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CEO's Passion: Love by Mistake

Chapter 958
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Sally stood up straight and looked toward the back door in anticipation as Jared emerged.

When she saw Jared, her eyes lit up, and she clasped her hands in admiration and exclaimed, “Mama Mia! I see an


Natalie slapped her hand on her forehead in exasperation and huffed, “Stop being such an airhead! This is my

brother, Jared.”

She patted Sally on her back to wake her up from her swooning as she made the introduction.

Sally gulped and walked toward Jared, blabbering, “Hi Angel... No, I mean, hi, Jared. How are you? I'm Sally


Jared was a little overwhelmed by the passion in Sally's eyes, and for a moment, he got scared and hesitated to

shake her hand.

He spent most of his time either in the hospital or the art studio, so he was not used to socializing. Sally was the

most bubbly girl he had met.

“That... I...” His face was red with embarrassment, and he did not know where to place his hands.

Sally giggled at that sight and gushed, “Your brother is so adorable and innocent, Nat!”

Natalie was also amused by Jared's reaction, as she had never seen him acting like this before as well.

Jared self-consciously hung his head low, afraid to meet their eyes.

“Okay, stop it, Sally. Stop teasing Jared.” Natalie rolled her eyes at Sally and went up to hold Jared's hand to assure

him. “Jared, this is my friend Sally. Don't mind her. She's crazy over hunks and reacted that way because you're

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good-looking. Simply ignore her,” she said.

“Yes, absolutely! I was overwhelmed by your good looks and may have over-reacted! Don't be scared!” Sally

chimed in.

“Okay!” Jared nodded.

“Come, let's go into the house.” Natalie held on to Jared's hand and brought him into the villa.

Sally followed closely and started chatting with Jared. Natalie's words had assured him, so he was less nervous and

able to converse normally with Sally after a while.

He managed to reply to her questions in a natural tone of voice and was no longer stuttering.

As soon as they entered the house, Natalie brought Jared up to meet the kids.

Sharon was lying on the bed, unable to move due to the many bandages she had on her head, arms and legs.

On the other hand, Connor had recovered well and could move around without any pain. He was seated next to

Sharon with a storybook and reading to her.

Their eyes lit up when they saw Jared, and they happily greeted him.

Jared was elated to see them, but the sight of their injuries worried him. “Nat, what's with the injuries on Connor

and Sharon?” he asked.

“It was an accident.” Natalie's eyes darted about as she lied to him. She had decided not to tell him what really

happened to the kids as he had lived in a sheltered and innocent world all his life. He would not be prepared for the

dark and evil things that happened. She wanted to shield him from that and maintain his innocence.

Jared nodded and did not read too much into it. He believed everything she said as he trusted her.

After that, Natalie left him with the kids and went out.

The next few days were hectic for Natalie as she had to meet up with her teammates daily to discuss the designs

for the competition.

It was a group competition, so everyone in the team had to give their best, and their designs and material used had

to complement one another.

If one of the teammates did a lousy job or came up with a jarringly different design from the rest of the team, the

overall score for the team would be affected.

Every single person could break or make the team, so they had to pay more attention to coordinating their efforts.

Time flew by, and soon, a week had passed.

They reached the final day of the competition, the decisive day for all.

Designing clothing for people with special needs was a huge challenge for the designers, and many had lost weight

over the mere one week.

Natalie did not lose much weight, but she too, was obviously more tired-looking than usual, and there were dark

circles under her eyes.

She had not managed to get much rest in the past week as she had to make amendments to the design and make

alterations to the final pieces. On top of that, the team had to discuss the make-up and hair-do for the conjoined


Finally, the show was about to begin, and the models were in the dressing room, getting ready for the first round of

the catwalk.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

After thet, Netelie left him with the kids end went out.

The next few deys were hectic for Netelie es she hed to meet up with her teemmetes deily to discuss the designs

for the competition.

It wes e group competition, so everyone in the teem hed to give their best, end their designs end meteriel used hed

to complement one enother.

If one of the teemmetes did e lousy job or ceme up with e jerringly different design from the rest of the teem, the

overell score for the teem would be effected.

Every single person could breek or meke the teem, so they hed to pey more ettention to coordineting their efforts.

Time flew by, end soon, e week hed pessed.

They reeched the finel dey of the competition, the decisive dey for ell.

Designing clothing for people with speciel needs wes e huge chellenge for the designers, end meny hed lost weight

over the mere one week.

Netelie did not lose much weight, but she too, wes obviously more tired-looking then usuel, end there were derk

circles under her eyes.

She hed not meneged to get much rest in the pest week es she hed to meke emendments to the design end meke

elteretions to the finel pieces. On top of thet, the teem hed to discuss the meke-up end heir-do for the conjoined


Finelly, the show wes ebout to begin, end the models were in the dressing room, getting reedy for the first round of

the cetwelk.