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Adventures Of A Goblin

Chapter 64 Confrontation
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Breaking the stalemate of the Orcs and goblins, is the Orc lord shouting out an order.

Following the orders of the Orc lord (representative), some of the Orcs raised their hands up and pulled it towards themselves.

The Goblin king and his Goblin subjects were surprised at the Orcs acts.

from the Goblins point of view, what the Orcs did was raise their hand and hit their chest with it.


The Goblin king questioned their reasoning for acting in such a way.

"have they gone mad?".

The Goblin king said, but he knew that could not be the case.

Not too long, they stood courageously before he and his army, boosting of how they were going to be put down by them.

To say such an army have gone mad is indeed right in the sense of being courageous.

But mad in the sense of cowardice is what the Goblin king is referring to now, their actions right now is akin to that of a coward.

The Goblin king knew that could not be the case.

They must have some sort of plan in mind to warrant them acting this way.

"what?, what is it?".

He said as he started turning his head around to see if he can find any clue leading him to why they are acting this way.

He tilted his head sideways severally and stopped for a moment.

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He stopped because he had a thought after seeing the terrain of his surroundings.

"all goblins disperse".

The Goblin king yelled out with his voice of the Goblin king skill.

the effect of the skill was fast paced as all goblins complied to it, but it was too late for them.

The trees they were surrounded by started to fall on them as they tried to separate from each other.

It was a trap set for them by the Orcs.

All the while, the Goblin king thought the Orcs were running away from them, whereas they were actually being lured into a perfectly laid out trap.

Pulling their hands close to their chest, is actually the Orcs pulling the rope tied to the trees.

They had adjusted the rope so that while they were holding unto it, it wouldn't fall.

But when pulled towards them, the trees balance will be off leading to its collapse.


the Goblin king burst out into an uncontrollable laughter as he watches his Goblin army get crushed by the trees.

"excellent. I applaud your last form of struggle for life".

"It truly is nothing short of a splendid effort".

"sadly to say, that this form of effort will do nothing but buy you only a moment of respite".

"skill, influence of the Goblin king".

The air around the Goblins who had been struggling with the trees changed.

Confidence spiking within them as one of the Goblin thrust his fist and bashed through a tree that was about to fall on him.

Another Goblin with his two hands caught hold of a tree and threw it right back at the Orcs.

A Goblin jumped up and used his bare head to split a tree in two.

All the Goblins present started to display physical prowess unbelonging to their specie.

What the Goblin horde had gotten is a massive power boost thanks to the effect of the Goblin king's skill.

A skill he got after attaining the class of a goblin King.

It raises all the stats of the subordinates under him by a hundred percent.

The Goblins fought off the trees and diminished the numbers as much as they could.

The Goblin king knew that if things kept going like this, his army will surely be at a disadvantage.

What the Orcs are aiming for is to have the Goblins exhaust their strength in dealing with the trees,

then when the trees finally stop falling, only then will the Orcs attack.

The Goblin king however wouldn't let that happen, At least not on his watch.

He intends to give his subject the support they need in taking down the Orcs with their own hands.

"skill, voice of the Goblin king".

The Goblin king in a composed manner continues to activate his skill to keep the Goblins together.

"all goblins reorganize yourselves".

"Goblin shielders at the front in an aggressive formation".

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The skill effect influence of the king gave the Goblins more strength and the effect of the skill, voice of the Goblin, calmed the Goblins mental state to adapt to the sudden situation brought on them.

As per the Goblin king's order, the Goblins with shields as weapons moved forward, while the rest of the Goblins moved themselves into the center of the shielded goblins.

Unlike earlier where the shielded goblins were set in a circled formation, this time they took on a spiral formation similar to when a snake coils itself in with its head inside and its tail outside.

In this case, the rest of the Goblins with no shields were the ones representing the head, while the Goblins with shield were the body of the snake protecting the head.

This formation not only covered the rest of the Goblins, but also completely hid them away.

The only thing that was in sight is the shield of the shielded goblins.

The trees kept on falling and no longer falling on the goblins but rather on the shields.

The Orc lord seeing that the trees were no longer doing damage to the Goblins, signaled for a direct charge.

The Orcs, roared out a war cry as they charged at the Goblins with their weapons in hand.

When the Orcs got to the shield hiding the Goblins, they banged at it fiercely, hitting the shields with their hands and weapons.

They hit at the shields with their full strength but the shield did not budge.

Some of the Orcs took to the air as they jumped up and layed waste to the shields with their enormous weight.

"goblins spread out".

The Goblins left the comfort of the shield and ran across all directions, or at least they attempted to.

The Orcs already have them all surrounded and the fight ensued.

"goblins remember, this is a fight to the death".

"An Injury will not be tolerated, you either kill your enemy or dying trying to".

The Goblin king gave out his command as he still sits on his mount and with a still unbothered expression.