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Captivation: Want Nothing But You

Chapter 528: Found Guilty (Part One)
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Wallace’s eyes darkened.
"The arrest warrant cpretty fast.Other than our men, no one else knew about it.Victor wouldn’t have had enough tto
react because it happened so fast."
He only learned about Victor being taken away from the hospital during the meeting.
Brian frowned in thought, and as was his habit, he rubbed the ring on his index finger.
Three hours ago, the investigation team was hard at work.
They stayed up all night and then took turns to sleep once it was bright outside.
Davis yawned as he printed a stack of reports and returned to the meeting room.
One of the team members who had just woken up saw Davis enter with the reports.
"Davis, why don’t you go and get ssleep?"
"No, that’s okay.By the way, these are all the reports left."
Davis placed the papers on the table.
"You woke up so soon."
"Yes.I managed to sleep for half an hour.Lettell you that this was the best sleep I had in a long time.I was practically dead to

the world!"
He half laughed, half yawned.
Davis patted the stack of reports.
"Since you’re awake, helpgo through these files.We need to find the issue.This seems to be our last hope."
The man’s eyes widened incredulously.
"That’s a lot.It will take us days!"

Davis glanced at him and pulled a report from the stack.He then took a few sips of his coffee and said, "At the rate you’re
dawdling, it will definitely take weeks.Don’t you want to get to the bottom of this and go back to your family? Your wife?"
"Don’t mention her.My wife is surely going to ask for divorce if I continue to spend long hours at work."He then walked up to
Davis and took sfinancial reports before returning to his seat.
Davis glanced at the reports in his hand and paused.
"Get to it sooner.That way, you can go back to her quickly."
After that, they stopped talking and went through the reports.
Kent had gone out to make a call and report the progress of the investigation.
When he cback in, he saw the two men with their noses buried in the financial reports.
"What is this? This number seems to be wrong!"

Confused, the man who had been talking to Davis drew a circle around a number.
Davis asked immediately, "What number?"
Anyone could say that he sounded expectant.
Kent looked at him, but when he saw that Davis seemed normal, he didn’t think much about it.He then turned his attention to the
other man who had just spoken.
"What is it? What’s wrong?"
"Kent, look at this number.The investment last quarter was only thirty million.However, the amount increased twelvefold in this
quarter.But if I remember correctly, six years ago.Due to their bad investments, BeGroup faced a huge financial crisis.Back
then, no company wanted to invest in them to save them.So how did they manage to get so much money?"
He walked to Kent with the report.
Cash flow was the best reflection of a company’s operating situation.
BeGroup had been struggling in the last quarter, but by the next quarter, it was brought back to life.

Moreover, this money wasn’t mentioned in the previous financial statement.
Hadn’t the man quick to do smath, they wouldn’t have found it.It was obvious the money was legitimate.
It meant BeGroup suddenly got hundreds of millions of dollars.
However, even with that kind of money, BeGroup didn’t use it.
Instead, it continued to shrink its size and almost went bankrupt.
Why didn’t they use the money? Also, where did the money cfrom? Kent’s face changed to that of seriousness.
"Check all the financial statements and reports around this point in time.Find out where the money cfrom and where it