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Captivation: Want Nothing But You

Chapter 477: The King Of Hearts
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So, in the worst-case scenario, Victor would be paralyzed? Although the intern said it very carefully, the word ‘paralyzed’ made
everyone in the room silent.
"Mr.Scott, Mr.Sullivan, although we can’t guarantee that the blood clot will not cause paralysis, the chance of it happening is still
very low.We have checked many cases and out of them, there was only one patient who got paralyzed."
The doctor rushed through the words hoping to brighten the situation.
There was only one case, but that didn’t mean it wouldn’t happen again.
Carson remained silent, not knowing what to think. Sweat appeared on the intern’s forehead.She looked at the expression on
Victor’s face while carefully avoiding eye contact.
Victor’s eyes darkened.
"Can the blood clot be removed through surgery?"
"Not yet."
The doctor paused and shook his head.
"Don’t worry, Mr.Sullivan.We will watch it carefully.Once we are able to perform the surgery, we will."
"Didn’t you say that only one patient was paralyzed by this?" Carson frowned.
"How are they doing now? Did the blood clot disappear in the end? Or was it removed?"
The room was silent once more.
The doctor didn’t dare to speak and neither did those with him.
The intern raised her hand and wiped the sweat off her forehead.
Just then, her eyes met Carson’s.
Her heart sank and she immediately understood what he wanted.She swallowed and looked at her teacher for help.
"He has passed away."

Seeing that the doctor didn’t even look up the whole time, the intern answered just to ease the pressure of Carson’s gaze.
"He was paralyzed because the blood clot had been pressing on his nerves for years.Half a year later, he suddenly passed
out.The doctors did everything they could, but he was already brain dead."
There were two ways to tell whether a person was dead or not.
One was that their heart stopped.
Once the heart stopped, it meant that there was nothing to pump blood anymore, and all organs would stop working altogether.
The other way was brain death.

The central nerve of the brain controlled the breathing system.
Once one’s brain died, they would stop breathing and eventually even their body would die too.
Therefore, brain death was also a signal that a person was already dying.
Suddenly, The tension in the room grew even worse.
"So you mean that we can only count on luck now? If Victor is lucky, the blood clot in his brain will disappear and everything will
be fine.But if he isn’t, then not only will he be paralyzed, but also die?"
"Theoretically speaking, that is the case."
The intern lowered her head, not sure why she was put in such a position.
Then she quickly added, "But, we will try our best to make sure it doesn’t happen."
Carson frowned and looked at Victor.
It was the first the was so angry, but he had nowhere to direct his anger.
He really wanted to yell at the doctors, but what good would it do? It certainly wouldn’t help with Victor’s situation.
Victor closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
"You can leave now."

Hearing what he said, the doctor and nurses were more than relieved.They turned around and left the ward without hesitation.
"I will call sforeign experts and ask them to cup with a plan as soon as possible.I don’t believe that no one can remove
the tiny little blood clot."
Carson tried to process all the information as he didn’t want to think of the possibility that had been offered.
Compared to the seething look on Carson’s face, Victor was much calmer and way more composed.
"Why are you so calm?" Carson paused and asked out of curiosity.
Victor signed the last page of the document before closing it.
"Call my lawyer for me."
"Lawer? Why do you need your lawyer? The most important thing for you now is to get srest.You shouldn’t even be working
"I need to make a will."
Victor words sounded so obvious as if there was nothing wrong with them.
Carson stopped in his tracks.
After a while, he cto his senses and blinked a few times.
"What did you just say?"
"No one else can find out about this; we need someone we can trust." Victor lowered his eyes and thought for a while.

"Do you have Andy’s phone number? Ask him to ctomorrow."
Call Andy? Make a will? When Carson heard Victor’s words, he immediately realized what the man was planning to do.
"Vic, do you really think that Rachel will be so impressed by this?"Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Because of the possibility of him dying, Victor wanted to make a will in advance and leave everything he had to Rachel And there
was only one person he could trust who had the power to make sure that Rachel got the properties, Andy.
Once again, Victor didn’t answer his question.He only turned to the side and placed the document on the bedside table.
"I’m tired.You may leave."
"Okay, okay.No one can change your mind once you’ve decided, I know."
Carson shrugged his shoulders.It was better to call the medical experts as soon as possible rather than stay there arguing with
He took his laptop and yawned wearily.
"After everything ends, I will have a good, long, well-deserved sleep.I am exhausted."
Victor glanced at the bags under Carson’s eyes but said nothing.
"Oh, by the way, I’ve investigated the phone call you received the other day and couldn’t find anything on the owner or its IP
address.But I received an interesting resume, which was sent to my e-mail this morning.Guess whose it was." Carson smiled.
"The King of Hearts,"
Victor replied without any hesitation, as he looked through another document.
Carson was surprised.
"How do you know?" No answer.
"The King of Hearts disappeared for six years, and now he suddenly cback and sent his resto my e-mail.Don’t you
think that’s weird?"
Victor looked up at him without saying anything, waiting for him to continue, "Although no one knows what he has been doing in
those six years, with his ability, he could get any job he wants.So why does he want to work for the Sullivan Group?"
Carson went on to analyze.

"There are only two possibilities for such a person to do this.First, he has a mission, which has something to do with the Sullivan
Group.Therefore, to complete it, he has to get into the company itself.Second, there is something he wants that’s in the Sullivan
Group.No matter what the reason is, if he wants to get into the Sullivan Group, he couldn’t use his own name, or they would
ignore his reswithout even getting to us.Therefore, he had to find another way.Coincidentally, Joey was kidnapped, and he
could use this as an opportunity.After helping you, he sent his resto me.With his status and the fact that he had rescued
your son, we wouldn’t be able to refuse him.Wow, he is indeed very smart.Everything is very well planned."
"What do you think we should do then?"
Victor’s voice held none of the excitement in Carson’s.
"I’ve heard of his na long tago.It would be interesting to meet him in person."
Carson smirked with a glint of mischief in his eyes.
"I have told Ivan to inform him he should cto work tomorrow."