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Emperor's Reckoning

Chapter 1117  Departure to Third Hell
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1117  Departure to Third Hell

In the room filled with anticipation, Seraphina was the first to voice the collective sentiment. She inquired, "Patriarch Thaedan, are you certain of this lead?" She knew the importance of the matter at hand, and her eyes were filled with hope and urgency. Oren, too, shared her sentiment, his gaze fixed on Thaedan.

Thaedan nodded with unwavering determination, acknowledging the gravity of the situation. His confident response was met with the emperor's gaze, which held a power that sent a shiver down his spine. It was a reminder of the immense weight of the situation and the presence of the Zodiac Emperor in their midst.

Thaedan began to explain, his voice carrying the wisdom of a druid deeply connected to nature. He described how he could channel his knowledge through the whispers of the forests and the silent hum of the sky. "You see," he said, "as a druid, I have a unique bond with the natural world. It allows me to hear the secrets of the land, and it is through this connection that I might have stumbled upon a clue."

He cast a knowing look at the emperor, acknowledging the likelihood that Lyon must have been aware of his unique abilities.

Thaedan continued, "Some time ago, I sensed a unique energy flow through one of the ancient trees, a healing and rejuvenating force. The tree had been withering and on the brink of death, yet it was restored. The tree sensed the presence of a cloaked figure and inquired about what she desired in return for this miraculous act."

Lyon, his eyes already reflecting deep contemplation, interrupted, "A single flower."

Thaedan met Lyon's gaze, acknowledging the emperor's insight. "Perhaps the ancient tree holds more answers, and it is time we seek them out."

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Lyon furrowed his brows as he listened intently. Cecile couldn't help but inquire, "Where exactly is this ancient tree located?"

Thaedan sighed before responding, "It resides deep within the forest of Third Hell. However, there is a peculiar issue. After experiencing the pain of its withering and rejuvenation, the ancient tree decided to seclude itself from intruders by making the forest treacherous. Paradoxically, this act of safeguarding invites more cultivators, as they believe the forest guards something precious."

The mention of a deadly and treacherous forest didn't deter Lyon and his group, but it did add a layer of complexity to their quest.

Selena, her usually cold demeanor now showcasing genuine concern, asked the crucial question, "Is there a way to enter the forest safely? If not, we might have to resort to clearing the forest entirely."

Kesya, with a faint chuckle, interjected, "Let's hope there isn't one then," her implication clearly revealing that she preferred the more direct approach of clearing the forest.

Thaedan, aware of the distinct possibility of that outcome, couldn't help but shiver at the thought. He then replied, "Clearing the forest is an option, but it would be a great loss to nature. I will explore any means to grant you safe passage."

Oren suggested, "Perhaps, Thaedan should accompany the emperor to provide his expertise and examine the path to the ancient tree."

Thaedan's eyes lit up, and he nodded enthusiastically. "It would be a great honor!" he exclaimed and bowed to Lyon.

Seraphina expressed her concern, "Thaedan, are you sure your clan can manage without you?"

Thaedan reassured her with a grin, "Don't worry, my dear. The Greenleaf clan has capable leaders. Besides, I could use a little break myself."

Seraphina nodded with a supportive smile, "Good. Your expertise will be invaluable in helping the Zodiac Emperor."

Both Seraphina and Thaedan looked to Lyon, acknowledging that he had the final say in the matter. Their focus was on assisting Lyon with his quest to find the cloaked healer, emphasizing the importance of the task at hand.

The decision was unanimous. Lyon nodded, his eyes filled with a determined resolve. "Thaedan's knowledge of that ancient tree could be the key to finding Maria," he said, acknowledging the druid's unique abilities. "We'll need him with us."

Cecile leaned in and whispered her condition to Seraphina, her voice laced with urgency. "Contact the Elven Emperor," she said, her gaze locked onto Lyon. "Let him know that an old friend has returned. Just make sure he doesn't know I've asked for his help. We need to keep our intentions hidden."

The matriarch acknowledged Cecile's request with a nod and assured her that she would swiftly handle the matter of contacting the Elven Emperor to inform him of Lyon's return.

Lyon nodded in agreement, understanding the importance of Cecile's request. The atmosphere in the room shifted as his group prepared for the journey into the treacherous Third Hell, with Thaedan's expertise and an old friendship waiting in the wings.

Selena's cold and decisive tone cut through the air as she proposed, "We should move swiftly. Time is of the essence." Her impatience was clear, and she urged everyone to get ready for the expedition into the perilous Third Hell without delay.


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The group swiftly made their preparations and departed, escorted by an impressive entourage that included numerous important figures, some of whom had been in hiding. They finally arrived at the grand, imposing arch that held a sense of familiarity for Lyon and his companions.

As Oren and Seraphina prepared to bid their farewells, Oren turned to Lyon and said, "Zodiac Emperor, it's been an honor to meet you and your Empresses. May you find what you seek."

Lyon nodded in appreciation, "Thank you, Oren. Your assistance is greatly appreciated."

Seraphina added, "We hope to see you again soon. Safe travels."

Thaedan took a moment to convey a message to Sylva, "Sylva, the elders will support you during my absence. Trust in your instincts and the wisdom of our clan. You're more than capable."

Sylva nodded with determination, "I won't let you down, Patriarch. Safe travels, and bring back good news."

After the heartfelt farewells, Lyon took the lead and stepped forward, passing through the threshold of the mysterious archway. As he disappeared from view, the crowd that had gathered to see them off began to disperse. Conversations buzzed with excitement, curiosity, and a sense of anticipation. The return of the Zodiac Emperor had stirred the realm, sparking a blend of hope and intrigue about the purpose of this journey. With a final exchange of knowing glances and nods, the onlookers began to disperse, leaving behind a palpable sense of change and anticipation.

Amid the slowly thinning crowd, a figure emerged, distinct from the rest. This individual appeared to be a man, but his appearance was strikingly disheveled, with hair that hung in wild tangles, and his clothing bore the wear and tear of a long and arduous journey. His eyes told a story of relentless pursuit, a quest for something elusive and all-encompassing.

As he approached the enigmatic archway, the man's gaze remained fixed upon it. His eyes held a complex mix of wonder, despair, and an unshakable sense of longing. Every step he took toward the archway was tentative yet purposeful, as if he stood at the precipice of a life-altering decision. Uncertain but deeply intrigued by the possibilities this mystical threshold held, he continued his journey with a sense of quiet determination, unaware of the destiny that awaited him on the other side.


The source of this content is ɴovel(F)ɪre