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Captivation: Want Nothing But You

Chapter 468: Speak Now
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For others, it was just a diamond.No matter how rare and precious it was, it was nothing but an object.
Compared to the value of one’s life, it was worthless.
However, even at the last moment before the explosion occurred, Victor chose to hold it tightly in his hand.
For him to do this, it could be said that this diamond meant more than just the money he spent to buy it.
Since it was something that he held onto even when his life was hanging by a thread, it should have a very special meaning for
After all, Beloved was the gift that he bought for Rachel four years ago on the cruise.
At that time, he finally realized that he loved her.
He intended to give it to her when he declared his love for her.It was the sign that he wanted to start over with her again.
Beloved was a token that would signify the brand new chapter of their lives.
Therefore, in the past four years, Victor made sure that he had been carrying it with him every day.
Since it belonged to Rachel, it was the only thing that could remind him of her.
"You can choose what you believe, but all I’m saying is the truth." Carson looked at Rachel seriously.
"These past four years, I have seen Vic drinking alone, holding that diamond in his hand on more than one occasion.When he
thought that you died...Well, to be exact, after you escaped, he almost worked every day without resting.Even when I manage to
get him out of his office and go to a bar, he would just be staring at the diamond, as if he could see someone in it."
While listening to Carson, Rachel narrowed her eyes and pursed her lips tightly.
Seeing that Rachel didn’t even try to touch the diamond, Carson took it back and forced a smile.
"I know that Vic has done cruel things to you before.But it’s also true that he has suffered an unbearable pain in the past four
years.I just think that it is enough punishment for him already.Of course, I dare not ask you to forgive him.I’m just here to tell you
all these things because I think that you have the right to know.He almost died this time, and his sheer willpower was the only
thing that brought him back.At the stime, you’re the only one he remembers right now..."

Although Carson seemed like the typical playboy, he was reasonable enough to know what was right and not.
Even though Victor was his best friend, he was aware of his shortcomings and mishaps.He didn’t intend to meddle in their
In fact, there were times when he felt that Victor might have deserved all of these bad luck and hardships because of what he
had done to Rachel.
But at the end of the day, Victor was still his best friend.
As much as possible, Carson wouldn’t want to see him suffer like this.
"Are you done?" Rachel asked flatly after a long pause.
Carson was quite taken aback by the lack of emotion on Rachel’s face.
He realized that it was either she didn’t believe what he said, or she might have believed, but she didn’t care anymore.

"What I just said,"
Before Carson could continue speaking, Rachel interrupted him in a plain tone.
She then raised her brows and looked straight into his eyes.
Without any shred of emotion, she remarked, "You just said that you weren’t askingto forgive him, right? You also said that
you just felt like tellinghow much he had been missingand how regretful he had been in the past four years.Well, in fact,
I know all those things.Unfortunately, it doesn’t make much difference."
Rachel then averted her gaze and looked far away.
"Have you ever heard of that saying?"
"What saying?"
"Speak now or forever hold your peace,"
Rachel said slowly, enunciating every word.

She would be lying if she said that her heart didn’t skip a beat when she heard Carson say that Victor had been carrying Beloved
with him every day for the past four years.
In fact, it was also true that half a month ago, while she watched the door of the operating room and the red light outside it, she
felt anxious and flustered.
Furthermore, when she learned of what Victor had gone through when he was a child, she felt very sorry for him.
Most importantly, she had also thought how perfect it was if Joey, Victor, and she could spend the rest of their lives together.
However, her scars were too deep to be healed.
None of these was enough to make her forgive what Victor had done to her four years ago.
The pain he inflicted on her was so real that every tshe recalled it, she would definitely have nightmares.
While Victor was hurting these past four years, so was Rachel.
Her hate for him didn’t subside even a little.
Hearing such cold words, Carson impulsively moved his lips, but he didn’t know what to say.
Suppressing the overflowing emotion in her heart, Rachel deemed to change the topic.
"Joe hasn’t cback yet.I’ll go look for him.If the kid wants to see his father, I will let him.When it’s tfor him to go back, will
you be so kind to senda message? I will cpick him up."
Based on her statement, it was clear that she didn’t plan on seeing Victor.
Carson breathed deeply.
When Rachel was about to leave, he still wanted to say something, but words didn’t cout of his mouth.
But then at the stime, the bedroom door suddenly opened from the inside.
It was the nurse, pushing the cart out of the room.
Clueless about the tension that was built up in the living room, she said, "My work’s done here.If you want, you can go in
there.However, he has yet to wake up.So, please let him rest up smore."

IN Carson looked at the door behind the nurse and nodded.
"By the way, can I ask one of you to get his examination reports?"
Before the nurse left the ward, she stopped in her tracks and turned around to ask Rachel and Carson.
Carson glanced at Rachel before saying, "Alright.I’ll go."
"Thank you.You can see a list at the nurse station.Clater and take the reports according to the information on the list."
After informing them, the nurse eventually left the ward.
At this time, Rachel and Carson were left alone in the living room again.
Since she had no further business there as well, Rachel started walking towards the door.
But then Carson stepped forward and reached out his arm to stop her.
Rachel stopped, raised her head, and looked up at him.
Being stared at by Rachel’s emotionless eyes, Carson had a hard tgetting the words out of his mouth again.
Seeing the hesitant look on Carson’s face, Rachel guessed what he was going to say to her.
Thus, she already took the initiative and said, "I won’t."
"But... I haven’t said anything," Carson replied, letting out an awkward smile.
"Weren’t you going to askif I could stay and wait in here until you brought back those reports?"
"Wow! Are you a mind reader?"
Carson used his last tactic and tried to please Rachel.He even gave her a thumbs up while wearing a cheeky smile.
It was as if they never had that serious conversation just now.
"I said no," Rachel refused bluntly again.

"Con.It will just take ten minutes at most." Carson softened his tone.
"He just regained consciousness again.He needs someone to watch him at all times, but Lukas hasn’t cback yet.If
something happens to him while I’m away, I won’t know how to take responsibility for it.Besides, you don’t have to go inside.You
can just stay here in the living room."
Still, there was no response from Rachel.
"Fine.Ten minutes it is.If you’re not back by then, I’ll leave.Is that clear?"
Rachel interrupted and finally agreed.
"Yes, yes.Of course!"
Carson was greatly relieved.
"I know you are a kind-hearted person."
Rachel just scoffed at him and took out her phone, setting an alarm for ten minutes.
Thus, the countdown began.
"You’d better be going.You only have nine minutes and fifty seven seconds left," Rachel warned.
"Right, right."
Carson immediately shut up, turned around, twisted the doorknob, and opened the door to see himself out.
But before he closed the door, he suddenly cback inside.
This time, his expression suddenly beca little serious.
"Before I forget, I have another request... Can you not tell him that you guys got divorced? Just for the tbeing..."