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Captivation: Want Nothing But You

Chapter 499: Injured (Part Eight)
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Lila was stunned for a while before she realized who Rachel was referring to.
"Mr.Scott lelt with Mr.Sullivan a long tago," she replied.
Truth was, they had gone out together just a half an hour before.
Rachel answered absentmindedly Noticing the ink blot on the document, she moved the tip of the pen away and stared at the
writing, which was still wet.
Somehow, it all made her feel depressed, she didn’t know what pushed her to ask about their whereabouts No matter how much
trouble the Sullivan Group was in, it didn’t concern her one bit.
She had no right to care. Lila's voice cfrom the other end of the call again, her tone slightly tainted with worry.
"When Mr.Sullivan left, his face was still quite pale and he didn’t look well.I’m not sure but I think he might have had a high fever
A high fever? Hadn’t he been better before she left that morning? Could it have gotten worse? The worried thoughts Mashed
through Rachel’s mind, but before she could think too much about ther, her assistant knocked on the door and informed her.
"Miss Bennet, the meeting will start in ten minutes."
"Okay, I’m on my way"
Rachel nodded and hung up the phone after saying goodbye to Lila.

The meeting went on for two hours and before she knew, it was in the evening.
When they were left alone, Rachel’s assistant helped her sort out the documents they had been given.
"Miss Bennet, Mr Bentley’s driver is waiting for you downstairs."
I took Rachel a whole minute to remember that she had promised to attend Kyle’s party that night.She rubbed her temples to
keep away the migraine she felt was on the way.Her assistant was worried about her when she saw that Rachel didn’t look too

"Miss Bennet, if you are really tired, we can just..."
"No, I’m fine" Rachel knew what she wanted to say.
"We have just reached an initial cooperation with Tucker, I can’t afford stand Kyle up at this critical moment.Don’t worry.I just
didn’t sleep well last night, but I can handle a few more hours."
"I’ll go with you then," her assistant said quickly.
She couldn’t help but be worried.
Rachel looked up at her and nodded.Then, she went back to her office, packed up her things and hurried downstairs with her
The car had been waiting at the entrance of the building.
The driver saw them, quickly got out and opened the door of the back seat for Rachel
"Miss Bennet." He bowed his head respectfully.
Rachel nodded and got in, while the assistant sat in the front passenger seat.

The driver closed the door for her and got back to his seat.He started the navigation system, and stepped on the gas as they
made their way to the destination.
Rachel rolled down the car window.
The sun always set earlier in winter than in summer.
With the window down, the chilly winter breeze blew in and Rachel felt less stuffy.
"Miss Bennet, be careful.We wouldn’t want you to catch a cold.It would be better to close the window," her assistant said
Just then, a gust of cold wind blew over Rachel’s face, making her feel better.
Hearing the assistant’s words, she said nothing and only rolled up half of the window.

As she did so, her phone rang.She looked down at the screen and saw a message there from an unknown number.
It was all just numbers and letters that seemed random at first glance.
Was it skind of prank? She raised her eyebrows slightly, but did not delete the message as other people would have.
She was intrigued.
Instead, she copied the text, pasted it on her browser and searched it online.
Her phone screen suddenly darkened.
It was not until fifteen seconds later that a progress bar finally popped up on the screen.
Lines of binary crawled up her screen and more of them kept coming.
It seemed as if her phone was being hacked or a virus was downloading itself.
Rachel looked at the progress bar and saw a yellow duck jumping on it.
Among the blocks of code, it looked really silly and funny.
"Boss, hello? Boss, can you hear me?"
In the earpiece that had been hanging on her left ear, Quintin’s voice cthrough along with intermittent current noises.