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Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 156: Gender Free
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Chapter 156: Gender Free

Date- 25 Mar 2321

Time- 13:25

Location- Sky Blossom City, Guild Association Mall, Warehouse no.234

“Uncle Van, I will get stronger and avenge uncle Boris and uncle Mark” promised Sarah as she wept and leaned into Van’s embrace.

“Sure you will sweet pea, and I have just the way for you to get strong.” Van supported Sarah’s decision and began executing his own plan.

“Really” Sarah with her tear-filled eyes looked into Van’s still eyes for confirmation.

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“Yes, I do. The fated encounter found you your fated card creationist who can and is willing to create the type of origin card you want.” Assured Van without a slight fluctuation in his still eyes.

I used my blood to awaken Sarah after Van restructured his body as having a healthy familiar face for her to wake up to would save a lot of commotion and explanation. But still, I could not avoid the messy commotion after Sarah learnt of the Blue Blossom lake massacre. She wept and mourned for the departed and promised vengeance. And during this Van deployed his plan to recruit Sarah as his lord’s follower by having her origin card created by his lord.

Few potential customers visited during this time whom I had turned away by Susan saying I was completely booked for till 28th of this month. Interestingly they were so impressed by my creations Pax’s Iron flesh card and Susan’s slime armour card they booked appointments for the 28th.

“Aren’t you too young to be a card creationist?” Asked Sarah to her fated card creationist introduced to her by her fated person as he was of the same age as her.

“No, no I am not. Geniuses come in all shapes, sizes, ages and gender.” I replied nonchalantly.

“Do you want any info about my fated ingredients and are you clear about my requirements?” Though Sarah thought the young card creationist was narcissistic still she went along with him as her card creationist she deemed him reliable because her uncle said so, after all her uncle would not want to harm her right.

“No need, your uncle has already brought me up to speed regarding your fated ingredients and requirement for the origin card.” I assured her as I don’t want my cash cow slipping from my palms. Sarah and the three guilds she currently owned were my tickets to opening 3rd transformation of calamity soul core and 2nd transformation in my subordinates calamity daughter cores.

Getting Sarah’s approval I handed Susan the ingredient’s list required for the card creation.

[Origin core x1 – $125,000]

Yes, it was going to be the cheapest origin card I will create to date but considering the daughter core I would add during the creation process I don’t know if it could be considered the cheapest origin card I was going to create.

D-rank Charcoal Fire Beetle, Sarah’s fated ingredient. They are named as such because this particular beetle’s exoskeleton and the shell is made up of variant Charcoal. The charcoal exoskeleton and the shell of the Charcoal fire beetle are always red hot and emitting red light like burning charcoal as the beetle using its Pyrokinesis ability it manipulates its body heat to ignite its charcoal exoskeleton and the shell to produce flames then manipulates the flames for its defensive and offensive needs. Not to mention the herculean strength and resilience of the beetle family it is endowed with.

Many researchers are trying to explain, did the charcoal fire beetle develop its charcoal exoskeleton to make use of its pyrokinesis abilities to the fullest or did it gain the pyrokinesis ability to make use of its charcoal exoskeleton to the fullest. This is the marvel of evolution; nobody can explain it but many still strive to. Some get close but can’t see, some get lost but believe they see.

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Sarah was not after the Herculean strength or resilience of the beetle family nor the pyrokinesis ability or the charcoal exoskeleton of the charcoal fire beetle. She was after the lesser-known ability of the Charcoal fire beetle, its ability to change gender when there is a lack of either of the two genders in their swarm during the mating season. Yes, Sarah desired the ability to change her gender so that she can get rid of the gender restrictions of her mortal body to suit her free sexuality.

Sarah’s demands for the card were the reason she had not created her origin card yet. The card creationists working for the three guilds were not qualified or confident enough to create such a card. And the capable card creationists for hire were not willing to create such a card because such a controversial card would label them for life. Sarah had finally found the hope to break free of the restrictions on her body but once again society and its norms blocked her from achieving her desire. This was not new to her so this time she got up pretty quickly.

Sitting in the card room I began to wonder why a monster with pyrokinesis was only ranked as D-rank. After careful consideration, I came up with 3 reasons why,

1.The temperature of flame produced by charcoal even in its variant form is very less, 750–1,200 Celsius (1,382–2,192 F). which is not enough to even burn the E-rank monster’s physique.

2.The Charcoal fire beetle lacks the Soul energy control required to use advanced pyrokinesis to increase the temperature of the flame produced by its charcoal exoskeleton.

3.The Charcoal fire beetle does not have high resistance to fire therefore their charcoal exoskeleton not only helps produce flame but also protects it from getting burned by the fire produced by itself. The variant charcoal cannot withstand temperatures above 1300 Celsius, anything above this limit will turn the Charcoal exterior to ashes.

Looking at the limitations of the charcoal exoskeleton and pyrokinesis ability of the Charcoal beetle it sould not be ranked in D-rank but considering its herculean strength and resilience of the beetle family it is endowed with it barely passed as D-rank. Now I had to come up with ways to get rid of these limitations to create a high ranking origin card.