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Bro, I'm not an Undead!

Chapter 386 Worldly Matters
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Tremur Forest.

A seemingly endless plane littered with all manner of abstract shapes that trembled randomly as if struck by bolts of lightning, covered the vast space. These shapes took on many different colours as they floated by, as if spectators, swimming in the darkness around them with no sense of direction.

The tranquil presence within this plane was so intense that one could go insane just by being set within it for a limited amount of time, but luckily, shapes and darkness were not all that populated this place.

While the owner of this space valued silence, he was welcome to company, provided it was worth his time.

A massive black-furred ape could be seen within the space, a mass of light above its head in the form of a simplistic, revolving crown. It had a thick mane around its neck, golden streaks of lightning sparking from its bulk. In addition to this, a thick golden glow covered it, as if warding off the darkness from the plane as it sat with its arm over its knee.

Opposite the ape was a large aquatic serpent with resplendent blue scales that took every opportunity they could to show off their shine, above its coiled body a crown also being seen with a thick blue energy matting around its mass.

Its green eyes looked reverently to its right where a somewhat less imposing animal figure could be made out, sitting over a pile of some of the abstract, colourful shapes that were bountiful in this place.

This figure was short but with long arms, thick black and white fur in strips covering its entire body.

“Azila. State your purpose,” the figure that sat upon the mound of shapes said, its voice rippling through the darkness authoritatively.

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The Ape nodded as it released a mana-saturated breath, its sharp eyes turning to the forth individual within this meeting space for a brief period.

“Weeks ago, I encountered a strange creature that wandered into my Territory. An undead. Or at least I thought it was at first,” Azila said, his mind springing forth that bothersome encounter. “Its presence was thick with the energy of Undeath at one moment and plain as air in the next, leaving me torn for what to believe. Then, this creature told a tale that ultimately lead me to leave it alive.”

“Oh,” the forth figure expressed mild surprise.

“You tend to overthink matters at times, Azila. What could a creature with the presence of Undeath possibly tell you for you to let it leave?” the boisterous voice of the figure mounted on the pile of shapes said, its arms that hung over its thighs rippling with strange muscle spasms.

Azila sighed before looking at the creature opposite him, the Aqua Ripper which he shared a portion of the Tremur to defend.

The massive serpent merely shrugged, clearly not interested in helping the Ape postulate his case.

“Elder Karima,” Azila said. “This little creature claimed that it was sent on a mission to investigate the lands of the dead under the guise of one. It said that it had escaped from its Lich and had returned to report to the important personage that had sent it.”

Azila’s gaze once again fell on the forth figure within this domain, a man with long, silky light cool brown hair that was combed back, settling at his shoulders.

He wore a long sleeved white shirt, its texture strangely like mithril with a pair of reddish brown pants that could easily have been identified as part of a leather armour set.

As he sat in the darkness, slung around his shoulder a sword sheath with a leather strap, a dreadful red blanket of energy around him pushed away the influence of this space.

“An important personage, is it?” the man said with interest. “I don’t know anyone in this world brave or strong enough to send their forces to Deadmanland for simple information gathering. Could it be someone from outside Aigas? Hmmm. Did he give a name?”

“He titled this personage Emperor Bonet. In truth, I was under the impression that this individual who could mask away the presence of Undeath even in my Territory had to be a real figure at the very least,” Azila replied. “Was I fooled?”

“That’s hard to say. I understand your dilemma though.”

“Is this even worth looking into, Elder Karima?” the Aqua Ripper said, its green eyes shining as it beheld the figure of the owner of this plane. “One measly undead infiltrated the forest but that doesn’t mean anything grand does it? Shouldn’t we be talking about something that actually matters? Like that wild fox that has finally been let loose?”

“Leave him be. The forest will replenish in a few years. I owe him this much at least for what he had to endure. What I am more interested in is who claimed the legacy he was guarding. Hopefully, he will tell us after his childish tantrum,” the being known as Karima said, his voice intimidating the darkness once more. “Back to the previous subject, how should we conclude it?”

Azila turned to the man with the white shirt.

“There’s an additional detail. Perhaps I sensed wrong but I am confident in my ability to perceive such powers,” he said.

“Hmm? What is it?”

“This little skeleton I encountered, was bound by the Voice of Worlds…”

“Hooo….” the man in the white shirt said while nodding with a light in his eyes. “Interesting.”

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“That is quite the claim, Azila. Are you sure? If that is the case, we have a very complicated matter on our hands.”

“I’m very sure, Elder Karima.”

“Hmmm. You should have continued to monitor this little creature for as long as possible then.”

“I intended to, Elder, but you see… I have reached THAT limit.”


The figure atop the pile of shapes trembled, its flesh spasming with excitement!

“Is it really so, Azila?!” a burst of exhilaration boomed from the creature.

“Indeed, Elder. That was the main reason I came today. I can no longer walk freely in the world, even for limited amounts of time without using my Territory. I am ready to ascend,” the Ape said with pride.

“Hahahahaha! And here I thought you had only brought speculation and conspiracy! Good! I shall prepare everything within the day!”

The Aqua Ripper showed jealousy while the sole human in this space stood, evidently excusing himself.

“The matters of beasts aren’t my concern so I’ll leave you. I’ll keep an eye out for the Emperor Bonet and the little skeleton you spoke of. With luck perhaps I’ll be able to sniff them out,” the man said before his figure vanished.

He appeared within the dense vegetation that had rivers of white flowing in air and breathed out a sigh.

The air was rich, energy condensing beautifully.

“Allies like these are always troublesome. They are ultimately concerned with personal matters over the bigger picture. Looks like I’ll be acting alone for now.”