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Emperor's Reckoning

Chapter 1083 We Need To Talk
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Chapter 1083 We Need To Talk


The old man, with a sagely air about him, interjected with a calming assurance, "The rewards of this gambit could be monumental. The risk, though great, pales in comparison to the possibility of reuniting with my daughter."

Lyon, bolstered by these words, straightened his posture, determination blazing in his eyes. "You're right. Maria is worth any risk, and any challenge. I will do whatever it takes to find her."

The old man continued, "Remember, you have allies by your side, and together, you are a formidable force. You've already defied the odds in your journey thus far. This may be your chance to bring Maria back into your life."

Lyon felt a renewed sense of determination wash over him. With the old man's guidance and his loyal companions at his side, he was ready to step into the tumultuous realm of Purgatory, whatever challenges it might hold.

Cecile and Selena exchanged surprised glances as they witnessed this unexpected show of support from the old man, who had a reputation for being quite at odds with Lyon in the past. It was indeed a stark contrast to their previous encounters, where sharp words and confrontations were more common than understanding and cooperation.

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Selena leaned over to Cecile, a curious and incredulous expression on her face. "Did you ever expect to see the day when the librarian would be offering encouragement to darling?"

Cecile chuckled softly, shaking her head in wonder. "Not in my wildest dreams. It seems like circumstances have a way of changing the dynamics between people. Perhaps this unexpected alliance might just be what Lyon needs to find Maria."

Both of them continued to observe the scene, musing about the twists and turns of fate and how it brought enemies into a precarious camaraderie. Perhaps, just perhaps, this odd alliance would pave the way for something greater.

The old man, his expression serious and resolute, turned to Cecile and Selena. "Maria's well-being and safety far surpass any disputes or differences I may have had with Lyon in the past," he stated firmly, emphasizing the gravity of the situation.

Lyon, eager to move forward, asked, "Alright, what's the plan then?" He looked to Cecile for guidance.

Cecile looked thoughtful for a moment, then a sly smirk crossed her face. "You know, Lyon, I think our mysterious friend there," she glanced at the double door, "might just be the key to finding Maria."

Lyon raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "You think she might know something about Maria's whereabouts?"

Cecile explained, "Well, Yala is a well-connected figure in Hell, we can use that to our advantage."

Lyon nodded, considering the possibilities. Yala, unwittingly, might hold the answers they desperately needed to locate Maria.

Selena chimed in, considering the delicate situation. "Approaching Yala won't be simple, especially after we essentially 'borrowed' the tome from her during the auction. She might not be thrilled to see us."

Kesya playfully interjected, "Or we could always go for the direct approach and just kidnap her, right? That's a simple, straightforward plan!"

Lyon, ever drawn to bold moves, grinned and said, "You know what, Kesya? That might just be crazy enough to work."

The old man looked at Lyon with a raised eyebrow and a frown, "That has to be the dumbest idea I've heard today."

Lyon shrugged, "Hey, desperate times call for desperate measures. Plus, sometimes the crazy plans are the ones that actually work."

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Cecile, trying to maintain a balance between the seriousness of the mission and the hint of amusement in the air, suggested, "Maybe let's keep the kidnapping plan as a last, last resort. We can try a more diplomatic approach first."

Selena agreed, "Yes, let's keep that in our back pocket for now. We need to be strategic about this."

Yala moved carefully through the realm of the Compendium, her steps echoing in the dimly lit corridors filled with ancient shelves. She felt a sense of reverence for the knowledge that surrounded her, even if she couldn't access it in its entirety. Each book seemed to hold a secret, a fragment of wisdom from another time.

Yala muttered to herself, "This is a golden opportunity. The power of the tome could secure my influence and status in the realms. Perhaps, a trade or an alliance could be struck with Lyon using the tome as leverage. Yes, that would be a wise move."

She looked around the dilapidated library, eyes scanning for hidden compartments or forgotten corners. "Once I have it, I'll be able to influence negotiations, perhaps even sway the balance of power.

She picked up a few torn pages, hoping to find something salvageable. As she examined them, she could decipher a few words here and there, fragments of stories and incantations. Yet, the context eluded her. These were remnants of something much greater, a mere glimpse into the vast wealth of knowledge that the Compendium contained.

Determined, she continued her search, her ambitions fueling her every step through the decaying annals of the Compendium. Follow current s on novelenglish.net . Firᴇ.net

Yala's eyes widened in alarm as an unseen force yanked at her, pulling her towards the entrance. She desperately clung to a nearby pillar, her knuckles white from the strain. "No, not now!" she shouted in dismay, realizing her time inside the Compendium was running out.

But the force was relentless, pulling her further away from the decaying shelves and ancient tomes. She fought against it, her muscles tense, trying to use her own strength to defy the unseen power. She glanced around for any assistance, any solution, but found none in the deteriorating library.

Yala's world spun as she was yanked from the library. She landed on the ground outside, disoriented and furious. "What just happened?" she exclaimed, frustration lacing her words.

Lyon crossed his arms and smiled, "We need to talk." he noticed the tension in Yala's expression as her frown deepened beneath the mask. He knew this turn of events would only make Yala more cunning and unpredictable. This journey was getting more complex at the moment.