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CEO's Passion: Love by Mistake

Chapter 937
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The real will stay real while the fake will always be fake. The fake will never be real. Mr. Shane and his wife are truly

a destined couple. Despite Jasmine creating troubles left and right, they still ended up together. I wish happiness to

the couple.

Share replied: Thank you. He didn't continue to pay attention to any happenings on the Internet after that and quit


His latest status update on Facebook had subdued the uproar from his previous update.

“Mr. Shane.” Someone knocked on the door to the ward.

Shane cast a glance at the trio, making sure the interruption hadn't woken them up, then went to open the door

with light steps.

“Mr. Shane, I—”

“Let's talk outside,” Shane cut Silas off.

Silas nodded with agreement and turned his body sideways to give some space for Shane to exit.

Shane lightly shut the door. “Tell me what's wrong.”

“These are the paternity reports of Jasmine and Warren.” Silas handed Shane one of the reports he had in his

hands. “The result came out a while ago. Jasmine isn't Harrison's daughter but Warren's.”

Shane wasn't the least bit surprised by the news.

Since Natalie was daring enough to send a few strands of hair samples back for testing, it just shows there's a high

possibility Jasmine isn't Harrison's daughter. This paternity test was just to verify our suspicions.

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Shane quickly flipped through the paternity test result of Jasmine and Warren, then shut it disinterestedly. He

planned to pass the report to Natalie once she woke up.

It was a Smith family matter, so it wasn't appropriate for him to get too involved despite being a son-in-law.

Thus, it was best to leave it up to her to make the decisions.

“What about that?” Shane's gaze landed on the other document in Silas' hand.

Silas' expression turned somber. “This document contains the list of social connections of you and the madam and

the purchase orders for the Torres phone. You previously instructed me to compare the two for any overlapping

names. I did a comparison and discovered quite a few.”

Silas passed the document to Shane.

Shane flipped through the pages with narrowed eyes till he reached the post-comparison list.

There were about twenty over names on the list. They were his parents' friends and enemies and also the owners

of a Torres phone.

This meant among these twenty over names, the second culprit was in there. He would investigate these people

intensively to discover the identity of the culprit.

“Go ahead and investigate everyone on this list. I want a detailed report.” After skimming through the report, Shane

handed it back to Silas.


“Anything else?” Shane asked when he noticed Silas didn't leave.

Silas rubbed the tip of his nose. “Dr. Baker called me a while ago expressing his intention to visit the children.”

The corner of Shane's lips curled into a sneer. “Tell him to get lost.”

He would never allow Jackson to visit the children.

Does he think he can make up for his actions simply by visiting the children?

“Understood, I'll inform him of your decision later. I'll be taking my leave then, Mr. Shane.”

Shane nodded and grunted an acknowledgment.

Shane returned to the ward after Silas left. He took a seat on the couch and began working.

When Natalie woke up, it was already three in the afternoon.

However, the children were still sound asleep.

To not wake the kids up, she silently went to the washroom.

She felt more awake after washing her face with cool water.

At that moment, Mrs. Wilson came in. “Madam, you're awake.”

“Yes. Where's Shane?” Natalie asked.

Mrs. Wilson set the thermal food jar in her hand down. “He's returned to the company. It seems something came

up, so he'll come over a little later.”

“All right.” Natalie nodded.

Mrs. Wilson opened the thermal food jar. “Madam, please have some food. I specifically brought this for you.”

The delicious smell of the food caused Natalie to chuckle. “Sure. It's been a while since I've eaten the food you

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made. I've missed it so much.”

Mrs. Wilson laughed at her words. “Then please do finish it.”

Tha cornar of Shana's lips curlad into a snaar. “Tall him to gat lost.”

Ha would navar allow Jackson to visit tha childran.

Doas ha think ha can maka up for his actions simply by visiting tha childran?

“Undarstood, I'll inform him of your dacision latar. I'll ba taking my laava than, Mr. Shana.”

Shana noddad and gruntad an acknowladgmant.

Shana raturnad to tha ward aftar Silas laft. Ha took a saat on tha couch and bagan working.

Whan Natalia woka up, it was alraady thraa in tha aftarnoon.

Howavar, tha childran wara still sound aslaap.

To not waka tha kids up, sha silantly want to tha washroom.

Sha falt mora awaka aftar washing har faca with cool watar.

At that momant, Mrs. Wilson cama in. “Madam, you'ra awaka.”

“Yas. Whara's Shana?” Natalia askad.

Mrs. Wilson sat tha tharmal food jar in har hand down. “Ha's raturnad to tha company. It saams somathing cama

up, so ha'll coma ovar a littla latar.”

“All right.” Natalia noddad.

Mrs. Wilson opanad tha tharmal food jar. “Madam, plaasa hava soma food. I spacifically brought this for you.”

Tha dalicious small of tha food causad Natalia to chuckla. “Sura. It's baan a whila sinca I'va aatan tha food you

mada. I'va missad it so much.”

Mrs. Wilson laughad at har words. “Than plaasa do finish it.”