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Captivation: Want Nothing But You

Chapter 519: Make A Choice (Part Four)
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Rachel was presented with an official paper with the words-Investigation Order. According to Kent, even if Rachel didn’t want to
sign the investigation order, she had to
Andy frowned and was rather dissatisfied with Kant’s rudeness towards them. Before concluding their probe, it seemed that the
investigating team had already proven collusion between the BeGroup and the Sullivan Group.
Rachel, on the other hand, felt nothing. She signed her nwithout saying anything as she stared down at the investigation
order, just like she had done when she signed the divorce agreement four years ago Kent was taken aback a bit. He thought
Rachel would say something before signing.
It was not as if the BeGroup did anything unethical. The investigation team arrived unannounced and requested that she
sign an investigative order granting them access to all the group’s records, including the secret ones. Kent, on the other hand,
had a ready-made list of excuses. He never had the opportunity to lay them out, however.
“Mr. Bates and everyone else, thank you very much.” Rachel put her pen down gently, displaying a completely different
demeanor from Kent’s earlier icy one
“I wonder when you’ll begin the investigation.”
“How about right away?” A guy seated next to Kent made a harsh remark, as though he thought Rachel had posed a ridiculous
question. Rachel didn’t seem to mind.
“Okay. I’ll have my assistant to ask the canteen to prepare more food. The BeGroup’s canteen welcomes you to sample its
cuisine. Our canteen has a talented cook.”
Then, she rose from her seat.
“This is Andy Torres. BeGroup’s legal department is headed by him. He is our group’s second-highest ranking official after

me. Andy will help you out if you ask him for anything. I won’t bother you with my being here since I have something else to
Andy gave them a friendly nod. Rachel then walked out of the room without a further word. The guy next to Kent was astonished
for an extended period of tas he watched Rachel go, and he could not believe she had left. He looked around at his
coworkers, who were equally perplexed. Rachel was being much too cooperative. They thought that she did not even take them
seriously. Kent was well-known for his commercial acumen, which was characterized by strictness and fairness. As soon as
Rachel left, he gave Andy a list.

“These materials and agreements are critical to our work. Please pass them over to us by 2:00 this afternoon, Mr. Torres. If you
have any further supporting resources, please bring them to us as well,” Kent said seriously.
Andy said, “Sure. I’ll have them ready right away.”
After a while, the conference room was empty save for the investigators. “What? They just left like that?”
The guy, who was seated next to Kent, stared at Andy’s back in disbelief. Casting a glance at the coffee provided by Rachel’s
assistant, Kent unscrewed his vacuum cup and took a sip of water.
“Since they had nothing else to do, why couldn’t they leave?”
“But they left so soon as if they couldn’t wait to leave.” Kent set the vacuum cup down and said, “What? Do you feel disappointed
that they did not invite you to a fancy restaurant or book a luxury hotel for you?”
The man’s cheeks flushed as he heard what Kent said.
“What are you talking about, Kent? Is that what I’m like? Not to mention our stern disciplinary measures.” Kent only looked at him
and did not speak. Kent’s glare humiliated the guy even more. Poor management had put the BeGroup on the verge of
bankruptcy. The group was managed by a woman. He thought that women were incapable of running businesses.
It was only natural for him to assthat Rachel was a commonplace person. Seeing them, she should be apprehensive and

attempt to satisfy them. He didn’t anticipate, though, that she would be neither haughty nor humble. He felt like being slapped in
the face.
“I believe it’s okay that they’re acting this way,” Kent said out of the blue.
“You’ve been fawned on by the small companies. This is a tfor you to focus on your task. You don’t want to make any
“Don’t go there!” The guy was indignant. The others joined in, trying to defend their companion.
“Davis was joking when he said that. He declined all invitations from those firms to dine and have a good time.”
“All you need to know is what you’re doing,” Kent said softly, but with a serious expression on his face. It was the syear
when Davis Myers and Kent both began their careers. Working together for close to two decades, they had becgood friends

and coworkers. Kent was a man serious in speech and manner while Davis was as slippery as an eel. Kent rose up, quickly
tidied up the desk, and placed the signed investigation order neatly into the folder.
“Let’s go,” he said, removing his badge and putting it in his pocket. Davis rested his body on the back of the chair “What? Where
to?” Pointing to the ton his watch, Kent remarked, “It’s tfor lunch.”
“I didn’t even realize it was lunchtime. I skipped breakfast, and I’m starving now. During the meeting with the Sullivan Group, I
was feeling hungry. I figured I deserved a wonderful meal,” another guy chimed in and got to his feet. Davis rubbed his temples
“We have not slept well or eaten breakfast in recent days. Well, the good news is that we can have lunch in the middle of the day
Kent remained expressionless and said nothing. “Where will we eat?” Davis arose and questioned.
“Didn’t Miss Bejust say we can eat at their canteen?” Kent addressed Davis. Davis’s pupils nearly popped out.
“Shall we truly eat at the staff canteen?” Kent gave him a sidelong look as if to say, “Or what?”
“We’ve put forth so much effort, Kent. Lunch should be excellent. Why don’t we go out to eat?” Davis complained.
“I don’t feel like eating in the canteen.”
“Miss Behas requested that the canteen prepare lunch for us,” Kent said. To turn down such an act of generosity was
unacceptable. In Davis’ twenty years working with Kent, he was well acquainted with him. Davis didn’t say anything more since
Kent wouldn’t change his mind. Davis shut the folder and said, “Okay. Let’s eat in the canteen. After that, let’s find out how
closely linked the BeGroup and Sullivan Group really are!”