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Arpious of the Planes

Chapter 67 Planning The Adventurers Guild
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We walked through town without many people questioning who the strange woman that walked with Akitos party was.

Searching every nook and cranny of my kingdom, I finally found Akio who was helping build a large house. Actually, the neighborhood here is made of multiple large houses meaning that this is a neighborhood for the rich.

Pretty sure all of them are large business owners since being an adventurer doesn't give you much money. You can only sell the monsters you sell for money so it's pretty much only for fun or passion. But that is the reason why I'm creating an adventurer guild.

"My queen, is there something you needed from me?" Akio asks after releasing his… is that earth magic?


[Name: Akio]

[Race: Elf]

[Status: Direct Subordinate]

[Level: 11/50]

[HP: 80/80 MP: 100/100 SP: 40/40]

[Strength: 10]

[Defense: 10]

[Magic: 30]

[Speed: 25]

[Luck: 1]

[Charisma: 10]

[Skills: [Body Enhancement] [Wind Control] [Earth Magic] [Boost] [Summon: Golem] [Crystal Manipulation] [Inspect]

[Titles: [Direct Subordinate] [Housing Designer]

My jaw dropped at seeing he had [Inspect].

"H-how did you get [Inspect] so fast," I ask with my eyebrow slightly twitching.

"It was pretty easy actually. I've been inspecting so many stones and ore lately that I don't even need [Inspect] to know what type of ore or rock it is. If I had to guess how many ores and stones I had to inspect daily would probably be in the thousands," Akio says with a smile.

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Damn… I guess he deserves it, unlike me who just obtained it through eating somebody who has the skill.


"I need your help to build something. It will benefit the adventurers greatly and make the kingdom most likely flow better,"

"What is that you would like to build," Akio says, clearly interested in my proposal.

Not like he was going to refuse it anyway.

"I'm going to build something called an adventurers guild. Basically, we will have a building that gives out requests put in by the citizens and the guild. No matter it is from just a simple task as cleaning to slaying a dangerous monster.

This will help nameless people become popular through their own efforts and allow them to rise through the ranks of my kingdom.

The ranks will go from bronze, silver, gold, platinum, and diamond. The higher their rank the more benefits the kingdom will give access to them, be it money or land, or maybe even military support.

But in order to rise through the ranks, you have to complete quests that are the same ranks, bronze, silver, gold, platinum, and diamond.

A bronze quest would be something like picking plants or helping clean a store.

But this is where it gets interesting. With silver, through diamond, they will be helping with military disputes and defeating monsters.

The more dangerous the monster the higher the reward but they will be for their respective rank. I would like you guys to make a ranking system for some monsters since we don't have a way to identify their deadliness," I explain.

Explaining some of the more minor details including the money I finally asked Akio for a bit of leather to draw the design.

Drawing down the design Akio nodded his head and immediately gathered some of his subordinates to help with the design.

"Excuse me my queen, but why are we needed here?" Akito asks.

"You remember how I talked about rankings for monsters, well I want you guys to gather some people who would seem talented in working at the front desk of this job and then work with them to figure out the rankings. I thought you guys would be the best since I assume you've fought all kinds of monsters, even some I haven't fought,"

"As you wish," Akito says before gesturing for his party to leave with him.

Hmmm… I think Mia the waitress lives around here. Nobody would've thought a waitress lives in one of these large houses. The only problem is that… I actually don't know where her house is. She gave me a rough design but it just looks like every house in this neighborhood.

Before going to search for her I made sure Akio had no problems with the design.

"Alright, build them almost as frequently as restaurants and make sure they are always spaced out," I said.

"As you wish," Akio says.

Walking away, I decided to start looking for Mia at the restaurant.

It didn't take me long to arrive at the restaurant but I didn't see Mia. I decided to ask the owner where she went and he said that she actually opened up her own restaurant not too far from here. He was pissed off by my attitude but after revealing my identity with some of my skills he quickly became obedient.

"Do you know the directions?"

"Forgive me, I don't know. The only reason I know how she opened her own restaurant is that before she left, she said that I should check it out sometime, once it's big," says the owner.

"Alright thanks," I say before giving him a gold coin as payment for the information.


While searching for the restaurant I decided to check my status at the same time to see what I can work on next.


[Name: Arpious]

[Race: Lamassu of Ancient Fires]

[Status: None]

[Servants: 3]

[Subordinates: 7]

[Pets: 1]

[Level: 1/100]

[HP: 700/700 MP: 500/500 SP: 500/500]

[Strength: 170 (+25) (+25) (+25)]

[Defense: 170]

[Magic: 170 (+25) (+25) (+25)]

[Speed: 170 (+25) (+25) (+25)]

[Luck: 2]

[Charisma: 50]

[Skills: [******] [Forbidden Magic: Zeus's Nimbus] [Mind Magic] [Shadow Magic (4/10)] [Poison Immunity] [Disease Immunity] [Virus] [Forbidden Magic: Medusa] [Fire Immunity] [Lightning Resistance] [Flying Sense] [Domain of the Night (Locked)] [Ancient Fire Magic: Amaterasu] [Ancient Fire Magic: Ichimei] [Inspect] [Gluttons Stomach] [Pickpocket] [Concentration] [Seeds of the Ancient Fires] [Evolution Switch] [Gold Manipulation] [Concentration] [Assimilation] [Weather Manipulation: Wind and Rain] [Mystic Arm] [The Art of Sex: 3] [Blood Craving Army Enhancement] [Lavas Will] [Commanding Guardian Phoenixes Presence] [Heightened 5 Senses and More]


"Oh, I still don't know what [Seeds of the Ancient Fires] and [Evolution Switch] do… I'll try them out later since I think this is the restaurant," I say peeking through the windows.

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It was a wood and stone restaurant just like every restaurant in the area. It didn't stand out too much and it doesn't even have a name so it was pretty hard to find it. I was only able to find her due to me activating [Heightened 5 Senses and More].

I could see the fire harpy with long red hair and a slightly curvy body. (A/N - Hi… I might have forgotten to describe what Mia looks like so this gives you a rough image.) Even when she was in the kitchen to help cook I could see her. Though it is harder to see somebody through a wall if there is at least one crack then I can see most of the people in there. If there are people using stealth it will be 10x harder to find them though.

It's kind of like echolocation, is it no…? I'm definitely going to go hunting after I finish the venom bowl. I really need to get a full grasp on my skills since I've just been dabbling with their power.

After the fight with the Golden Mountain Bear Queen, I realized that I'm not using my skills to their full potential.

The queen will always hinder me and if I send out my assassin corps she might try and destroy it. Also, she could easily grow back that army within a week to a month.


The air around me became incredibly thick as the surrounding citizens had trouble breathing.

Piece of shit… I'll definitely kill her. She might even come to find me since we hate each other equally as much.


Calming myself down, I decided to enjoy this moment of peace first.

"Hello, just one seat," I say before following the waiter.

Sitting down, I ask to speak with the owner of the store. The waiter panics as he didn't know what he did wrong but I just continued to smile.

He ran to the kitchen then came back out with an angry Mia.

"What do you want! We haven't even served you food yet!" yells Mia.


I'm going to continue wearing my crown no matter the outfit just so I don't have to deal with these annoying situations.

"Mia, it's me. Arpious,"

Looking closer, she sees my eyes which were slightly covered by the shadows of the room.

"M-my queen, please forgive my rudeness," Mia says bowing.

"It's fine, I decided to wear casual clothes today but I thought most people would recognize me by my eyes but apparently not many know what my eyes actually look like," I say.

"W-well then, what would you like to order,"

"What drinks do you have?" I ask.

"Water, Tea, Juice," says Mia.

"I'll have some tea please,"