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Ascension of the immortal Asura

Chapter 485: Two Against Ten
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A claw attack pierced through John's defenses, slicing into his flesh and causing a small wound to form. However, John ignored the wound and continued his ceaseless scythe movement, as if nothing could stop it.

If he attempted to fight the wolves like this with his great axe, the weight of the weapon would make his attacks too slow, and he would quickly be overwhelmed by attacks. However, the scythe's lower weight allowed him to attack with absolute speed and precision, forming a perfect defense against larger numbers.

The battle continued for over half an hour, as wounds began to pile up on both John and the wolves. The wolves occasionally spat out their powerful beams of dark Qi at John, which made even his hair raise on end. However, his incredibly durable body withstood any glancing attack that landed on it, keeping his fighting strength at maximum.

His speed and reflexes ensured that even when overwhelmed by numbers, no attack was able to land directly on him.

His body blurred back and forth, dodging such attacks while he continued his defensive ȧssault.


A familiar tremble suddenly appeared in John's soul, causing him to be slightly surprised.

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"Are you sure you want to join? These wolves are quite strong!" John called out in his soul while he continued to fight against the beasts?


Not waiting to answer his question, light flashed as Kirii suddenly appeared before John. The wolves suddenly dashed back, surprised by the newcomer. Their piercing yellow eyes all focused on the newcomer, ȧssessing if it was a threat or not.

Kirii stood before John, much larger than when they had first met. Kirii's body stood as tall as John's shoulders, while it was over three yards long as well. It had ȧssumed its disguise once more, as it knew it wouldn't be seen in its true form unless John gave it the clearance to do so.

John reached out and patted Kirii on his back as Kirii glared back at the wolves, its beastly instincts ignited by the challenge of the wolves.

"Alright then buddy, let's do this together," John said to Kirii with a smile as he allowed Kirii to join his fight. Although he did not need Kirii's help in this fight, he realized it was a good opportunity for Kirii to get accustomed to its new power, as it had been in a slumber for the last few months.

The wolves bȧrėd their fangs at Kirii, as their instincts told them it was a dangerous foe.


Kirii suddenly shot forward, blue lightning trailing behind it as it used some sort of lightning based movement technique to shoot forward rapidly. John stared in speechless shock as Kirii appeared before one of the wolves in an instant and lowered its head.

The sharp horns on Kiriis head slammed into the waist of the wolf, skewering it in an instant. Powerful lightning suddenly flared outwards from Kirii's horns, which caused the wolfs body to explode from within.

Just like that, a wolf had already died, something John hadn't even accomplished yet. Although he was fighting the wolves for training and not to kill, killing a wolf as fast as Kirii had just done would have been quite challenging.

Not only that, but the speed at which Kirii had just moved shocked John to his core. It was far faster than any speed he himself could muster, even with his unlocked Limiters of Speed.

"I guess the fables of the Lightning Kirin being one of the fastest beasts in existence is true," John mumbled in a daze as he watched Kirii dash towards another wolf. The myths of the Kirins speed were legendary, and John witnessed first hand how correct those myths were.

Kirii was just a Half-Step Heaven Tribulation beast, and yet its speed was so great that even an Early Heaven Tribulation Night Wolf, which had great speed itself, could not react in time. The battle prowess of the legendary Kirin truly was incredible, on par with that of the dragons.

The wolves became aware of Kirii's speed, and their wariness rose instantly. As soon as Kirii dashed towards one, it would dash away while the others converged on Kirii. John watched from the side as Kirii started to dash like a blur of lightning all over the place within his lighting cage, as the battle between beasts commenced.

John suddenly sped forward and activated his Limiter of Speed and Thunderflash Steps while slashing out his scythe.


His scythe collided against the claw of one of the wolves that was just about to attack Kirii from behind. The wolf was knocked back as John landed next to Kirii, who pushed to ȧssess the situation for a moment.

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"You can't just blindly attack these wolves, buddy," John said to Kirri as he slashed out his scythe once again. "When surrounded like this, you need to focus on defense, and only lash out when an opportunity arises. Use your speed to outmaneuver your opponents. Don't just blindly lock onto one target and forget about the others. Understand?"

While Kirii didn't understand John's words, it would read his feelings and overall thoughts. Kirii bellowed out in understanding as it nudged his head against John's ċhėst for a moment, before it dashed forward once more.

Unlike before when it had locked onto one of the wolves, Kiri nowi dashed around the battlefield in an unpredictable manner, creating openings with its immense speed while focusing on dodging the wolves attacks.

John nodded his head in an approving manner as he slashed out his scythe at an oncoming wolf, as the battle commenced in full once again.

Several minutes later, the lightning cage faded, revealing the scene of carnage within. Then wolves laid on the destroyed ground where the battle had taken place, their corpses blooded and some cleaved in two.

John's eyes scanned the battlefield as he looked for any remaining signs of life, before his scythe was put away. Kirii walked up beside John, several shallow wounds on his hind legs. Clearly he had not been able to dodge all the attacks, although of them were serious.

"Not bad for your first fight in a year!" John praised Kirii, who nuzzled its head against his ċhėst. John smiled as he patted Kirii's head for a moment, before his eyes widened slightly and he pushed Kirii away with all his might.


A powerful beam of black light slammed into the ground between where Kirii and John were, sending both of them flying away from the force of the explosion.

John's gaze snapped towards Kirii, who was stabilizing himself as well. No visible wounds from the attack were on Kirii, causing John to breathe a sigh of relief before his gaze snapped to the nearby hilltop where the attack had come from.

His eyes narrowed as he stared at the wolf that had escaped his lightning cage, which was standing next to a larger Night Wolf. The Night Wolf gazed down at John with rage as it surveyed the scene of its fallen brethren.

" A Middle Heaven Tribulation Night Wolf has shown up huh? Seems like this is the boss of the group. Now we're talking!"