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Descent of the Demon Master

Chapter 549. Peaceful (4)
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Chapter 549. Peaceful (4)


The car's engine note was subdued as Kang Jin-Ho drove at a sedate pace. Park Yu-Min riding shotgun glanced at his friend. “Aren't you busy lately?”

Kang Jin-Ho wryly smiled. “If I was, I wouldn't be here.”

“I think you still might, though?”

“Mm...” Kang Jin-Ho couldn't deny that. Even if there was hardly a moment to catch his breath, he'd still say yes if Park Yu-Min asked him for help. “If I summarize my situation, I'm not that busy.”

“...It's just that lots of things need your attention. Something like that?”

“Huh. How did you guess?”

“I can see it on your face, Jin-Ho,” Park Yu-Min wryly smiled like his friend. Kang Jin-Ho was too insensitive to understand that he was a poor liar and couldn't hide his real feelings from his face.

Kang Jin-Ho seemed like an expressionless person by most standards. However, those who knew him personally didn't think that. There had always been subtle hints of emotions hidden in his expressions, after all! Anyone who had spent some time with him would learn to see that.

Park Yu-Min slowly rubbed his chin. “And we need to prepare for going back to university, too...”

“What is there to prepare?” Kang Jin-Ho casually replied. “We just have to do it, anyway.”

“Even so. We haven't studied in a long time, right?”

“I'm actually wondering if it's worth the trouble.”


Kang Jin-Ho explained himself. “My plate is already full as is. So, I figured spending what little free time I might have in university could be the final straw breaking the camel's back. That's why I've been thinking about what to do. But... I still haven't decided since my family might raise one hell of a hullabaloo if I quit studying now.”

“Why do you want to quit, though? It's Jaegyeong Uni, Jin-Ho, not some random college.”

“It's not like I'm gonna get a job in a company, anyway.”

“...Oh.” Park Yu-Min was momentarily left speechless by that answer. He couldn't imagine Kang Jin-Ho suddenly changing his lifestyle and getting a normal nine-to-five office job in a normal company somewhere. “Mm... Even so, wouldn't having a uni degree be useful?”

“Why do you think so?” Kang Jin-Ho tilted his head.

“...I heard that it might come in handy someday.”

“That's not a good reason, Yu-Min.”

“Well, sure. However...” Park Yu-Min pondered the potential reasons, then finally thought of one. “I think it's about opportunities.”


“Yeah. Wouldn't graduating from university increase the number of career options? Giving up on that seems like a net loss, don't you think?”

“I told you, I'm not gonna get a job.”

“You never know, though. No one can predict how things will turn out. Who knows, you might somehow stumble into a job requiring a university degree.”

Kang Jin-Ho cocked an eyebrow. “Hmm...”

“Besides, weren't you thinking of setting up a foundation?”

“Yeah, I was.”

“Obviously, you'll employ people to help you, but... Your major is business management, isn't it? In that case, wouldn't the knowledge you've gained at school come in handy? I mean... Other people doing stuff you know nothing about must be way different from other people doing stuff you do know something about.”

“Huh. I didn't think about that,” Kang Jin-Ho muttered while nodding away.

There were good reasons why people needed to talk to other people, and this had to be one of them. Something he'd never considered if he was alone would now be reviewed more seriously after his friend opened his eyes. That alone was worth its weight in gold.

“I'll have to think about this some more, then. However, I don't think you're in any position to worry about me right now? I know you're the type to do that regardless, but please, try to think about your own future first, Yu-Min. Now must be one of the most important periods in your life.”

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“You're right. I will,” Park Yu-Min nodded while resolving himself.

Kang Jin-Ho was right about Park Yu-Min needing to think about himself first. His current situation was akin to a large boulder blocking his chosen path. He should find a way around this obstacle first before claiming the right to butt in other people's affairs.

“Don't worry, I'll do my best,” said Park Yu-Min.

“I know you will,” Kang Jin-Ho chuckled faintly. He liked this side of Park Yu-Min.

Even though he didn't want to stop worrying about other people or the stuff they were going through, Park Yu-Min never forgot to stay passionate about his own life. Maintaining this surprisingly delicate balance was easier said than done, but Park Yu-Min still managed to pull it off with aplomb for the longest time.

As a matter of fact, he was doing that even now. While diligently working toward his dream, Park Yu-Min never forgot to think about the welfare of orphans back in Seongsim. And he even tried to care for his friends in the middle of all that, too. Each of these things required so much energy and commitment, yet Park Yu-Min never complained once.

“You can drop me off around here, Jin-Ho.”

“Mm? You don't want me to take you to Seongsim?”

“I was thinking of popping into that supermarket, you see? To buy some snacks for the kids back home.”

“Oh. Well, I can wait until you're done shopping, though?”

“Come on, man. Let me get some exercise in, okay? At this rate, my legs will devolve into unusable meat stumps.”

Kang Jin-Ho chuckled at Park Yu-Min's good-natured tell-off. “Fine. Do what you want, then.”

Kang Jin-Ho stopped his car in front of a local supermarket and said goodbye to Park Yu-Min. A warm smile spread on Kang Jin-Ho's face as he watched Park Yu-Min wave his hand and enter the store.

For some inexplicable reason, Kang Jin-Ho always felt energized after hanging out with Park Yu-Min.

'I need to learn to appreciate my footholds more...'

His father's advice had become the golden rule for Kang Jin-Ho. He should not focus only on the path in front of his eyes. He needed to carefully scan his surroundings and always think about his footholds even as he traveled forward.

Kang Jin-Ho nodded to himself, then leisurely drove away.


“I'm dying here. No, really...” Han Jin-Seong groaned, his head lifelessly faltering.

Whoever invented the system of university entrance exams must've been a world-class sadist. That person must've agonized over and over again to find the cruelest way to torment the hopeful test-takers until finally settling on this entrance exam malarkey.

That had to be it, otherwise how would Han Jin-Seong explain his current state? Even if the question seemed familiar, another glance revealed that hadn't been the case at all. Even though he was confident of getting the answer right, it still turned out to be dead wrong!

“...Is this because the questions themselves are cunning? Or is my head simply a bag of rocks?”

Jo Mi-Hye suddenly butted in. “It must be the latter, oppa.”

“Imma hit you one day, you hear me?” Han Jin-Seong unhappily turned his head to look at Jo Mi-Hye's oh-so-hateful smirk.

She continued to drive the dagger in. “It takes one heck of a talent to keep getting the same question wrong multiple times, you know? When I'm looking at you, Jin-Seong oppa... I gotta accept that mankind did really evolve from apes.”

“Wrong. It's not ape, but anthropoid.”

“Huh. Since you know that, I guess you were human, after all?”

“What the heck?! Seriously?” Han Jin-Seong shot up to his feet in anger.

However, Jo Mi-Hye still playfully poked her tongue at him. “What's the matter? You wanna hit me? Is that it?”

“Hah-ah...” Han Jin-Seong helplessly shook his head.

Unfortunately for him, Jo Mi-Hye remained persistent. “Still, you've gotten a bit better, oppa. So don't lose hope, okay?”

“Can't you put a cork in it at least once?”

“No, hang on. I'm being serious, you know? Why don't you believe me?”

“...Oh, really? You aren't lying?”

“Yup. You got better by as much as an ant's eyelash?”

“You're dead meat!” Han Jin-Seong growled and was about to stomp his way toward Jo Mi-Hye.

However, his plan was thwarted by the classroom's door suddenly opening and their lecturer walking inside. “Han Jin-Seong? Didn't I tell you to study? Don't you understand that acting immaturely like this is why your grades aren't improving?”

“B-but, sir! I'm innocent! And I'm always trying my best to study, you know!”

“You're always innocent, and that's the problem, Jin-Seong.”

Han Jin-Seong fiercely protested. “I'm serious, sir. I haven't done anything!”

“That's enough of that. Head to the career guidance office, Jin-Seong.”

“I'm sorry?”

“I said, go to the career guidance office.”

Han Jin-Seong's eyes powerfully quaked just then. “Heol?! Does that mean I better give up on university now?”

“What are you on about, Jin-Seong?” The lecturer tilted his head.

“That had to be it, sir! Otherwise, why would I get called to the guidance office during class? Should I... Should I just quit and find a job in a factory?”

“...Mister Kang Jin-Ho wishes to see you.”

“...Oh,” Han Jin-Seong sheepishly nodded, then shuffled toward the exit. “Well, then, uh... I'll be right back, sir.”

“Sure, sure. If you can help it, don't come back until the end of the class, okay?”

“Heol...” Han Jin-Seong blinked his eyes in shock before bowing his head and leaving the class.

“...What's gotten into him, anyway?” The lecturer muttered in confusion.

Jo Mi-Hye quickly raised her voice. “Sir, Jin-Seong oppa's been working hard lately, you know. And his grades have improved a lot, too.”

“Sure, sure. That was my bad. I shouldn't have bad-mouthed Jin-Seong in front of you.”

“Wha-what do you mean? What are you implying, sir?”

“Don't worry about it, okay? It's all good. Let's get the class started, shall we? Aigoo... I better get hitched soon if I wanna escape from this sorrow of loneliness…”

“But, sir? You know you can't marry yourself, right?”

“...Kuh-hum. Let's get started.”

Jo Mi-Hye grinned softly at the lecturer changing the topic, then glanced at the exit.

'I hope he's not gonna start whining again...'

She couldn't help but worry about Han Jin-Seong.


“I'm here, hyung,” said Han Jin-Seong as he entered the guidance office.

“Mm,” Kang Jin-Ho briefly waved his hand at the boy. “Been a while, Jin-Seong.”

“Yeah, it is,” Han Jin-Seong smiled brightly. It felt like he hadn't seen Kang Jin-Ho in a fairly long time. Was it because he started this cram school, or has Kang Jin-Ho's busy schedule kept him away recently? Han Jing-Seong curiously asked, “What brings you here, though?”

“To say hi, obviously. And I also wanted to ask you some things.”

“Oh, okay...” Han Jin-Seong cautiously took a seat in front of Kang Jin-Ho.

'At times like these, I get weirdly nervous around Jin-Ho hyung...'

When Kang Jin-Ho was in the company of the orphans, he seemed like an easy-going hyung with a screw loose in his head. However, the vibe he gave off would change completely when he was alone with someone like this. Han Jin-Seong couldn't help but get nervous for some reason while looking at Kang Jin-Ho.

Should he chalk this change down to the vibe Kang Jin-Ho oozed? Even though Kang Jin-Ho wasn't doing anything scary, Han Jin-Seong still felt this subtle pressure pressing down on his shoulders.

Kang Jin-Ho broke the ice first. “So, how are things?”

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“How's your study going?”

Han Jin-Seong's expression became unreadable for a moment there as he stared at Kang Jin-Ho. Then, he slowly nodded. “Well, you can say it's going pretty swimmingly.”

“Really? That's a surprise.”

“What is?” Han Jin-Seong tilted his head.

“I figured you'd start with a massive whining first, you see?” Kang Jin-Ho chuckled softly.

Han Jin-Seong pouted testily. “I'm not a three-year-old, hyung.”

“Hmm...?” Kang Jin-Ho cocked an eyebrow with a hint of amusement in his expression.

“W-what's up with that face, hyung?” Han Jin-Seong blushed slightly.

“Nah, it's nothing,” Kang Jin-Ho warmly smiled while shaking his head. “I asked you to come here since you're the oldest, you see? I figured hearing from you should give me the most accurate picture. So, how is it? Any difficulties or complaints?”

“Well... It's kinda tough that we gotta study like crazy all the time, but that's about it, hyung.”

Kang Jin-Ho opened Han Jin-Seong's grades evaluation report. It said that the boy displayed an unexpectedly strong desire to study. Although noticeable progress shouldn't be expected at this early stage, Han Jin-Seong's high degree of comprehension meant his grades should experience rapid improvement soon enough.

Kang Jin-Ho read the report carefully, then looked at Han Jin-Seong. “You're studying hard, I see.”

“...It's not just me, though. Everyone is trying their best.”

“I see. I'm happy and relieved to hear that.”

The conversation entered a lull there. However, Han Jin-Seong was dissatisfied with that and tried to say something else. “Also…”


“Honestly, I... We are all grateful for receiving this opportunity, hyung.”

Kang Jin-Ho sheepishly smiled at that. He was genuinely unfamiliar with listening to expressions of gratitude like this. Especially when those words came from Han Jin-Seong. It all felt so weird.

Kang Jin-Ho shook his head with a wry grin. “Thanks for the flattery.”

“It's not flattery, though,” Han Jin-Seong stared straight at Kang Jin-Ho. “Hyung, sometimes... Sometimes even I feel you're doing a bit too much.”

“Too much? How so?”

“Yes, too much. For us,” Han Jin-Seong nodded, his expression stiffening. “I might still be a brat, but I do know that investment needs to see a return sooner or later. If I'm being honest, though... I think you've made a bad investment, hyung.”

“Why do you say that?” Kang Jin-Ho tilted his head.

“Well, that's because you might not get your return on investment.”

“What do you mean, I won't get my return? I know you guys will do me a solid in the future, anyway.”

“Come on, hyung…” Han Jin-Seong shook his head. “Let's be honest here. You know we aren't the smartest cookies around. Even if we study hard like this, none of us will become some super-amazing figure in life, you know?”

Kang Jin-Ho silently studied Han Jin-Seong's expression before quietly raising his voice. “I'm not doing this while hoping someone among you becomes successful.”


“What I wish for is... for all of you to stop holding back. I want to ensure that you don't have to endure something just because you're orphans. That alone makes everything worth it for me.”

Han Jin-Seong groaned loudly. “Hyung, you're heaping a mountain of burden on my back.”

“Really? How about this, then? You can make lots of money after graduation and pay me back, okay? I might end up penniless by then.”

“Eii, there's no way,” Han Jin-Seong shook his head.

“No one knows what will happen in life, Jin-Seong.”

Han Jin-Seong dazedly stared at Kang Jin-Ho before chuckling helplessly. “Okay, fine. I'll take care of you if that happens, hyung.”

“Your sentiments alone are enough for me. However, you gotta study hard and become a success story first if you want to do that, right?”

“...Can I take back what I said?”

“Of course not, you dummy.”

Kang Jin-Ho and Han Jin-Seong chuckled at each other. And with each other, too.