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Dragon Monarch System

Chapter 476: The Azure Moonflower Herb [III]
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Thomas felt the walls closing in around him, the pressure becoming unbearable. He knew that he still had time to admit his mistake, to let go of his useless pride and ego and confess that he didn't have the money. If he persisted in his folly, the humiliation would extend to his entire family, tarnishing the name of the Terra Regency Empire, and destroying his own reputation. And paying the money was not an option, as neither he nor the empire possessed such vast wealth.

With a bitter and defeated expression, his face contorted in shame, Thomas spoke in a voice barely above a whisper, but in the pin-drop silence of the auction house, everyone heard his words, "I don't have that much money with me."

A collective gasp filled the room, followed by hushed whispers and shocked expressions. Many guests couldn't believe what they were hearing. However, Sakura wasn't the least bit surprised. She had already guessed the truth, as had Aditya, which was why he had given up on the bid in the first place.

Sakura's eyes, usually filled with flirtatious allure, now took on a steely glint as she addressed Thomas. Her voice, though still seductively melodic, carried a firm and authoritative tone, "Your Royal Highness, you have broken the rules of the Mystical Treasures Auction. Such actions carry consequences. And the punishment, I regret to inform you, is that from now on, neither you nor your Royal Family, nor any representatives of the Terra Regency Empire, will be allowed to enter any of our Mystical Treasures Auctions."

The words hung heavy in the air, their gravity understood by all present. The Mystical Treasures Auction was not just an event but an institution, holding various auctions throughout Westnia and other continents during the entire year. The Mystical Treasures Auction itself was the grand event, held once a year, but aside from that, the auction house also hosted numerous smaller auctions. Being banned from one of the most popular and famous auction houses in the whole world was no small matter, especially when Thomas and his father had a habit of regularly attending auctions to seek treasures and rare items.

Though her words were firm and her demeanor serious, there was an undeniable undercurrent of sensuality in Sakura's presence. The way she moved, the way she spoke, even in this formal setting, had an innate allure. Her voice, though stern, still had that soft, seductive quality that could draw anyone in. The room was charged not only with the tension of the moment but with the captivating magnetism that Sakura exuded.

Thomas's humiliation was complete. His face, pale and twisted, reflected the enormity of his mistake. The room seemed to grow hotter, the intensity of the situation palpable. The whispers grew louder, the guests unable to contain their shock and curiosity.

The moment was over, but its impact would be felt for a long time. The auction had come to a close not with the triumphant acquisition of a rare treasure, but with a lesson in humility and the consequences of arrogance.

Under the intense and watchful eyes of everyone present, Thomas, his face a mask of defeat and humiliation, made his way toward the exit, flanked by his two bodyguards. He was the first guest to leave, a reminder to all of the heavy price of arrogance and folly.

Sakura's eyes followed him for a moment, a trace of pity in her gaze. The most valuable and significant treasure of this year's auction remained unsold, a twist of fate that left a bittersweet taste. She then looked in Aditya's direction, a glimmer of hope in her eyes, almost as if she were willing him to express his interest in purchasing the precious herb.

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The room was buzzing with quiet conversations as the other guests began to stand, preparing to leave. But just as they were about to disperse, Aditya's voice rang out, stopping them in their tracks.

"I would like to purchase this Treasure at 350 Million royal gold coins." The words echoed through the hall, causing everyone to widen their eyes in shock.

Sakura herself looked at Aditya, her beautiful face registering complete surprise. But then, slowly, her lips curled into a radiant smile, her eyes sparkling with delight. "Con... Congratulations to Your Majesty for winning 'The Azure Moonflower Herb'," she stammered, her voice faltering with shock at the beginning of her sentence, yet still laced with that enchanting sensuality that was her hallmark.

The room seemed to hold its breath as the reality of what had just occurred settled in. This year's Mystical Treasures Auction had come to an end, and what an end it was! Filled with surprises, twists, and shocks, it might have been one of the craziest auctions the guests had ever witnessed.

What a twist indeed! In the end, the Istarin Emperor bought the Treasure for 350 million royal gold coins, the exact bidding price given by Crown Prince Thomas. Aditya had stopped at 310 million, leading everyone to believe that he was either out of money or unwilling to spend more than 350 million for the item. But it turned out that Aditya had stopped bidding because he had already guessed that Thomas was artificially inflating the price.

As the guests left, reflecting on the incredible turn of events, the atmosphere in the auction house remained charged with a blend of excitement, sensuality, and intrigue. They would talk about this night for a long time, the story of Thomas's hubris and Aditya's clever triumph, all woven together with the irresistible charm of the beautiful host, Sakura.

The night was over, but the memory lingered, a tantalizing mix of desire, ambition, and the eternal dance between seduction and power.

Thomas's footsteps echoed hollowly in the corridor as he walked out of the auction house, his two bodyguards trailing behind him. The humiliation of the night weighed heavily on him, his face hot with shame, his mind in turmoil.

The haunting words of Sakura's announcement, declaring Aditya the winner of 'The Azure Moonflower Herb' at 350 Million royal gold coins - the very price he had bid in his foolish attempt to humiliate Aditya - rang in his ears. Far from triumphing, he felt as if he'd been publicly slapped. Aditya had bought the treasure at his artificially inflated price, after he had been exposed and banned from the auction house. The irony was as bitter as gall.

"Your Royal Highness, what should we tell His Majesty?" one of the bodyguards asked, his voice tinged with genuine concern. They both knew that once Thomas's father, the Emperor of Terra Regency, learned of this debacle, there would be hell to pay. Thomas's punishment could be severe. Even worse, he might lose his position as Crown Prince, passed over in favor of one of his brothers.

The question was like a bucket of cold water, shocking Thomas into full awareness of the consequences of his actions. He stopped walking abruptly, his face turning deathly pale, his eyes wide with fear. It was as if the full weight of what he had done was suddenly crashing down on him.

"I... I don't know," he stammered, his voice barely above a whisper. "What can I say? How can I explain this?"

The two bodyguards exchanged worried glances, realizing the gravity of the situation.

"Maybe we can find a way to... to spin the story," one of them suggested hesitantly. "Make it seem like... like you were doing it for a good reason. Or maybe we can keep it quiet until we figure out what to do?"

Thomas shook his head, his face contorted with despair. "No, it's no use. The news will get out. People will talk. My father will hear of it, and then..." He trailed off, unable to finish the thought.

They stood there in the empty corridor, the silence heavy with the realization that Thomas's arrogance had cost him dearly. The humiliation at the auction house was just the beginning. Now, he faced the wrath of his father, the potential loss of his status as the Crown prince, now the title and position will be given to his other brother, and the scorn of his peers. He had played a dangerous game and lost, and now he was trapped, with no way out.

He had been so sure of himself, so convinced that he could best Aditya. But in the end, he had been the fool, outsmarted and outplayed. His bodyguards looked on, helpless, as their master's face crumpled, the mask of arrogance replaced with one of abject defeat.

"I'm fucked," he whispered, the words escaping like a plea for mercy. "I'm truly, completely, utterly fucked."

And in that moment, they all knew it to be true. Thomas's gamble had failed, and the price was more than he could bear. The night's events would haunt him for the rest of his life, a stark reminder of the dangers of pride and the folly of trying to humiliate those who are wiser and more cunning.

The auction house began to empty as the final gavel fell, signaling the end of an eventful evening. The guests who hadn't made any purchases filed out, chatting and laughing, their faces animated by the excitement of the night. Those who had acquired treasures were approached by the alluring Succubus receptionists, their captivating smiles promising a smooth and pleasurable transaction process.

Among the high-tier guests on the 1st floor, the atmosphere was more relaxed, and the service even more attentive. It was clear that the auction house knew how to treat those who had deep pockets.

Aditya was preparing to leave when Noah and his wife approached him. Noah's face was flushed with excitement, his eyes sparkling with the thrill of the night's drama. He hadn't bought anything, but the sheer spectacle of the event had been entertainment enough.

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"Aditya, I shall take my leave. We have an appointment with one of my childhood friends. I will see you later. Please say Hello to my sister Alicia for me," Noah said, his voice warm and friendly.

"Alright. Take care of yourself. When you have time, please come to the Istarin Empire," Aditya replied, his smile matching Noah's enthusiasm.

"Of course, I will come with my wife. But unfortunately now it's not a good time. And after the new year, I will be busy. So maybe sometime later."

They clasped hands, a genuine bond of friendship and respect evident in the simple gesture. Meanwhile, Julia, Lara and Lily were engaged in their own farewells, exchanging hugs and promises to catch up soon.

Noah's wife, graceful and elegant, added her own goodbye to Aditya. "It's been a pleasure, Your Majesty. We must visit you sometime."

"Please just call me Aditya. And I would be honored," Aditya responded, his eyes twinkling with sincerity. To which Lily nodded her head.

With a final wave and a cheerful call of "See you soon," Noah and his wife left the auction house, their laughter echoing down the corridor.

Aditya stood for a moment, reflecting on the night's events. It had been a night full of surprises, tensions, and unexpected twists. He had secured a valuable treasure, witnessed a rival's downfall, and spent time with his family.

Right after Noah left, a soft and rhythmic knock echoed through the room, pausing the conversation between Aditya, Julia, and Lara.

Knock! Knock!

"Come in," Aditya called, a note of curiosity in his voice.

The door creaked open, revealing the breathtakingly beautiful host, Sakura. Her eyes sparkled with a mysterious allure, and her lips were curved into a knowing, seductive smile. Behind her, two attractive receptionists carefully carried the treasures that Aditya had won in the auction.

"Good evening, Your Majesty," Sakura purred, her voice dripping with honeyed charm. She gracefully stepped into the room, her movements a dance of elegance and sensuality. "I hope this auction has been as pleasurable for you as it has been for us."

Really Thank you very much to all those who sends support with valuable golden tickets. I hope we can keep it up!!!