.

But the duo was not worried about that and the reason was simple.

"You really believe that he can't make this rat behave and assure that he cannot harm anyone?."

Nero's eyes narrowed when he heard that. They have known each other for a very small time, but he knew that Zatiel was capable of many things.

"I guess you are right."

When Verius heard that his entire body trembled. He was not bothered by lowering himself to become a servant since he was sure he would be able to rise again in the future. But when he heard the words of Nero, he started to understand that the one behind the Magi invader force is not someone simple.

Just when Totto and Heinz were wondering whether or not to call Zatiel, Zitra's voice interrupted their thoughts.

"If we call him on behalf of this person, he would not only reject him but he may get angry at us." There was confidence in the Magus' face when she spoke those words.

Totto felt that her word made sense but he was still not sure.

"Can you clarify?"

"How hard do you think it is for the current him to obtain a Soul Forging servant, even if it is someone at the bottom of Rank 4, with his abilities it would not be hard to push him to the peak. We all know how he cares for his clan and certain people that are important to him. If we relay the proposal of someone who betrays those he calls brothers, what do you think he would do?."

The Lich and the Cultivator understood the truth in her words. The Daybreak Clan already had a Rank 4 life form, and although it was a magic creature, with Zatiel's help it won't be long before it becomes invicible beneath Law Engraving.

"You have been paying a lot of attention to him, haven't you?" There was a smile on Totto's face when he said those words.

But it immediately froze when he felt the killing intent with which the Magus looked at him.

The Lich understood he had crossed a line and he turned to Heinz for help. However, he was out of luck.

The fearless Heinz, a Rank 4 Cultivator with the power to battle Law Engraving existences was looking at the distance. It was clear the mighty Prince of the Aeternum Empire was not going to meddle with the angered Magus.

Zitra only sneered when she saw Totto's timid attitude and no longer focused on him.

Totto relaxed when he felt he was not the target of the Magus anymore.

The atmosphere of comradery that was present a moment ago vanished in an instant when the?Lich focused on the kneeling Fallen, and his eyes were cold.

"She is right, we would be making a mistake if we relay the message of garbage to him."

When Verius heard that, a hatred so immense was born in him, that his entire body trembled. He was willing to lower himself in front of people he considered beasts and yet they would not accept him.

Totto noticed the state of the Fallen, but he did not care at all for his rage.

"You have only two paths. You can fight with me to death and try to kill me before dying, or we can capture you alive as we did with some of your friends. If you take the second path, you will live a couple more years but you will be nothing more than a guinea pig and I can assure you his experiments would make you think you are in hell." There was no point fighting against someone who would not fight back, so Totto hooped to use his rage to fuel him.

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Verius face was twisted due to the immense fury he felt. All of his dream and aspirations were destroyed due to the appearance of this group. If he was going to die, he would at least take one of them with him to the grave.

"It is true that no one will interfere?"

When they heard those words, Zitra, Heinz, and all of the Fallen separated from the duo. They still surrounded them, which made any attempt to escape impossible.

When Verius saw this, he focused on the Lich, and killing intent filled his eyes. He made all types of pills appear from his personal storage space and consumed them. They replenished all of the lost energy and pushed his body to its peak.

A lot of these pills would leave side effects in the future but since he was going to die, why would he care.

Totto did not attempt to stop him and merely focused on raising his power to the maximum and filled his body with negative energy.

The mantle of shadows full of skulls around Verius became stronger. Like a tsunami, it pounced at Totto with overwhelming might.

Behind the Lich, the Reaper appeared. There were some differences in him from the last time Totto used it to fight.

The right hand and left eye of the Law Avatar was the perfect copy of Totto's Eye of Despair and Hand of Sorrow. His black robe was now filled with howling ghosts.

A ghostly domain was released from the Reaper and it clashed against the waves of shadows from Verius' Law Avatar.

The ghosts and skulls were tearing each other apart and thunder filled the sky as both Law Avatars clashed.

Although Verius law comprehension had not reached the 'Initial' level in any of his laws, he still had an Emperor bloodline, so he should be stronger than his enemy, and yet they were on equal grounds. This was a heavy blow to the Angelic Paragon.

As the clash between the shadows and the domain continued, the Eye of Despair in the Reaper began to absorb the broken pieces of the skulls and ghosts that the clash between the two Law Avatars generated.

This shocked Verius. His Law Avatar was generated by the Law of Fear and the Law of Shadows, and somehow his opponent was absorbing them.

But his surprise was far from over. The Reaper raised the Hand of Sorrow and all the power absorbed by the eye was fired from it.

A beam of ghostly energy full of the power of the fear and wither, pierced the Law Avatar of Verius before it crashed against him.