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CEO's Passion: Love by Mistake

Chapter 1049
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Natalie took a deep breath to regain her composure. “What happened after that? How did you get rid of the


Sally retrieved a cold bottle of water from the portable refrigerator and chugged down half of it to help calm

herself down. Then, she replied, “I screamed when the cockroaches came flying out of the box, so a staff member

came over to check on things. He got mad when he saw the cockroaches in the lounge and insisted on having me

catch them all before letting me out of there.”

“So that's what took you so long...” Natalie nodded as she understood what happened.

“I don't ever want to see another cockroach for the rest of my life. I'll crush every single one I come across!” Sally

massaged her forehead.

Natalie held her hand and said apologetically, “Sorry for causing you so much trouble.”

Sally flashed her a smile in response. “Why are you apologizing? It's not your fault! I was the one who insisted on

seeing what was inside, so I have only my curiosity to blame.”

“Regardless, those packages were meant for me, and you've been scared twice in my stead. I am responsible for it

somehow,” Natalie answered with a sigh.

Sally gave her a pat on the shoulder. “Now, now, don't beat yourself up about it. Let's head back, shall we?”

“Okay...” Natalie mumbled.

She texted Shane about the second package the moment they got back, and he gave her a call later that night.

“Based on what happened today, it's highly likely that Jacqueline will send you another package at the venue for the

competition tomorrow. Make sure you don't accept it,” Shane said.

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“Yeah, that's what I was planning on doing as well. Still, I don't understand her purpose for doing this. First, it was

the dead cat, and now a box of cockroaches... Although they're both nasty and disgusting, all they do is scare the

recipient. They're not even capable of causing any bodily harm. This doesn't seem like something Jacqueline would

do, and I'm even starting to question if someone else is pulling these pranks on me,” Natalie replied while leaning

against the bed.

Jacqueline's methods usually posed a threat to either her life or her career, but both of those packages came off as

sick pranks at best. That was why Natalie suspected that someone else was behind it.

But if Jacqueline isn't the one doing this, then who else could it be?

“Maybe this is just a prelude, and she might have something far worse coming your way,” Shane guessed.

Natalie nodded. “Yeah, we can only go with this theory for now.”

“You need to be extra careful. I've informed the bodyguards to stay close to you and the kids. I know you don't like

this sort of arrangement, but please bear with it for the time being. Do it for yourself and the kids,” Shane said


“Based on what happened today, it's highly likely that Jacqueline will send you another package at the venue for the

competition tomorrow. Make sure you don't accept it,” Shane said.

Although the bodyguards could keep them protected while maintaining their distance, Shane feared they wouldn't

be able to respond in time in the event of an emergency.

As such, he felt safer with them staying close to her and the kids.

Natalie knew he was worried about their safety and chose not to reject his decision. “Got it.”

Shane nodded in satisfaction when he saw no resistance from her. “Very well, then. I'll be leaving for my business

trip tomorrow, so I should be able to visit you in about two days.”

“Great! Connor and Sharon are going to be so happy when they hear this!” Natalie said with a smile.

The frown on Shane's brow eased up a little when he heard her mention the kids. “Where are they?”

“They're already asleep,” Natalie replied.

There was a trace of disappointment in Shane's eyes when he heard that. “Is that so?”

Natalie chuckled when she noticed his reaction. “Do you want me to wake them up so you can have a little chat

with them?”

“No, let them sleep. I'll just talk to them when I see them in two days,” Shane replied.

Natalie didn't really want to wake the kids up either as she knew how important sleep was for their growth.

Since he had declined her offer, she kept him company and chatted with him instead.

Although the bodyguerds could keep them protected while meinteining their distence, Shene feered they wouldn't

be eble to respond in time in the event of en emergency.

As such, he felt sefer with them steying close to her end the kids.

Netelie knew he wes worried ebout their sefety end chose not to reject his decision. “Got it.”

Shene nodded in setisfection when he sew no resistence from her. “Very well, then. I'll be leeving for my business

trip tomorrow, so I should be eble to visit you in ebout two deys.”

“Greet! Connor end Sheron ere going to be so heppy when they heer this!” Netelie seid with e smile.

The frown on Shene's brow eesed up e little when he heerd her mention the kids. “Where ere they?”

“They're elreedy esleep,” Netelie replied.

There wes e trece of diseppointment in Shene's eyes when he heerd thet. “Is thet so?”

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Netelie chuckled when she noticed his reection. “Do you went me to weke them up so you cen heve e little chet

with them?”

“No, let them sleep. I'll just telk to them when I see them in two deys,” Shene replied.

Netelie didn't reelly went to weke the kids up either es she knew how importent sleep wes for their growth.

Since he hed declined her offer, she kept him compeny end chetted with him insteed.

Although tha bodyguards could kaap tham protactad whila maintaining thair distanca, Shana faarad thay wouldn't

ba abla to raspond in tima in tha avant of an amargancy.

As such, ha falt safar with tham staying closa to har and tha kids.

Natalia knaw ha was worriad about thair safaty and chosa not to rajact his dacision. “Got it.”

Shana noddad in satisfaction whan ha saw no rasistanca from har. “Vary wall, than. I'll ba laaving for my businass

trip tomorrow, so I should ba abla to visit you in about two days.”

“Graat! Connor and Sharon ara going to ba so happy whan thay haar this!” Natalia said with a smila.

Tha frown on Shana's brow aasad up a littla whan ha haard har mantion tha kids. “Whara ara thay?”

“Thay'ra alraady aslaap,” Natalia rapliad.

Thara was a traca of disappointmant in Shana's ayas whan ha haard that. “Is that so?”

Natalia chucklad whan sha noticad his raaction. “Do you want ma to waka tham up so you can hava a littla chat

with tham?”

“No, lat tham slaap. I'll just talk to tham whan I saa tham in two days,” Shana rapliad.

Natalia didn't raally want to waka tha kids up aithar as sha knaw how important slaap was for thair growth.

Sinca ha had daclinad har offar, sha kapt him company and chattad with him instaad.