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Captivation: Want Nothing But You

Chapter 492: Injured (Part One)
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Carson spent an hour outside waiting.
When he saw the gate of the Befamily’s house finally open he immediately stepped on the gas, worried that Rachel would
shut it again.
As soon as he pulled over on the driveway, Rachel cout to see him.
"Rachel," Carson said as he stepped out of the car and gave Rachel an apologetic smile.
In a low voice, Rachel checked her watch and said, "You still have half an hour to take him back.If you’re still here after thirty
minutes, I will call an ambulance and send you and Victor to the hospital."
Carson shivered as he looked into Rachel’s cold eyes, realizing Rachel had run out of patience.It was almost as if she was
warning him.
"Okay, okay.I promise I’ll take him away right away."
Carson raised his hand and gestured "Ok" with his fingers.
He was well-known in the Apliaria’s upper class, but he was always a little timid in front of Rachel, which was strange for him.
After saying that, Carson examined Rachel up and down and raised his eyebrows.
"Are you going out?"
"Where to? I can give you a ride.Just take it as my apology.I didn’t mean to do that last night.I never expected my car to break
down on the way here.And when you calledagain, my phone fell into the water and instantly died."
As if afraid that Rachel wouldn’t believe him, Carson took out his new phone and showed it to her.
"It was a hassle, really," he complained.
"I asked my assistant to get a new one this morning, and I chere as soon as I got the phone."
There was still half an hour before the scheduled meeting time.

Rachel glanced at the phone in Carson’s hand and eyed him coldly.
"You have twenty-eight minutes left," she reminded.
In the BeGroup When Rachel finished the meeting and returned to her office, she stood in front of the French windows and
looked down, recalling the heated discussion among all departments just now.
Now that the welfare house project had begun with the participation of the Jimenez Group, the BeGroup had received
numerous benefits publicly.
Gradually, one or two investors began considering joining their other projects.
The BeGroup was getting better.

The people in the meeting also discussed the situation and had different opinions.
One faction believed they should quickly launch a new product line when the BeGroup was popular to accelerate the
project’s progress, aiming that the BeGroup would return to its prosperous state as soon as possible.
The other faction disagreed and thought they should proceed slowly and be more selective in choosing projects and investors.
They didn’t want to be duped and lose what the BeGroup had.
Everyone was firm with their beliefs and argued endlessly, making Rachel very upset.
She wasn’t good at scheming against others in the business circle.
The only reason she managed to keep the BeGroup going was because of her promise back then.
Shelia had promised the real Rachel that she would always protect the BeGroup no matter what.
Knock, knock, knock.
The assistant opened the door, cin, and said, "Miss Bennet, I brought your coffee.No sugar and milk.
Rachel turned around and sat on the chair behind her desk.

She reached for the coffee cup and took a sip -the mellow taste of the ground coffee beans spread in her mouth, allowing her to
"Miss Bennet, you have an appointment with the Tucker representatives in the Asian Pacific region at lunchtime," the assistant
"You don’t look good.Did you sleep well last night?"
When she heard this, Rachel subconsciously touched and pressed the back of her neck.
It was so sore.
"It’s okay.You can sendthe information of the people in charge to my e-mail.I'll look into it later."
Indeed, Rachel didn’t sleep well last night.She leaned against the head of the bed with her head slightly tilted for the entire night.
When she woke up, her neck was sore.She thought she was lucky enough not to have a stiff neck.
The assistant nodded silently and left the office right away.
After a while, Rachel received a detailed email regarding the person in charge of the Tucker in the Asian Pacific region.
Although Rachel was irritated by the discussion in the meeting, she confirmed one thing.
The BeGroup would collaborate with Tucker to launch a joint product line.
Since Rachel wanted the company to grow, they couldn’t work on the welfare house project all the time.
The founder of Tucker was someone who was born in this country but grew up in another.
The Tucker named their brand after the founder’s surname.
Rachel did sinvestigations about the founder as well.
Although their brand was built by an entrepreneur from this country and gained popularity in Europe, there was little information

about them.
People only knew the entrepreneur was a woman.Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Rachel didn’t choose to work with the Tucker.
The Tucker’s founder contacted her personally and said that the person in charge of the Asian Pacific region admired Rachel for
daring to start the welfare house project when the BeGroup was in such a difficult situation.
And because the Tucker happened to expand its operations in this country, the founder proposed collaborating with the Bennet
This proposal was like a timely rain.
But because it was too convenient, Rachel becmore vigilant, especially since she could only find little information about the
Tucker’s founder.
Rachel had asked Quintin to investigate the woman and found nothing suspicious about her, so she was relieved and agreed to
get in touch with her.
After drinking half a cup of coffee, Rachel felt a little better.
Soon, the assistant knocked on the door again.
But instead of going inside, she only stood by the door and said, "Miss Bennet, it’s tfor us to go."
Rachel took her coat from the hanger and nodded as if she was telling herself that she was ready.She then proceeded to walk
out of the office, her assistant trailing behind her.She entered the elevator, took out her phone, and opened the e-mail.She read
the content immediately since she had little tuntil the lunch meeting.
After scanning the e-mail, Rachel could say that the person in charge had rich experience and was a young and promising talent.
"Did he grow up abroad?" Rachel asked.
Standing behind Rachel, the assistant answered, "No.Kyle went abroad to continue his study after finishing his university at
home.After completing postgraduate courses, he stayed abroad to develop his expertise.He just joined Tucker three months
Kyle joined the company three months ago but quickly rose to a high position as the Asian Pacific region manager.It was
apparent he was not a simpleton.

"Do you have any photo of him?" Rachel asked.
The assistant shook her head.
Just then, the elevator cto a halt on the first floor.
Rachel didn’t give it much thought.
She put her phone away and headed to her car, preparing to meet Kyle.
They had planned to have lunch at a Western restaurant not far from the BeGroup.
When they arrived at the place, the assistant went into the restaurant first to speak with the staff.
It had to be perfect.
After all, the lunch would determine the success of the BeGroup and the Tucker’s collaboration.
Rachel was about to follow.
As soon as she stepped out of the car, she noticed a wild cat leaping out from the side and pouncing on her.