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Chapter 532: Deathmatch
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Grey stood on the stage, as he waited for Catherine to walk onto the stage.

Just as she was about to step onto the stage, a young man with a black mask covering his face, leaving only his eyes, walked up to block her.

"He's mine," The young man said.

"You can do as you wish," Catherine shrugged, before turning around.

Grey, who was on the stage saw this and was a little baffled as to why Catherine went back.

The young man stepped onto the stage, walking straight in his direction.

"I'm Ezel, ranked sixteenth on the geniuses rankings. I have a bone to pick with you," He said, straightforwardly.

"I do not know you, nor have I offended you before. And, you're clearly not the one I challenged, I'll be happy if you can head out and let her come on stage," Grey said, pointing at Catherine who was outside the stage.

He didn't know this guy, nor did he care what this guy had in mind to do with him. All he wanted to do was to fight for a spot in the top twenty before leaving the Acer region.

"You killed my brother, and I want to avenge him." Ezel squinted his barely visible eyes, before adding, "I challenge you to a deathmatch,"

"This, again?" Grey was stumped by his challenge.

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Since the competition started, he was the only one who had been challenged to a deathmatch, twice! He didn't even know what he did to deserve such attention.

"You remember now?" Ezel man asked.

"That guy from yesterday? If yes, then heads up, I haven't seen him since leaving the arena yesterday. If he was killed by someone, then it must've been as a result of his own stupidity. Go and find out who killed him and stop bothering me," Grey said, not backing down.

Technically, he was speaking the truth. Although Sylvia was the one who killed him, he didn't actually witness the crime, nor did he even see him after leaving the arena.

"Hmph! You're the one he followed, so you must have a hand in it," Ezel snorted, not willing to believe Grey's words.

"You know what? Fine, I accept your challenge," Grey said coldly, an icy aura radiating from him as he said this.


The entire arena was abuzz when they saw Ezel stepping on the stage. They were further shocked by his challenge. But Grey accepting it was what crowned it all, making them excited when thinking about the prospect of a blood-boiling match.

In contrast to the previous battles, this one would definitely be more exciting since both fighters would be going for the kill, instead of just trying to eliminate their opponents.

Grey was a young prodigy who shot to fame a few days ago, Ezel had been known for quite a while now.

Even though Ezel was in the Third stage of the Overlord Plane, no one here was confident he would be able to obtain victory easily. Grey had shown his strength and perseverance when he fought against the young man previously ranked fifteenth.

If Grey could hold his own against him, while also being aware of the happenings around him, then he should have a chance against Ezel.


Grey turned to look at the supervisor as if saying he had changed his opponent to Ezel.

The supervisor didn't need any more words before asking if both fighters were ready, after getting confirmation from the duo, he called for the start of the battle.


A gust of wind blew across the entire stage, as Ezel's figure moved quickly, charging towards Grey.

'A Wind Elementalist,' He thought internally before wrapping himself with the lightning element.

Buzz! Bang! Bam!

He also moved quickly towards Ezel, sending out an attack that was easily dodged by his opponent. Ezel countered after dodging, but Grey was also able to dodge his attack.

The duo didn't stop, raining lightning-quick attacks on each other.

Boom! Bam! Bang!

A powerful force dragged Grey towards Ezel, before sending him flying.

This was one of Ezel's special moves, sucking the air in front of him with the wind element, forcefully pulling his opponent towards him before sending them flying.

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The reason he didn't allow Grey to get close to him was that he was a little wary of him.

Grey landed on the ground, feeling slightly woozy from the force that dragged him towards Ezel, and without wasting any time, he dodged to the sides as some wind blades were sent towards him.

Swoosh! Bam! Boom!

Grey once again wrapped himself with the lightning element, shooting towards Ezel. This time, he learned from his previous lesson and didn't charge towards him from the front.

He sent out fireballs as well as lightning arrows at him, to help distract him while he went close.

Ezel, seeing this didn't panic, spreading out his hands, a powerful repelling wind spread out with him at the center.

Grey, who was rushing towards him was once again sent flying by the unexpected wind attack, finding it difficult to retain his footing.

Just as his legs were about to touch the ground, he felt a powerful attractive force, pulling him towards Ezel.

'Shit! His control over the wind element is massive!' Grey exclaimed.

He couldn't deny it, his opponent was well above other Wind Elementalists he had faced.

As his body helplessly shot towards Ezel without his control, he hastily created an inscription behind Ezel.

He attacked with the inscription when he was around twenty meters away from Ezel.

Ezel sensed the attack, dodging to the side. This made Grey heave a sigh since he was no longer in front of him. But his expression turned when he realized his attack was heading straight towards his moving body which he still hadn't been able to control.



The fire attack crashed into his body, stopping it from its rapid movement. Because the attack was from an inscription, and he wasn't in the best of states, it was difficult for him to regain control of it.