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Ascension of the Nephilim

Chapter 199 - Certain Herbs
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Grugnyr was now treated as an essential informant and was guarded with several orcs because of what he had shown. In addition, the bodies of the vampire orcs, including the head of the large vampire orc, were being carried as evidence.

The group was escorting him to give a first-hand account of what had happened. The marching armies that were supposed to attack Airom Vagat had stopped as the threat of the Blood Calamity appeared. And when news that this Blood Calamity was defeated and that a being known as Cracky Batcheeks has appeared and raided the villages killing the Balefire Butcher, Dryklash.

And then, everyone felt the surge of power that could be linked to dragons. The power that erupted caused everyone to speculate just what that source was. The most common speculation was that it was related to Cracky Batcheeks. 

Because of this terrifying shadow that had covered Airom, the army had stationed itself nearby and was cautious in every action. Crusades to take back the upper regions of Airom began. 

But together with this was the sending of scouts.. Each represented kingdom agreed to send all their scouts together and follow a certain route to head to only one kingdom. If their scouts could successfully reach the nearest kingdom, these kingdoms could send their messengers to the nearby kingdoms. These were the preparations to ensure that the warriors sent out would not fall prey to the vampire attacks.

Over a hundred powerful warriors followed Grugnyr. They were orcs either on Captain level or had shown great strength, power, or abilities that made them equal to Captains. As the group could not afford to deploy Champions, the group sent in a mighty troop of Captains.

But while this troop would have brought ease to any escort, Grugnyr was somewhat anxious.

He continued to observe his surroundings. He was worried. The chat system had disappeared, and when he received the notification of the deaths of Hems and Hemsey. Because of this, he could not help but constantly worry at the state of the Coven. And his biggest worry was the powerful energy that he felt earlier. Was that the cause of Hems and Hemsey's death?

The nearby Captains that surrounded him had long noticed his fear.

"He really has lost it..." One of the Captains spoke.

"The weak always does this. This orc is an embarrassment to our race. It's no wonder he belongs to that fallen kingdom. Spineless cowards, all of them!" Another captain laughed.

The nearby orcs all laughed.

"When I attacked that pitiful orc kingdom, they did not have any warriors worthy of my large ax! So I had to use my smaller weapons to mow them all down.

Grugnyr was far away, but his renewed vampiric form allowed him to hear it. Grugnyr felt like stabbing the man but refrained from doing so. 

"Orc Captain Drought the Swift Axe. You will have your day..." Grugnyr vowed.

It was then... that he felt it.

"It's them!" Grugnyr realized this sensation.

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The power of Micro Managed allowed him to see his allies through the mini-map finally. He could see Martha, Hunter, and the three young warriors with their respective ghouls. The group was spread out, and Grugnyr realized that there was an ambush being planned.

"They plan to ambush this troop?" Grugnyr was surprised. This was a powerful troop! All of the warriors here are experienced men!

Grugnyr knew that Martha and Diana were formidable and intelligent warriors. They would not recklessly attack a troop without realizing the full extent of their powers.

"Lord Kyros has been doing crazy things... I must not judge them with the level of power I remember them to possess. If Lady Martha is alive, she must have grown stronger. It could even be possible that the strange energy that brought panic in the orcs is from Lady Martha!"

Grugnyr could see the positions of the Coven and was also prepared to act.

"A fine meal for me!" A loud and seductive laughter was heard.

A woman suddenly appeared atop the nearby trees. Her figure was hideous as she had strange scales on her hand. She held a sword and a dagger that looked to have been made of blood.

"So many mighty warriors! This will be a fine source of food for my dragon army!" The woman laughed.

Grugnyr was stunned to see Lady Martha standing with a reptilian and lizard-like look. If he did not know what Martha sounded like, he wouldn't have believed this creature to be Martha.

"Oh? You are here too, Grugnyr? You made quite a daring escape, and your resourcefulness is impressive. But with my new powers, your death is certain! You better watch your back! For my powers will kill you from behind!" Martha laughed.

Grugnyr maintained an ugly face as his expression. But he was also in deep thought. He knew that there was something peculiar behind Martha's words.

Martha raised her hand, and several dark portals opened up.

The sight of this portal stunned the rest.

"Dimensional magic!" One of the Orc magi identified the magic that Martha revealed.

Several reptilian arms began to move out of the portal.

Four dracanae ghouls emerged out of the portal.

"Good work, Puff." Martha praised as he saw the renewed forms of the ghouls. Then, as his soul could bond with these dracanae ghouls born from his own cells, he started to mend and restore the bodies of the dracanae ghouls to improve the quality of summons. 

"Two of those captain-level orcs can allow me to heal one of these ghouls perfectly." Puff informed Martha.

"Then let's make the most of this. I hope Grugnry will play his part well..."

Martha harnessed the dark energy and was able to form several dark bolts.

"Grugnyr! Is that the Blood Calamity?" One of the captains asked Grugnyr.

"Yes! That's her!" Grugnyr played along.

"She's gotten stronger! Her form was different back then! But now... those scales... that dark magic..."

"We have to kill her now before she gets stronger!" One of the Captains laughed.

"Allow me!" Drought, the Swift Axe, rushed forward.

"Dracanae ghouls! Attack!"

The dracanae ghouls began to charge.

Suddenly, an arrow with a strange plant was shot down right in front of the rushing dracanae ghouls shouted and retreated in pain.

Suddenly several orcs approached to the side. They wore thick armors that covered their face, but it was clear that these orcs were wounded.

"Grugnyr!" One heavily armored orc appeared with a bow and arrow.

"Avary-Avarungs! You're alive!" Grugnyr shouted. He could see through his mini-map that the disguised orc archer was Avary. He changed the name to make it sound like an orc's name. 

"Grugnyr!" Avary shouted once more as he rushed, and the nearby orcs raised their weapons.

Grugnyr recalled that Avary had very few orc words.

"Let him pass!" Grugnyr shouted, and it was just in time for the nearby captains to hold their attacks.

"Who are they?" The nearest orc captain asked Grugnyr.

"Survivors from the last attack! These are my countrymen who fought with me atop Logat!" Grugnyr called out as he rushed to Avary.

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As Avary reached him, he immediately whispered.

"Tell them this plan..." Avary spoke in the human tongue.

Grugnyr listened and tried his best to stop smiling. The plan was quite good!

"Friend, Avarungs! Do not worry! There are no traitors among these soldiers!" Grugnyr spoke and shouted in orc to give a reason as to why the armored orc was whispering.

"These orcs are from the joint army of all orc kingdoms! Orcs! These were my allies when we fought against this beast. I left them for dead as I thought they sacrificed their life for me! But as it turns out, they survived! They have been chasing this beast and saw her secret! She looks strong, but she just fought with the other Vampire, Cracky Batcheeks, and the Coven on Crack!"

"The two fought?" The other orcs exclaimed.

"Do not be fooled by her powers! Those dracanae ghouls can only move for a few minutes! They have powerful energy, but as long as they don't eat anything, they will die! Quickly! Pass those herbs to the front lines! Certain herbs can affect the smelling abilities of those creatures! These herbs are the weakness of those monsters!"

"You-! You were the ones who foiled my attack against those tigers!" Martha howled madly as she cried in english.

"Everyone! Don't get killed or eaten! She is on her final moment! Hold this herb up high once they approach! It will cause those creatures to retreat! Cover your vitals! My friends wore heavy armor to protect them from any bites! Let them support us! They have created a strange smoke bomb that can deter the creatures!" Grugnyr spoke in orc.

"Smoke bombs? We won't see!"

"It's a secret weapon that my allies created! Those small bombs emit the burned smell of those plants they shot! We use it the moment that woman draws near!"

"You've been shouting the plan!" One of the orcs complained.

  She can't understand orc! Relax!" Grugnyr answered back.

"You! How dare interferes once more!" Martha shouted back in english.

"You think those dragon bane herbs will help you?! I'll kill you all! You orcs will be fuel for my battle with that wretched Cracky Batcheeks! I will rise to be a Vampire Ancient and become the first Dragon Vampire Empress!"

"Dragon Bane herb?" One of the orc captains who understood english rushed to grab one of the herbs that were handed out. At first, he showed no interest. But with the words dragon bane thrown out, it made him rush to acquire it.

Some of the orcs who also spoke english did the same.

"Get ready! That vampire is about to attack!" Grugnyr instructed as he held a ball and moved forward. 

As he was bravely moving forward, his eyes were locked on the arrogant orc that slew his kinsmen.

Drought, the Swift Axe stood at the very front and held on one of the Dragon Bane herbs.