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Eldritch Creature's Guide

Chapter 67 Samiel Vs. ???
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From the moment Samiel got confirmation from the Akashic Records that he could obtain a Level Ability from assimilating the soul of the Transcendental inhabiting the body of the Forest Troll Chief, he couldn't really control his own greed.

He weighed his option before deciding on this one. Samiel, as a partial Eldritch Creature, was very sensitive to souls, and he sensed that the soul of the deceased Transcendental inhabiting the body of the Forest Troll Chief was on the verge of dissipation.

It was so weak that he could basically devour it without suffering any side effects, and this was a heavenly opportunity, as others of this kind might not come in the future once again.

He knew that the Transcendental inside the body of the Forest Troll Chief used most of his remaining power to force several evolutions in the body of the Forest Troll Chief so he could use him as a means to resurrect himself or rather to find a better and more powerful vessel.

But due to that, he hastened the process of whatever was destroying his soul, and because he was pretty unfortunate, by ending on a low Floor such as the 3rd Floor, he couldn't find anything that would strengthen his soul force or at least stop the dissipation process.

"Insignificant mortal!"

Boomed the voice of the Transcendental in the body of the Forest Troll Chief while Samiel was carrying out his analysis, trying to find out which type of Transcendent was it, how powerful he was, and theoretically some hints of his identity.

The last one was just a pipe dream because he doubted that the Transcendental Entity would be so stupid to give away his identity, considering the state he was in.

Samiel was currently Level 18 Steel-Tier going against Level 60 Silver-Tier Forest Troll Chief, who boosted the remnant powers of the Transcendental Entity to at least peak of the Silver-Tier, if not even reaching Gold-Tier.

Still... Samiel was confident in this, not only because he believed himself to be pretty strong, and if he played his cards correctly and sacrificed his Undeds in his place to take critical hits, he would be able to kill the Forest Troll Chief.

Also, Samiel obtained a huge trump card.

He could call on the power of his God to give him combat prowess comparable to a Gold-Tier for a limited amount of time. This was an ability he obtained only after he started his transition from the faux believer to a true one.

Samiel ordered his Undead to create a distance between him and Forest Troll Chief while he conjured an Ice Trident and shot several Ice Spears at the Forest Troll Chief, who just swung his double-sided axe and shattered all incoming Ice Spears at him.

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'Despite his clumsy physique, he is rather fast... even though he is just Lesser Race; he could probably contend against Elder Races.'

Thought Samiel, while his Undeads divided themselves into three parts. The 1st one had the task of killing everything that still lived in the village, the 2nd one got into a specific formation, and soon enough, Samiel would be active in the suppression formation, similar to the one he used against Esstrid in their duel.

And finally, the third group remained on stand-by as Samiel would use them to serve as a shield in case the Forest Troll Chief, or rather the Transcendental inside him would use such a strong attack that Samiel could not block or dodge.

After shattering his incoming attacks that were meant to test out the waters, Forest Troll Chief struck the ground with his legs several times before sprinting at Samiel so fast that he disappeared from his position and appeared next to him Samiel in a matter of not even one second.

Slashing at him with his double-sided axe, which Samiel recognized as some kind of Cursed Weapon, probably originally belonging to his Transcendental tenant, Samiel barely managed to react as he flipped backward, missing the incoming hit only by a few millimeters.

'Cursed Weapon would mean one of similarly minded alignment... so that is reducing our choices to Evil Gods, Daemons, or Devils... Devils are too arrogant to possess the body of mortal creature even in the face of death, and Daemons would choose their own progeny to that... so that leaves only Evil Gods... that matches perfectly.'

Samiel thought as he gave the signal to his Undeads to activate the spell, and not even a moment later, a pentagram-shaped magic circle appeared above them while similarly suppressing the Forest Troll Chief as he did with Estrid.

Suddenly the Forest Troll Chief looked at the pentagram-shaped magic circle weirdly before an enormous beam of energy burst out of his body, shattering the Suppressive Magic Circle in a split of a second, as the Trasncedent's Soul inside the Forest Troll Chief's body directly destroyed it.

Though it didn't escape Samiel the sight how much weaker the soul became because from the accumulated energy, approximately 35% were used to cast that beam of energy which had power comparable to at least Level 90 Gold-Tier.

While this could be considered an utter failure, Samiel awaited something in this sense because, for sure, the Transcendent within wouldn't let the Suppression Magic Circle that was suppressing the Forest Troll Chief exist because that would be dangerous for the outcome of this fight.

The backslash from the destruction of the Suppression Magic Circle destroyed all of his Undeads who were the center of the formation, so he lost approximately around 50 Undead, but that was respectable, and Samiel would gladly sacrifice them if it meant lowering the final capabilities of his enemy by 35%.

Forest Troll Chief rushed at Samiel without a second thought, though right now, it was apparent that the Transcendental inside his body was supplying him with energy because the body of the Forest Troll Chief was already crumbling apart.

That was probably because of overusing a large amount of high-tiered Mana. Even though that Transcendental was only in Soul Form and on the verge of complete dissipation, his Mana still had Legendary Level quality, and that was not something that could body of Silver-Tier Lesser Specimen handle.

Only those of Superior Species like wouldn't have those problems, but even Samiel would be cautious about not overusing it too much, in fear of getting some hidden injuries or whatever... anything could happen if the person was using the power which didn't belong to him in the first place.

Samiel was dodging the incoming attacks from the Forest Troll Chief as he slashed his Double-Sided Cursed Axe at him ferociously, combining it with punches and kicks, not giving Samiel any time to counterattack, aside from using the Winter Ruler to stealthily lowering down the temperature of the surroundings.

What Samiel aimed for was to create frozen land and make use of his natural environment to turn to battle in his favor. Unfortunately for him, this caught the attention of the Forest Troll Chief, or rather the entity within him, as the energy levels of the Forest Troll Chief started rapidly rising.

Soon enough, in a matter of several seconds, he rose from Level 60 Silver-Tier to Level 95 Gold-Tier, so the growth in his combat prowess would be drastic. Before Samiel could react, he found himself flying several tens of meters away, crashing through countless buildings; as he finally stopped when one enormous boulder stopped him.


Only sounded as if the enormous boulder cracked in several parts on the impact.

Surprisingly Samiel was largely okey, mainly due to the fact that he had Holy-Grade Amor Rao's Vengeance, so by Yvraine's words and based on what Cardinal Karliana stated, only Gold-Tier with Mastery would be able to injure him among the Iron-Tier instantly.

Of course, this didn't really mean he was undefeatable, he could be easily killed, not to mention, his head wasn't even protected, and for example, if he was tired down, then the job was easy. Just with Rao's Vengeance, he couldn't be one-shot killed by some random assassin or his armor cannon by pierced through by your average mortals.

He had just a good start ahead of others, but not that much, because Heirs of 13 Gates would have similar artifacts, and those of prominent standing would get their hands at least on Legendary-Grade Armors for their own protection.

Even Yvraine had Holy-Grade Armor; just she had it was very well hidden and combined with her battle dress outfit.

Though Samiel noticed vague cracks that were on the armor from the attack done by the Transcendental, who took control over the Forest Troll Chief's body personally to deal with him.

"Let the Void out, Let the Madness Spread, Let the Chaos Descent, and Let the Order Perish.

For I am the vessel of the Dreams, and warrior of Chaos, priest of the Void and champion of the Outsidness."

As Samiel stood up, he chanted the possession prayer, which let the Outer God possess his mortal body, and more to be precise, this one was letting Crawling Chaos, Black Pharaon, Nyarlathotep to possess his body, as he was the one who indulged in the carnage and chaos the most.

In a split of a second, the entire aura around Samiel changed as his power skyrocketed, even eclipsing out the Forest Troll Chief possessed by the Unknown Transcendental Entity. Samiel's own would already match up the power of half-step Legendaries or newly advanced ones.

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"Real World... finally at last after so many years..."

Stated a distorted voice, not really coming out from Samiel as the Forest Troll Chief, who was controlled by the Transcendental Entity, suddenly stopped in his tracks and was frozen in fear because he recognized that voice.

"Hmm... what do we have here... You one of his, aren't you? Servant of the Lord of the Great Abyss?"

Said the voice of Nyarlathotep menacingly while he looked at the Forest Troll Chief, instantly able to recognize who or what was exactly hiding in its body.

Servant of one of his "enemies" if it could be even called such.

"Begone from this Reality Crawling Chaos, this is not your Realm! By the Covenant, the Outer Gods will not set a foot outside of the Primordial Demiurge's Dream. All of them, including your Father, agreed to the Covenant."

Boomed voice out of the Forest Troll Chief, though Nyarlathotep, who was controlling the body of Samiel Zentaur, only grinned.

"The Covenant is dead with the birth of the Holy Son of the Nuclear Chaos, as it was stipulated, now we can attempt to invade once more as the Great Cataclysm is coming, and the Order and Chaos will change once more until the new world order is established."

Nyarlathotep laughed madly at the ignorance or despair of the Transcendental inside the body of Forest Troll Chief, or perhaps at both of them.

Out of nowhere, several thick tentacles appeared as they pierced through the body of the Forest Troll Chief, instantly killing him, if not for the Nyarlathotep avoiding vital parts, purposely leaving him alive so the Holy Son could assimilate the soul of the Daemon Transcendental.

"Hmm... still struggling."

He then cast several seals, which put the soul of the Daemon Transcendental to sleep.

"Hopefully, this Great Cataclysm will end better for us compared to the last one... being forced back to the Dream sucks, not to mention nobody knows when the Father fully awakes, and we will all go boom, escaping to reality is our only choice."

Muttered Nyarlathotep as he left the body of Samiel Zentaur and returned back to where he came from while leaving the unconscious body of the Forest Troll Chief together with the sealed soul of Daemon for the Holy Son.

"Just wait, Nodens... last time you won, but this time it will be different."

Echoed the laughter that nobody seemed to hear, but every living being not only on the 3rd Floor but across the entire Tower shuddered in fear.