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Adventures Of A Goblin

Chapter 100 Goblin / Goblin King 4
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The javelin crater explosion, made direct contact with the body of the Goblin king and exploded several times over, creating a burst equating to three missles launched together.


[I still sense a living life force in the explosion, master].

"tch, are you saying you won't go down so easily?... '

With the explosion still ungoing, Oracle had proceeded to use the detection to confirm if the Goblin king had been done with, but contrary to the Goblin's belief, the Goblin king was still standing strong.

The Goblin, raised his hand and once again gathered mana in it, making another javelin crater explosion, this time bigger. When he was done gathering the mana, he added his inferno elemental to the outer appearance of the javelin crater explosion, and threw it into the still ungoing explosion.

The javelin crater explosion landed inside the ungoing explosion, and Ignited a chain of explosive events, devastating enough for the Goblin to move far back and avoid getting caught up in it.

Even though he was going to be safe if he makes contact with it, he did not want to take any chances.


[he is still alive master].

"what a damn pest he is, just die already damn it".

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"I must say Goblin, you really are full of a lot of surprises".

The Goblin king's figure lost in the smoke and only his voice letting out.

"I am impressed by your performance of not failing to entertain me so far".

"why won't you just die already and leave me the heck alone".

"hooo....., if it's my death you seek, then you are going to have to do more than this, I am not so easy to kill you see".

"surviving thus far, has made me build up a kind of immunity towards death, although I do believe my immunity can be breached with a little more effort from another".

"after all, I am not completely immortal".

While he was talking, he takes one step forward, and another, slowly making his way out of the smoke until he was now visible to the Goblin.

"Goblin, you really did a number on my body".

The Goblin, takes one glance at the body of the Goblin king, and the first word he thought of as a means of expression on his outer appearance is, disgusting.

His body all fried up and squished together, white substance coming out of every part of his body, with some parts like his stomach dangling down like meats stacked together.

The worst part of it all, is the horrible stench coming off of him, which shouldn't be weird for the Goblin who hadn't taken a proper bath since he was born, and now used to smelling horrible.

However, the stench coming off of the Goblin king's sacked up body, beats all stench the Goblin had ever come across in his two lifetimes. His face also wasn't left out of the disfigurement, making him almost unrecognizable.

"never have I ever been led up to this state by any of my opponents".

raising his hands up, and shaking it with eyes of observation.

"well done Goblin. because of you, I have found just how durable this body of mine can last".

The Goblin king takes a deep breath in and let's it all out in one go, then he takes another, repeating the same action all over again. The Goblin noticed that the deeper in the Goblin king breathes, the more his body composition starts to change.

The change isn't glamorous or fast paced to make a drastic change or something like that, but the Goblin who is more sensitive than a normal person, and with eyes more advanced, he could see the slight changes in the Goblin king.

It seemed to him, like the Goblin king was starting to recover from the burns with the help of his breathing in and out. It's an unbelievable scenario to think that a body that had been damaged thur far can still be recovered back to normal.

The Goblin however, wasn't going to take any chances of letting the Goblin king do as he wants and letting all his hard work of putting his body in that state go to waste just like that.

[master, I suspect he is using some sort of skill to accelerate his regenerate rate].

'i can see that Oracle, I am not blind'.

The Goblin, used his skill to hastily carve out his bow, and fires out three shots of arrrows with flames burning on the head.

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Due to the burns, the Goblin king's body was still stiff to make any agile movements like trying to stop the arrows with his brute strength or evading it by moving his body away.

What he settled for, is a roar from his mouth. A roar shocking enough that it made everything near the Goblin king blast away, the arrows included.

'a damn monster he really is. Oracle, with his strength, does that not already put him in a league of being a spiritual entity....'

[no master, his constitution isn't built on the bases of a spiritual entity, but his skill however takes his physical composition to a level rivaling a spiritual entity].

'that explains where the absurd strength he is displaying comes from'.

'why do I as a spiritual entity not have a skill that grants me even more strength, and someone who isn't a spiritual entity, gets a skill that boosts their strengths to the level of a spiritual entity?, just how messed up is all this?'.

'no, no, no. I shouldn't be thinking like that. Rather, I should be thankful I am a spiritual entity'.

'i can't imagine what would have become of me going up against his strength as a normal Goblin with my Meta Strength skill that has a crazy disadvantage on my body after use'.

'if that were to be the case, I would have died the moment I faced off against the four Generals, not even getting the chance to go toe to toe with the king'.

'being a spiritual entity, is the best thing that could have ever happened to me, and I need to understand that well enough'.

'and, I might not have a skill that multiplies my strength, the skills I do have however, are enough to compete even with his strength'.

'the Goblin king to me, isn't an unreachable opponent, he is an opponent I can go up against with confidence of coming out victorious'.

'I, will surely come out triumphant in this fight, no matter what I have to lose to make that become a reality'.