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Captivation: Want Nothing But You

Chapter 513: Create An Opportunity
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Just as the saving went, bad news indeed traveled fast. As soon as the investigation team had asked Victor to sign the
agreement, a bunch of rumors spread.
Ssaid that the investigative team was stationed at the headquarters of the Sullivan Group.
Others claimed that new information had been discovered by the investigative team While Carson was drinking water, his phone
rang a dozen times.
Many wanted to extract more information from him. He rubbed his nose and said, "Let’s go inside and check on the patient."
Ivan had just responded to the message sent by the department manager who asked about the investigative team.
Just as he was about to follow Carson into the bedroom, his phone rang.
Carson inadvertently glanced at the screen of Ivan’s phone.He noticed that it was a call from the manager of their company’s
public relations department.He probably couldn’t get through to Carson, but didn’t have the courage to call Victor.
Thus, he decided to call Ivan, the only person who could contact those two.
"Answer the phone,"
Carson commanded, knitting his eyebrows together.
"Victor and I don’t have anything important to talk about right now, but I want to have a little chat with him."
The investigative team had cto the hospital, which wasn’t a good sign in everyone’s eyes.
As a matter of fact, it was true.
The Sullivan Group had a deep-rooted foundation.
If something happened to the company, it would have a big impact in the industry.

For that reason, the investigative team had to be very careful with every step they took.
This meant that the team only cto the hospital after a thorough consideration, and it was very likely that they had found
something wrong.

The worker who fell off the building was grievously injured, and was still in a coma.
The director of the purchasing issued a public apology and committed suicide by jumping off a building.
There were two casualties already, and the matter was getting out of hand.
Even though this was clear to Ivan, he knew damn well that he shouldn’t panic.
If he were to show even a tinge of agitation, the entirety of the Sullivan Group could collapse And so, Ivan nodded and picked up
the phone.
While listening to the manager of the public relations department over the phone, he went to the balcony.
Carson withdrew his sight from Ivan and opened the bedroom door.
There, he saw Victor leaning against the headboard with his eyes closed.
The curtains in the bedroom were closed.
It was dark inside, but he was still able to see Victor’s deathly pale face.
"I just fetched your examination result."
Carson sneezed while speaking, "Doesn’t look so bad.It says here that you’ll be discharged from the hospital in two weeks’ time,
and that you have to stay at hby then."
It would take several months for the average man to recover from a fracture, let alone a man like Victor who almost lost his life.
During this month, all Victor had done was lay in bed, aside from the several times he refused to listen to the doctor’s advice and
insisted on getting out of bed.
Additionally, he didn’t have to worry about the company’s business operations.

And for that, he was able to recover well.
When Carson heard from the doctor that Victor was recovering well, he was doubtful of it.
He thought that he had read the report wrong, or perhaps the doctor had made a mistake.

Silence ensued in the room.
At this time, Victor shot Carson a sidelong glance.
The smile on Carson’s face disappeared.
"Ivan said that during the past two days, Wallace would pass by the archive before getting off work.It seems like he can’t wait any
longer.But he didn’t go in.He’s really not like the rumored courageous King of Hearts."
Carson sounded like he really disdained Wallace.
Ever since Wallace showed up.
Carson’s fantasy of the King of Hearts over the years had been shattered.
It was understandable that he’d dislike the guy.
"He’s waiting for an opportunity to strike.In that case, we should give him an opportunity and let him in."
Victor looked straight into Carson’s eyes.
His deep dark eyes were daunting, and his face remained stoic.
They were really good friends, so they were able to understand each other easily.
Carson was able to decipher the plan Victor had in mind just by hearing that one sentence.
"Leave it to me.I’ll get it done, Victor.Don’t worry."
He then sat on the sofa and added, "Unfortunately, the investigative team has been trying to get sinformation out of us, and
word of it is spreading like wildfire.Sounds like the person pulling the strings is getting impatient."
A moment of silence ensued between them.
"It’s time," Victor replied.
Three days later, at ten in the morning, a report was broadcast by TV news stations.

It was like a bomb that woke Apliaria up on Monday morning, causing an uproar in the business world.