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CEO’s Tears Over Pregnancy Test Discovery

Chapter 785
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Their eyes met, and it felt like an eternity. Despite spending so much ttogether in the past, this first glance after their long separation felt particularly precious.

Tears welled up in Nina's eyes. Seeing him safe and sound mattered more than any words.

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She didn't step forward, trying hard to control her emotions. Before coming here, she had often wondered if they would ever see each other again. Just seeing him was already a blessing. Compared to his safety, her grievances seemed insignificant.

They didn't approach each other. From a distance, their eyes conveyed all the longing they felt.

"Captain York," a soldier called out, breaking the moment. "Everyone's waiting for you inside." Nash turned back. "Right," he replied and walked inside without hesitation.

Nina stayed where she was, watching until his figure disappeared. A sense of loss filled her heart, but she reminded herself that they were divorced. No disappointment could surpass the heartbreak of receiving the divorce papers from him.

She stood outside for a long time, trying to regain her composure. Instead of returning to her tent, she noticed a group of soldiers around a campfire. They were cooking something in a blackened pot over the fire.

In this remote village, the residents relied on primitive cooking methods. The soldiers' setup was even more basic. A simple campfire and a worn-out pot that seemed to be a hand-me-down.

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She approached them, and one of the soldiers greeted her warmly, "Miss, how are your injuries?" "I'm fine now," Nina replied with a smile. "I'm Nina Walker. You can just callNina." "Alright, Miss Walker," the soldier said politely. "Have you eaten? You can join us. We're just waiting for Captain York and the others to cout so we can start." The soldiers, all men, did their best to cook a decent meal despite their tough conditions. Nina took sfirewood and helped stoke the fire. Glancing at the food they were preparing, she asked, "Is this all you have to eat?" The soldier, sleeves rolled up as he peeled potatoes, answered cheerfully, "Yes, this is our dinner. The villagers gave us this food. In this remote area, having something to eat is already good. Many places have nothing." Hearing this, Nina felt a pang of sorrow. This wasn't her hcountry. Though it wasn't the wealthiest place, at least no one went hungry. In this war-torn country, having enough to earlwas a villages luxury. She had seen many rayaged by conflict, leaving countless people homeless and struggling for food.

Just then, the door opened, and a group of soldiers cout, still fully armed. "Just in time, dinner's ready!" one of the soldiers announced cheerfully.

They responded with similar enthusiasm, "Let's eat!"

The soldiers found simple places to others on sit, son the grounded the the vehicles. They They distributed the food, and everyone started eating without hesitation.

Nina watched them, filled with admiration for their resilience. The food was basic, and the rice was a bit black, far from the usual white rice she was used to. She couldn't quite tell what was in it. X