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Emperor's Reckoning

Chapter 1119  Druid Lorian
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1119  Druid Lorian

The bartender, caught off guard by the request for Monkey King's wine, was taken aback for a moment. He quickly regained his composure and offered a wry smile. "I'm sorry," he began, "but we can't provide Monkey King's wine here. It's not only rare, but any imitation of it has never succeeded without serious consequences, often proving fatal to the drinker."

He hoped this explanation would suffice, as he couldn't afford to put his customers at risk. The tavern had its fair share of tall tales and legendary concoctions, but Monkey King's wine was beyond their reach.

The bartender's words carried an air of finality as he continued, "Not even the rulers of our realms can lay their hands on Monkey King's wine. There may be only one or two individuals in existence who have ever tasted that sweet, bubbly nectar." He paused for effect before adding, "You could count them on one hand." This chapter is updated by ɴo(v)elFɪre.net

The bartender leaned in slightly, as if sharing a secret, and said, "But, I've got something special that you might enjoy." He reached under the counter and pulled out a bottle with a label that read "Stormfire Elixir." He placed it on the table in front of the cloaked figure.

"This," he continued, "is as close as you can get to the Monkey King's wine. It's a rare and potent spirit, with a flavor that dances on the taste buds and a warmth that fills your soul. It's a favorite among adventurers and explorers. Care to give it a try?"

The bartender expertly poured the amber liquid into the glass, the faint scent of spiced fruits and aged oak wafting through the air. As the glass filled, the liquid sparkled with an inner fire. The leader watched with anticipation, and the other cloaked figures leaned in closer, curious about the special elixir.

"Enjoy," the bartender said as he slid the glass toward the leader. The leader picked it up and took a moment to appreciate the rich color and the enticing aroma.

As the leader reached out his hand toward the glass, someone's firm grip stopped him.

"No, we have enough trouble as it is," a female voice spoke from one of the cloaked figures. The leader's persistence was met with a strong counter.

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"But!" he protested, only to have the woman next to him reveal her identity. It was Cecile. With a gracious yet daring smile, she seized the glass and indulged in a sip of the Stormfire Elixir.

The people in the tavern watched in awe as Cecile enjoyed the rare elixir. Her auburn hair flowed like liquid flame, and her eyes held a captivating allure.

The leader, both surprised and amused, watched her with a mixture of affection and pride.

"You always go after what you want, Cecile," he remarked a hint of adoration in his gaze.

Cecile lowered the glass, her lips glistening from the elixir. "In this world, you have to seize the moment when you can."

Laughter erupted among the cloaked figures, diffusing the tension in the room and adding a sense of levity to the atmosphere.

Thaedan, the Greenleaf patriarch, took a step forward, his identity hidden beneath his cloaked figure. He gestured to the bartender, requesting a mild drink to soothe his throat from his earlier exertions.

He then turned his attention to the leader, revealing his presence. "Emperor, what would you like to drink?" Thaedan inquired with a respectful bow.

The simple address, "Emperor," echoed throughout the room, drawing the gaze of everyone present onto the leader.

Intrigued murmurs fluttered through the patrons as they exchanged glances, their curiosity piqued by the unexpected presence of an emperor.

The leader let out a resigned sigh, "It's more like what can I drink."

"Darling will have one glass of milk," a voice chimed in, capturing the attention of the room. Selena unveiled her face with a smirk, revealing her stunning features as she spoke.

The bartender's mind reeled as he tried to piece together the auburn-haired woman, the dark-haired beauty, the term "emperor," and the shocking revelation. He stammered, "D-Don't tell me..."

The room fell into hushed anticipation as the leader pulled back his cloak, revealing himself as none other than the illustrious Emperor who had made waves throughout the Second Realm. Whispers and gasps swept through the tavern as patrons realized the truth. The Emperor himself had graced them with his presence.

"One glass of milk," the Emperor, Lyon, calmly ordered, defying the expectations of a room that had been filled with tales of his legendary exploits.

The atmosphere in the tavern was palpably tense, with the thunderous storm outside mirroring the nervousness inside. The bartender, realizing the gravity of the situation, quickly collected himself. He approached the Emperor with the utmost respect, handing over the glass of milk. He felt the need to apologize for his earlier words, realizing they were hardly suitable for addressing someone as esteemed as the Emperor.

"I deeply apologize, Your Excellency," the bartender said with a slight bow, regret and humility evident in his voice. "It's an honor to have you here. If there's anything you require, please don't hesitate to ask." The patrons continued to watch in awe and reverence as the unexpected guests enjoyed their drinks in their midst.

The realization dawned on the bartender, now understanding why the leader had initially inquired about the Monkey King's Wine. It became apparent to him that this person might be among those very few individuals who could count such a rare and coveted experience on one finger.

As he observed the group, the bartender couldn't help but think, "This Emperor, he's truly extraordinary." However, he kept these musings to himself, maintaining an aura of respect and decorum.

Lyon simply smiled at the bartender's comments, showing that he took no offense. In a calm and friendly tone, he responded, "It's quite alright. I've heard all sorts of stories. Sometimes, they even amuse me." He sipped his glass of milk, looking relaxed and unfazed by the attention and the ongoing conversation around him.

Cecile leaned forward, her eyes focused on the bartender. "We're interested in any information about an Ancient Tree that might be hidden deep within the forest, and its significance."

The bartender leaned in closer and began to share what he knew, "Well, there's a tale that's been circulating here recently. Tamarik, a dark elf, ventured into the forest seeking something of great value behind the legend of the Ancient Tree. He was last seen seven days ago. Some say he boasted he'd be the first to claim the treasure."

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Karina chimed in, "Do you know more about this Ancient Tree? Is there a way to find it or any information about what it might hold?"

The bartender pondered for a moment before replying, "I've heard stories of the Ancient Tree's great wisdom, its ability to rejuvenate and provide answers to those who can reach it. But the forest it's hidden in is known to be treacherous, with no safe path to reach it. Many have tried, and as far as I know, none have returned."

Kesya, always direct, asked, "Is there anyone here who might have seen or heard more about the Ancient Tree?"

The bartender looked around the room, then nodded in the direction of a quiet corner, "You might want to ask the individual over there. He spent a lot of time near the forest and could have more information for you."

Cecile thanked the bartender, but the group didn't need to move from their spots as the two individuals approached them. Thaedan quickly noticed that he had small antlers and wore garments adorned with various natural elements, a signature attire of their druid race. He smiled and greeted the fellow druids.

The old druid with long gnarled staff, returned Thaedan's smile, "Indeed, it's a rare encounter these days. I am Lorian."

Thaedan nodded, acknowledging his presence, "Pleasure to meet you. We're in search of information regarding an Ancient Tree hidden deep within the forest. We've heard it's quite significant and may have the answers we seek."

Lorian, with a deep sense of concern in his voice, advised Thaedan and the Emperor about the perilous nature of the forest. "No druid has ever returned to share their tales," he warned, "the forest plays no favorites." Thaedan's expression grew solemn as he recognized the gravity of the situation. He turned to the Emperor, his face marked by deep concern, and said, "This situation is far more dire than I initially thought."

Kesya couldn't help but smirk at the ominous information, her confidence in her abilities unwavering.

Thaedan, genuinely concerned, turned to Lorian and inquired, "Is there any way to enter the forest safely?" He knew that the group needed a plan, and Lorian's wisdom might provide a glimmer of hope in the face of such a perilous journey.

Lorian sighed, his expression heavy with the weight of his knowledge. "Entering the forest safely is an endeavor even we druids have not dared to undertake. The forest jealously guards its secrets, and there's no assured path to safety. It's a perilous and unpredictable place, my friend."

Thaedan nodded solemnly, realizing the magnitude of their quest.