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Ascension of the Nephilim

Chapter 157 - Before We Finish This
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The power of Holy Beam was majestically strong. The attack had penetrated through the dark shield. The Blood Calamity instantly allowed them to let herself be thrown back when the attack was about to penetrate the shield.

Her calculated loss of resistance sent her flying but allowed her to escape most parts of the attack.

She was flying back and crashing on numerous things.

The beam itself kept on shoot out, and as Kyros's arm was only raised through Calaminus's tackle, the attack swayed to the side, hitting many pillars and even attacked the location where the Blood Calamity was sealed.

Kyros saw that his attack wounded the Blood Calamity, causing her blood to be spilled on the floor when the shield was penetrated through. Her arm was even severed in the process of the attack.

Byt Kyros was without any other aces. The Holy Beam used up all the Holy energy in the Temple, and Kyros didn't have any other energy left.

He moved with great desperation and threw himself to the blood of the Blood Calamity that was on the floor.

"Kyros. If you go into a Dark Maddening state, you may not necessarily meet Kyriachos!"

"I know! And even If I do, I probably will still die as getting back my consciousness drains a lot of mana. But I don't have a choice! Calaminus, get ready to detach your soul and escape!"

"No! There is still away. When you came back, I sensed that you only focused your consciousness on a very small part of your body. I can do that! My ability Time Keeper can allow preserving the time flowing in a very small area!" Calaminus explained.

Kyros smiled when he heard this. All forms of hesitancy disappeared, and he moved faster towards the blood. There was no hope! There was a chance to fight back!

With a final pull from his two wearied arms, Kyros was right over the blood drops that were left. Kyros drank it all from the ground.

The Dark Maddening didn't immediately appear, and Kyros was slowly regaining a portion of his strength. The rich soul energy from the blood drops allowed Kyros to recover it quickly.

"So not all of her blood is like those blood drops that can produce Soul Avatars." Kyros noticed that the blood didn't have the same soul energy as the other blood drops had.

Kyros was now able to move better and managed to stand up. He quickly moved towards the trail of blood that was one a distant part.

With the Bloodied Sword being dragged on the ground, Kyros could absorb more and more of the blood as he was walking. Finally, he caught sight of his main meal. The severed arm of the Blood Calamity was in sight!

Kyros ran like mad as he could sense dark energy rising behind the numerous pillars. The hateful cries of the Blood Calamity could be heard.

"Kyros. The Corruption is getting worse. Even your Soul Console can't defend it all! Should I use it now?"

"Not yet! Save it for when I feast on that arm!" Kyros shouted as he rushed for the arm.

The Blood Calamity appeared as she hurled a large rock towards Kyros.

"Die!" The Blood Calamity shouted.

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The weakened body of Kyros could not find the strength to evade the incoming rock. Even with his dexterity, he was just too weak to move.

But as the rock was about to hit Kyros...

[Calaminus used Tackle!]


Kyros was pushed forward with a swift force and allowed Kyros to evade the rock.

"Damn you!" The Blood Calamity roared and began to charge forward. Her body was slowly repelling the light energy that had entered and affected her soul and was slowly gaining the strength to move.

"Calaminus! Keep doing that! She's having trouble harnessing dark energy from that attack!" Kyros ordered.

[Calaminus used Tackle!]

[Calaminus used Tackle!]

[Calaminus used Tackle!]

Kyros was being thrown forward from the tackle, and Kyros focused on keeping his body up and not falling down to the ground. He was so weak that he knew stumbling down would mean death. The Blood Calamity would catch up.

"Hurry! It's not enough! She'll catch up!" Calaminus kept urging.

"You'd have to distract her!" Kyros shouted as he readied his sword and took aim to stab the severed arm.

With the last tackle, Calaminus moved towards another area.

The Blood Calamity drew closer and finally was able to run. She sprinted and began screaming as her remaining arm was covered in a thick layer of blood-forming a sword. She ran and was about to leap at Kyros when...

[Calaminus used Taunt!]

"Blood Calamity! Your death is here!" Calaminus shouted and changed his voice into a domineering and god-like sounding man with echoes and reverberating powers.

The Blood Calamity was startled and changed the direction of the leap instinctively out of fear.

"Who?!" She shouted.

"Hmp! Let me ask you this, Blood Calamity! Does your menstrual blood for Soul Avatars?" Calaminus questioned with great dignity.

"Wha-What?!" The Blood Calamity was confused.

"I can't believe I got saved by such a stupid question!" Kyros's curse was heard to the side as the Bloodied Sword drained the arm that it withered.

The Dark Maddening began to take over Kyros's body, but Calaminus zoomed back in and activated it.

"[Time Keeper]!" Calaminus harnessed the amount of time he had saved since he learned the ability and created True Delay for a split second.

Kyros's right eye was all that remained as the other parts of his soul fell into the darkness once more.

But it was enough.

"[Skotos Eis Phos]!" Kyros shouted.

A quick flash of light appeared, and the emerging darkness began to fade.

The Blood Calamity cursed as she jumped back to evade the flash.

But unlike before, the explosion of light wasn't massive. Instead, it was more of a flickering light that immediately disappeared.

[Skotos Eis Phos Level 2 reached!]

"Your mastery in using it increased!" Calaminus rejoiced.

Unlike before, Kyros drained all the darkness and allowed it to explode into light. But this time, Kyros was able to create a flicker of light that weakened the powers of the Dark Maddening.

Kyros could still feel the raging effects and began to harness the light energy. When Kyros drank the blood in the arm, Kyros divided the gained energy into his body and the Dark Core.

When Kyros awakened Kyriachos True Darkness, his Dark Core had received several level-ups.

And so, Kyros placed more of the energy of the blood there so that it won't add the Dark Maddening effect. Then, with his Dark Core now having a substantial amount of energy, Kyros used Skotos Eis Phos to continuously purge the effects of the Dark Maddening in his body.

Kyros retrieved a common shield from the Temple. His ransacks gave him several shields, and although he gave most of the powerful shields to his men and family, he still kept a few shields and spare weapons for himself.

The shield was glowing with holy energy as Kyros kept releasing a holy light.

"Now, Blood Calamity. We fight with my full strength." Kyros smiled.

[Taunt activated.]

The Blood Calamity gritted her teeth. The blood moved out of her body, and her arm was complete once more.

"So only a few parts of your blood has that Soul powers of yours. It makes sense. It would be too illogical if all your blood were like that. You'd probably be a Fallen by then." Kyros laughed.

"I must say... I am rather impressed with your resourcefulness. And to think you have a wisp of the soul of a God in you."

"God? Don't you mean Fallen? Your senses must be confused. Who do you think talked to you earlier? It was Lord Kyriachos breaching the dark seals in my soul to distract you. But he has a rather curious question. Does your menstrual blood create Soul Avatars? I must admit, even though he is an eccentric Fallen, he does have some good points."

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"So it really was Lord Kyriachos. Then this is even better. If I feast on you, I will have Lord Kyriachos's Code in me!"

"Don't bite on something you can't chew." Kyros laughed.

"Let's begin! [Knight's Charge]!" Kyros harnessed the Force energy and erupted forward.

"Fool!" The Blood Calamity spun and did a powerful roundhouse kick with dark energy harnessed on her leg.


Kyros was sent flying, but suddenly, the chains were thrown out as Kyros abandoned the wrecked shield that took on the full might of the kick.

Kyros used the chains to throw him towards the wrecked altar, and he stabbed on the wing.

"Fooled you! I was after this! Your wings!"

[Deception activated.]

[Taunt activated.]

"Hahaha!" The Blood Calamity laughed.

"Wasn't it you who said these words? Don't bite on something you can't chew?" The Blood Calamity continued to laugh as if Kyros did the most stupid thing.

Kyros turned his attention to the wings on the ground and could see that the wings had no blood in them! There wasn't even a trace of darkness in it!

"I took all the darkness and blood from those wings when I broke out of that seal!"

"S-s-so? Thi-this was my plan all along!" Kyros defiantly declared.

[Acting activated.]

"I now know that you aren't as full of energy as you claim to be. Any last words before we finish this?"

"NEWT!" Kyros called out in First Word language.

"...? What?" The Blood Calamity was confused as to why Kyros suddenly spoke in First Word.

"Worth a shot." Kyros sighed.

"Anyway, let's get it on!" Kyros stored his sword and clasped his hands together. Bright holy energy appeared.

"Take this! Proton Cannon!" Kyros shouted, and the Blood Calamity quickly raised her shield.

"Just kidding. I don't have enough power to shoot a canon. But I will use my powers to bend the light waves to turn me and my surroundings invisible like that hot member of that fantastic family. So prepare to get assassinated by a Paladin Assassin!" Kyros laughed.

[Deception activated.]

The moment the Blood Calamity placed down her shield, Kyros was no longer visible!

"Damn you!" The Blood Calamity cursed as she was tricked.