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Chapter 275: Cowards?
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"Haha, great! Now we're roommates." Klaus said as they walked back to his house.

Grey nodded, but still felt disgruntled inside. Although living with Klaus would be fun and all, he liked the privacy he previously had in his house. Each house in the Academy had only one room, so either he slept in the parlor, or he would sleep alongside Klaus in the room, none wasn't that bad since it was Klaus.

'I can't stay in Teacher's house since he's not around. I'll have to make a small shack like his that I can stay in whenever I go there.' thought Grey.

"Crap!" Grey suddenly stopped before muttering.

"What's wrong?" asked Reynolds.

"I just realized I'm currently clothless, Shit!" Grey rubbed his forehead a little depressed.

If he knew something like this would happen, he would've kept his clothes in his storage ring.

"You'll get new ones, no need to worry about it." Klaus shrugged before adding, "Have you forgotten about the coins we took from that mayor's mansion?"

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After hearing this, Grey recalled about it and nodded. He had forgotten about the coins they stole from the mayor's villa.

'It's probably because I'm too worked up from what I was doing.' thought Grey.

"Oh, and Grey." Klaus suddenly called, after seeing Grey look at him, he said, "Please don't do that in my house as well, or we'll likely have to move to Reynolds' house."

Reynolds laughed out when he heard Klaus begging Grey not to cause his house to explode as he did to his.

"It was an accident," Grey said with a long face.

"I know, I'm only begging you not to repeat it in my house." Klaus with a chuckle, before adding, "You can totally do it in Reys house though, I don't think he would mind."

They continued messing around with Grey till they got to Klaus' house. They stayed together till later in the day, and for the first time in three days, Grey took a long break from working. This break was much needed since other than spending a few hours with his friends during the past three days, he focused more on his work.

The next day, Grey went for his normal morning training, but didn't come back to Klaus' house, he went to his Teacher's valley to continue his research. His friends would be leaving soon so he had to complete his work before they left the Academy. His small breakthrough from the previous helped shorten the time of his work since he was starting to get it. Now, all he wanted to do was find a way to create the little difference in the arrays on the wooden object he was working on.

One week later.

At the gate of the Lunar Academy.

The four friends could be seen standing just outside the gate with one of them carrying a backpack, from the looks of it, it seemed like the person was about to leave.

"Can't you stay a little longer? I'm already almost done with them." Grey asked Reynolds who held his backpack tightly.

"I'm sorry bud, but I can't stay longer. Don't worry you wouldn't have any problems with locating me, just head to Hildrias City. My family can easily be found in the city." Reynolds apologized to his friends.

"Okay, take this with you. Although you might not be able to locate me with it, I can find you once I'm done with the first one." Grey handed one of the wooden objects he just finished making to him.

Reynolds took it before bidding his farewell to his friends, "We'll see each other soon."

With that, he decisively turned around and headed to Lunar City, he needed a horse since Hildrias City wasn't close to Lunar City.

Grey and the others watched on as Reynolds' shadow disappeared from view.

"*Sigh* We're left with just us now." Klaus sighed while looking at the duo left.

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He too would be leaving soon as well, and unlike Reynolds, he wasn't the one who was making the decision.

"Yeah, I'll need to work faster. It'll be a shame if I'm still not done with them yet when you guys are leaving as well." Grey said with determination.

"No need to work yourself up bud, the worst-case scenario is that you'll just give us a wooden object like the one you gave to Rey." Klaus comforted Grey as they headed back inside the Academy.

"Yeah, take it one step at a time." added Alice.

Grey nodded and looked around the Academy compound, in the end, he would be alone in here soon. He had always expected what he wanted to do to be difficult, so having to already make some progress was something he should be proud of. But seeing that his friends would most likely leave one by one before he was done annoyed him.

After going back to Klaus' house, he headed straight to his Teacher's valley, he left Void with Klaus so he could check on them with him since they could communicate from such a distance.

Three days went by when a piece of news spread across the Academy, the principal had resigned, as well as all the head Instructors in the Academy. Most of the highly ranked Instructors were leaving the Academy, sending the students into disarray.

Grey was left dumbstruck by the news, he didn't think most of the Instructors would be leaving as well. This made him feel there was something bigger going on behind the scenes. He had always felt the sudden resignation of the Principal, as well as his wanting to leave the city was strange, coupled with this news, he felt unsettled staying in the Academy. Even Instructor Blake was leaving as well.

Different rumors spread around the Academy regarding the sudden resignation of the Principal, the Head Instructors, and most of the highly ranked Instructors in the Academy. The one which spread around most was that their resignation had something to do with the upcoming war. According to it, the Principal is afraid of fighting against the Azure empire, and that he was a coward. He coerced the Head Instructors and the other Instructors into leaving the Academy as well.

No one knew where this rumor came from, but as soon as it came out, it spread over the Academy like wildfire, even the people in the city knew of it.