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Chasing My Pregnant Wife by Night Rvelations

Chapter 287
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Rosalie was so beautiful.

There was gentleness in Theodore's eyes, but at the stime, there was also a hint of regret.

His fingers hovered over her eyebrows, and he gently traced along their curves in the air. Then, he traced the shape of her eyes, as if caressing her. He never touched her, to avoid waking her.

Rose was so gorgeous, and so kind. She genuinely cared about everyone around her. Now that she was single again, many men would fight to pursue a woman like her. Not to mention, she was also rich. Theodore then thought of Sebastian.

He saw Sebastian as an enemy, but this was also a form of acknowledgment. He acknowledged that Sebastian wasn't half bad.

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A man who could make Theodore feel threatened was surely extraordinary, because the average Joe wouldn't be able to make him feel that way.

If Sebastian really liked Rosalie, and started to pursued her...

Theodore didn't dare to think further. What if Rosalie and Sebastian got together, and they were happy? He thought that he was really selfish. He didn't want Sebastian to treat Rosalie well, and he didn't want Rosalie to find happiness with Sebastian. The better Sebastian treated her, the more it would make him look like a scoundrel.

Theodore was clear about many things, but his actions weren't aligned. One's head and heart were often at odds, which led to mistakes being made continuously.

Just then, Theodore noticed something from the corner of his eye.

Not far away, Rosalie's phone screen lit up. Someone must be calling her, but she had switched it to silent mode last night.

Theodore glanced at Rosalie. She was still sleeping soundly.

Who would call her so early? Theodore removed his arm from under her neck carefully, and tiptoed out of bed.

The pain in his back still lingered. It was a dull ache that intensified even with the slightest movements.

He endured the pain, and walked to her phone. It was an unsaved contact.

Theodore picked up the phone, and walked out of the room. "Hello." On the other end, Yvonne and Sebastian were both stunned to hear a man's voice. Why was a man answering Rosalie's phone so early in the morning? Sebastian recognized the voice, and he frowned instantly.

He was about to open his mouth, but then he thought of something. He gave Yvonne a look, gesturing for her to talk.

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Yvonne regained her senses, and immediately asked, "Is this Rose's phone?" Hearing that it was a woman on the other end, Theodore felt relieved. "Yes. Who's this?" Could it be her friend Stephanie? But the girl on the phone didn't sound like Stephanie.

"I'm her friend," Yvonne said. "Why didn't she pick up the call?" "She's sleeping. She's tired from last night," Theodore said, being vague on purpose.

Yvonne was startled. "Where is she?" "Of course, she's here with me," Theodore replied coldly. "Is there any reason you called? Just tell me, and I'll pass your message to her when she wakes up." "Who are you?" Yvonne asked in surprise. "Why did you spend the night with Rose?"

"I'm her husband. Is it strange forto spend the night with her?" Om Theodore replied. Yvonne was rendered speechless.

"Why don't you call her back later? We slept late last night, and she's very tired," Theodore said, and he hung up right after.

Staring at Rosalie's phone, he chuckled in self derision.

What the hell was wrong with him?! Why did he want to tell everyone that he was still Rosalie's husband, when he clearly wasn't anymore?