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After divorce, Ex-wife Revealed Identities

Chapter 163
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Franklin took out his phone with a calm face. "I'll ask Jasper." Brayden was in a ward on the fifth floor.

Brayden said with dissatisfaction, "Franklin said he needed my help, so | hurried here. But he asked me to pretend to be sick!" "Take it easy, Master Brayden. Mr. Maskelyne has had the whole floor to you." Jasper pressed Brayden down to the bed and covered him with the quilt.

"I don't want this at all." Brayden was very speechless.

He thought it was a shame to do so.

He couldn't understand why Franklin asked him to do so.

"Mr. Maskelyne said he would give you three days off and a set of the latest fishing equipment if you did a good job." "Really?" Brayden's eyes lit up.

He had wanted a set of fishing equipment for a long time, but it was too expensive for him to buy.

Extravagance was not allowed in the Wright family.

Now that Franklin was willing to buy him the equipment, Brayden would certainly agree.

Just then, footsteps came from outside the door of the ward. Brayden hurriedly pretended to cough with a weak look.

Franklin knocked on the door, and Jasper hurriedly opened the door. "Good afternoon, Mr. Maskelyne and Miss Andrews." Sylvia nodded at Jasper, and then said to Brayden, who was lying on the bed, "Why didn't you tell me you were hospitalized?" Brayden coughed violently as he said, "It is not a big deal. | don't want to bother you." Sylvia calmly looked at Brayden's face, which was red because of coughing. "Master Brayden, did you get an IV drip? What does the fluid contain?" Brayden's mind was blank. He didn’t expect such a question.

But he said quickly, "I didn't pay attention to it. It seemed to be about anti-inflammatory.” "If you have an IV drip, why is there no needle hole on the back of your hand?" Sylvia coldly said, lifting the quilt with one hand.

"What do you and Franklin want to do?" Brayden was hopeless! He screwed it up.

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And he wouldn't get the fishing equipment! Sylvia glared at Franklin, turned around, and left.

Franklin hurriedly caught her arm. "Honey, just stop and listen to me" "For what? You joined with your friends to lie to me." Sylvia was expressionless, so Franklin couldn't figure out whether she was angry or not.

"Let me explain." Franklin grabbed her wrist. "I did not mean to do it. | just want to see you, so | came to the hospital. | want to..." "Stop it. | don't know if you're telling the truth or not, and | don't care. It has nothing to do with me anyway." Sylvia shrugged Franklin off and continued to walk towards the door.

"| just wanted to go to the emergency room and call you in like what | did last time, only to run into you in the corridor," Franklin said anxiously.

But his words made Sylvia angrier.

"Can you stop being childish?" Sylvia glanced at Franklin.

She thought he must be insane! Just then, a nurse rushed over, "Dr. Sylvia, your grandmother is awake." "I'm going over there now." Sylvia nodded and walked towards the ward where Kira was.

Franklin followed her without any hesitation.

Kira looked very bad, lying weakly on the hospital bed. With a needle pricked into the back of her hand, the medicine was infused into her body drop by drop.

She was exhausted.

She looked around the surroundings and found it was not the attic or any other place in the Andrews family.

And for a moment, Kira heard the footsteps and Sylvia's voice, "Grandma, how are you?" "Sibbie," Kira turned her head to look at Sylvia in surprise.

She couldn't help but reach out her hand, and Sylvia hurriedly held it. "Grandma, why didn’t you call me when you were sick?" "I don't want to cause you any trouble.” Kira sighed, "It is nothing serious, and I'll be fine soon." "Grandma, what are you talking about? I'm your granddaughter.” Sylvia looked at her worriedly.

"That's why | don't want to bother you." Helped up by Sylvia, Kira looked at Sylvia lovingly, "It's not easy for you to earn money." "But why did you never tell me what Dad did to you? If | hadn't happened to go back to visit you, | couldn't have known that you were living in the attic!" Sylvia's eyes were full of anger.

"It's not bad to live in the attic. It's pretty quiet," Kira said with a smile.

"Grandma, please live with me after you are discharged from the hospital. | will not let you go back to suffer anymore." Sylvia held her hand. "l live in a villa with some friends. You've seen the twin brothers. They are easy to get along with." "No need. Sylvia, | am too old to live with young people." Kira shook her head. "I have a son, so | should live with him." "Grandma, please don't be so stubborn," Sylvia said with a pleading tone.

"Grandma, this is for you," Franklin said in a husky tone. Kira looked up in surprise and saw him step into the ward.

She thought this young man was very spirited.

She had seen countless people. But Franklin was the most handsome one she had ever seen.

Kira was a little confused. "Who are you?" "I am Franklin, Sylvia's friend. I'm here to visit you." Franklin put the flowers in his hand on the table, followed by Jasper, who was carrying several boxes of nutritional products.

"I didn't know you have such a handsome friend," Kira whispered to Sylvia.

Sylvia was speechless.

She didn't expect Franklin to come.

This man was getting more insane.

"| forget to tell you about him," Sylvia said with a shrug.

"You're so polite. | hope Sibbie didn't cause too much trouble for you," Kira said very politely.

The more she looked at Franklin, the more satisfied she was.

"No, I'm the one who always causes trouble for her," Franklin glanced at Sylvia and then said.

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"It's good that you know it," Sylvia said expressionlessly.

Words failed Franklin.

Kira smiled. "Sylvia, it's not impolite to say that to your friend." Sylvia did not say anything.

Franklin found it interesting that Sylvia was so obedient before Kira.

There was no doubt Sylvia attached great importance to Kira.

This was interesting.

"Please sit down, Franklin." Kira greeted Franklin amiably.

A smile played on the corner of Franklin.

As the president of Maskelyne Group, Franklin was always flattered.

Hence, this was his first time being treated like an ordinary person.

He could clearly feel the sincerity in Kira's eyes.

Her eyes were kind and calm.

Even abused by her son and daughter-in-law, she was not very angry and resentful.

She just calmly faced this.

Franklin appreciated her upbeat attitude to life.

Maybe only the old like Kira who had gone through ups and downs could have such an attitude to life.