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Ascension of the Nephilim

Chapter 191 - Certain Sacrifices
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When the ghouls and the two knights attacked, a strange miracle occurred. They were not at all affected by the effects of [Gravity Field]. 

And this aided them as they could move normally and how the Thane felt the heavy sensation in their bodies.

But as the Thane Dragons were too focused on eating the dracanae ghouls, it did not even spare a thought to test how wide the area of effects was. Since the ghouls still moved fast, they concluded that the strange magic of the woman simply did not affect her allies.

The five began to attack and devour the dracanae greedily. 

One of the Thanes actually thought about flying, and when he was about to attack, the berserked Hems jumped, and the surviving dracanae ghouls jumped and caught on him, making the Thane Dragon curse.

With an angry grunt, the Thane smashed the ghouls that jumped on him, slammed Hems to the ground, and lunged down.

"Stop! We agreed to divide everything equally! Two ghouls each, and we shall all have an equal share of that human!" A Thane angrily cursed.

"He provoked me! I deserve this bite! I eat what I kill!"

"Stop! We made an agreement!" Another Thane shouted as he revealed that Hemsey was in his hands.

"If you have complaints, go and kill the other one! Didn't we agree before that we can eat whatever we kill, and it depends on skill?" The Thane instantly bit down.

The other Thane sent his tail to attack, but the first Thane fought back and the two tails collided in mid-air.


The attack of the two created a powerful shockwave that threw the nearby ghouls to stumble.

Another fang lunged in and was not aiming for the Thane but Hems, who was in his hands.

The Thane dragon pulled Hems up, and the first Thane missed.

The group began to argue and fight. They would attack and block each other. But each attack would leave a tremendous impact.

Soon the effects of the [Gravity Field] disappeared.

In the middle of the scuffle, the Thane holding Hems pulled Hems close to his mouth, and he bit down.


And just like that, Hems died.

The Thane bit down and ripped off his upper torso. The dark powers that covered Hems disappeared, and his body reverted to his human form.

"Delicious! This human is amazing! It's even better than those ghouls!" The Thane laughed.

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The others shouted angrily, and they began to fight over Hemsey.

Hemsey was now being fought over. 

Just like Hems, his attacks were meaningless, and the Dark Maddening only helped him increase his vitality so much so that he didn't die from the being grappled and how the Thane Dragons were trying to rip him apart.

The Thanes continued to pull and were slowly ripping apart during the scuffle. Even the Thane that killed Hems was fighting hard to acquire Hemsey.

Martha stood and observed the scenes below. She drew her bow and was ready to let loose the arrows.

But even though she took no action, Hunter didn't complain. He knew what Martha's plan was. He could even feel Fate's whisper. They could finally win. But this would cost them...

"I will not ask again. But are you all sure?" Martha asked.

All eighteen surviving slaves had agreed to do this.

The younger slaves were trembling, but they did not say a word.

"My Lady. We'll all die anyway. I might as well use my life to kill those beasts. In a way, I would be half a dragon slayer, right?" One of the slaves chuckled.

"These three brave knights convinced us of the benevolence of this family. My only regret is not being able to join you in the joys. But I'm happy that such a powerful family is the last family that I will serve." Another added.

"I... don't even know your names." Martha tried to contain her trembling voice.

"You can ask Myas after this. You should start now, my lady."

Martha was silent, but she waited.

"Not yet. You understand. Right, Hunter?" Martha believed Hunter knew but asked anyway so to ensure that Hunter did not get any wrong ideas.

"Yes, My Lady. The dragons don't know that they are expending more of their energy. You are maximizing it. Certain sacrifices must be made to win this battle. I just... don't understand why Destiny hasn't told them yet."

"Destiny can't. Whatever energy or force Destiny can expend have been wasted in teaching these dragons to undergo an evolution." Martha spoke as her arm trembled.

"My Lady. Hems and Hemsey know their duties. The priority is keeping you alive. Besides... With Lord Kyros, who knows if he can resurrect the dead? We are his Coven, after all. Our ties shouldn't be that weak that death can separate us." Hunter consoled. He could see that Martha was fighting the instinct to shoot the arrows.

Hunter's voice was stable, but the truth was, his heart was being ripped out just as Hemsey's limbs were. 

The scuffle between the dragons had killed the nearby ghouls. However, none of the ghouls remained intact as others would get crushed or munched off as the dragons fought for Hemsey.

"This is Fate's doing..." Martha realized it.

"You sought this circumstance from Fate?" Martha asked Hunter.

"Yes. All of us were willing to bet our lives. The moment we did, we found the answer. If we can make certain sacrifices, we could achieve the previously impossible directions of Fate. When we were willing to throw our lives away, Fate imparted the impression to help us get the answer. And here it is. The sacrifices of Hems and Hemsey not only brought you to this favorable position, but it is maximizing the expenditure of the Thane dragons."

"With Destiny silent, their Paths of Combat have even weakened. It should be anytime soon. Hunter. I leave you to retrieve and stab out the dagger and sword." Martha ordered.

"Yes, My lady." Hunter bowed and made preparations. He turned back to the slaves and bowed in apology.

The slaves were silent, but some smiled back at him, trying to do what they could to console the pain in Hunter's heart.

Finally, Martha sensed it.

"Hunter. Begin."

Hunter immediately stabbed the sword on one slave and the dagger to another.

The dracanae ghouls of Hunter kept throwing the rocks down, but these rocks didn't make any marks or wounds.

Hidden among the rocks where the arrows of Martha that were imbued with Heavy Weight and Decay.

The rocks kept crashing on the dragons, who ignored it but focused on splitting the remaining half of Hemsey. Of all the limbs of Hemsey, only his right arm remained.

The arrows struck the dragons, and it wasn't just one or two, but each was struck several times.

They suddenly felt the change in their weight and felt the light power of decay. With the entropy energy covering them, the power of Decay was heightened as two powers somehow stacked with each other.

"What?! You're alive?!"

The dragons roared, but the arrows had already struck the ground.

[Gravity Field] was activated.

Another arrow arrived and it activated another [Gravity Field].

Two of the Thane Dragons stumbled down the moment it was, while the other three managed to catch themselves and stabilize their bodies.

Martha raised her hand, and Hunter tossed the sword and dagger towards Martha, who quickly absorbed the blood and life of the devoured slaves.

Without hesitation, the sword and dagger flew towards another pair of slaves as she resumed shooting.

The blood weapons began to devour the life of the slaves.

More [Gravity Field] and more [Heavy Weight] spells were activated.

"You idiots! Do you know why Dorothy's body limited your growth? It's so that you won't die! What are your cells living on? Destiny tricked you! We almost won, and it forced you to a death pact! Do you think you will survive today? Even if you eat all the remaining slaves and me, you will all die!" Martha shouted as she kept shooting.

The Thane Dragons roared angrily and began to flap their wings. But Marhta would then shoot them with explosive arrows.

Although it did no damage, the force that would have only poked them was strong enough to hinder them from flying. Their wings were so heavy, and their speed had drastically decreased.

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The Thane Dragons were angrily roaring and using their force to fly harder. Some even tried to make a stronger leap but would get struck down.

"You think it was alright to stay there? My two knights have made it possible to kill you! That is True Entropy! The most powerful and potent magic! And you dared to stay in that area? Fools!" Martha shouted

[Taunt activated.]

"You will all die!"

The Thane Dragons got even angrier and roared as they exerted more force in their flight.

Martha cursed as she could see that the five would reach. She was running out of magic and force energy.

Hunter rushed back and handed her the sword and dagger. Immediately, he commanded the remaining ghouls to suddenly jumped off the cliff.

Martha's magic recovered, and this time, she shot the dracanae ghouls with [Heavy Weight].

The ghouls punched out and clung to the slow-rising dragons, and the added weight caused them to fall.

Hunter also jumped off without saying a word.

Martha saw it, and her hurt bled all the more. But she couldn't stop. If even one of those dragons reached, they would die. So she shot [Heavy Weight] towards the leg of Hunter, and Hunter used all of his might to deliver the strongest slash he could do.


The last Thane Dragon was sent down along with Hunter.

Martha threw the sword and dagger, and it struck another.

"I'm sorry. But can someone please..." She couldn't say the last part.

But one of the younger slaves moved and retrieved the blade and dagger as it fell down from draining and devouring every part of the slave.

The slave was in tears and did his best not to throw up.

The sword and dagger flew and killed another and the another slave moved to retrieve it. This time, it was a girl who did so.

Martha kept shooting as she shouted madly.

The Thane Dragons finally felt it. They could feel the immense hunger. On their previous ascent, they used the full power that they had. And when they exerted that force, it drained their vitality faster.

Their wounds no longer healed, and soon, Martha's arrows began to wound them.

In desperation, the Thanes turned at each other. At this point, it was a fight for survival. Only by devouring another Thane could they survive.

The young slave returned Martha's weapons but this time, the two Blood weapons was not thrown out to killed more slaves.

Martha saw that her arrows were already leaving small wounds. And her desire to satisfy her revenged took over. She jumped down.

"I'll kill you with these hands!" She roared as she kept unloading arrows at the Thane Dragons.