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Chapter 230: Klaus' Antics
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Grey looked around when he saw people walking out, but he didn't bother about it and focused on his meal. He sent out his spiritual sense to inspect the young men who walked in. He was taken aback when he sensed that the young man with curly hair was in the Origin Plane, although it was only the First stage, it was not something you see every day, especially in such a small city.

The young man with sharp eyes was in the Late stages of the Arcane Plane. From the way he acted towards the young man with curly hair, it was easy to figure out he was trying to get on his good side.

Both young men approached the group who focused on their meals.

"Hello." The young man with sharp eyes said with a pleasant smile.


He was met with silence, neither Grey nor any of them turned to take as much as a look at him, much less replying him. Even Void didn't spare him a glance. That was what annoyed him even more.

His facial expression changed, not just him, the young man with curly hair as well as the innkeeper's expression changed as well. They couldn't believe Grey and his friends were this rude.

The young man before them was the son of Zivia's City mayor, such a big figure and he was given the cold shoulders by a group of brats!

The young man restrained himself from attacking before flashing a smile once again.

"Hello, can I have a moment please?" He asked still wearing the same smile.

"Can we help you with anything?" Reynolds stopped eating and looked at him.

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"No, I noticed you're new here, and seeing how you were scammed at the gate, I decided to help you guys while you're staying here." The young man replied.

"Oh that, well, we didn't want to waste too much time there. It's just fifty silver coins anyway." Reynolds waved with a forced chuckle.

He didn't want to speak to him, but seeing him standing there with no one answering him, he opted to talk to him. Grey couldn't be bothered with answering the young man, Klaus would most likely curse at him if he were the one who answered, and Alice was the only one who might probably talk to him properly, but she didn't want to speak to him as well, so he was forced to do it.

"Well, in our city, we don't allow good people to be scammed." The young man proclaimed.

"What about bad people?" Klaus who hadn't spoken a word asked while still eating.

The young man who was about to speak almost choked on his words when he heard Klaus' question.

'Who's this moron?' He asked himself.

He chuckled awkwardly without replying.

The young man with curly hair cleared his throat.

"Ah... Where are my manners, I'm Smith, and this is Richard." He introduced himself as well as the young man with curly hair behind him.

Reynolds looked at Richard who was behind Smith. Seeing Reynolds' gaze, Richard nodded as a sign of greeting, which Reynolds reciprocated with a wave.

"Here are your coins back, the guard has been sent to the dungeon where he would be punished for his crimes." Smith placed the coins on the table.

Other than Reynolds, no one else was speaking to Smith. This made him feel extremely awkward, but mostly angry. If not for Richard telling him not to do things aggressively, he would have already summoned the guards to beat up these fools.

He didn't know what else to say since there was literally nothing for him to speak about. Richard slowly stepped in front of him, approaching Alice.

"Helping that old man was very nice of you." He stood before her.

"Oh, thank you." Alice finally raised her head to look at the young man who was standing before her.

She didn't see anything special about him, maybe it was because she was always with Grey and Klaus which made her expect all guys to be just as handsome, or at the very least, at Reynolds' level. But, this guy was below Reynolds, making her feel somewhat totally uninterested.

"It's nice meeting you, I'm Richard." Richard stretched out his hands.

"Alice, those are Reynolds, Klaus, and the Grey." Alice introduced the others to them as well, but she refused to shake his hand.

Richard withdrew his hand but still wore a smile, "I'd like to invite over to stay at the mayor's villa. If that's okay with you?"

Alice was about to refuse when she saw Klaus nodding his head. Even Grey looked at Klaus a little surprised.

'Since when was this bastard so friendly?'

The trio who was familiar with him thought.

"Forgive me, I've been too hungry which made me a little angry. We'd love to go to the mayor's villa with you." Klaus stood up and shook Richard's hand.

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"Haha, it's okay, I can understand how you feel." Richard chuckled while shaking Klaus' hand.

"It's good you understand, why don't we go now?" Klaus asked.

"Sure, if it's okay with your friends." Richard nodded.

"They're good with it. I feel a strong connection with you, it's like we're meant to be friends, can we be friends?" Klaus asked, leaving Grey and the others speechless.

"Of course." Richard replied.

He didn't care about Klaus or any of the other boys, but if it will bring Alice closer to him, he didn't mind befriending them, for now.

"Haha great! As my friend, why don't you help us with the bills for our meal? You see, we were robbed on the way here." Klaus laughed before saying the last part with a sad expression.


Everyone around the table exclaimed, including Grey and his friends, but they quickly hid their expressions so it wouldn't look like Klaus was lying. Well, he was lying, but they didn't know what he was planning, so they had to play along.

Richard had an awkward expression when he heard this, but he quickly put on a forced smile.

"Of course, take this as my first gift to you." He laughed softly.

"Haha, great!" Klaus laughed, "Come on guys, let's go to the mayor's villa!"

'And cause some havoc.' He added to himself.