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Ex-Husband’s Regret by Evelyn M.M

Chapter 189
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loves, I want first of all to thank you for all your continued support. You’ve all been so

amazing with our love for this book. It wouldn’t be where it is without your love and

support. Thank you for the gemstones, comments and reviews they have come a long way

in helping to rank this book. With that being said, pretty please vote if you haven’t already

and remember to leave a review if you’ve come this far with me.

I also want to let you know that I’ll be taking a break this coming week. I’m supposed to

be moving to a new place and I haven’t done any packing yet. I won’t stay gone long. A

maximum of one week should be enough to finish what I’m required to do and then I’ll be

back after that.

Lastly I want to address the issue of updates. I’ll be updating daily in November except on

the weekends. Because of your insistence, I’ll be alternating between two chapters a day

and one. I hope that will be e nough since my goal is to complete it by December. I don’t

want it dragged out. With how tight my s chedule is, it’s the best I can do. I hope you can


That’s all for now. Thanks for your understanding, I’ll be seeing you in a few days. Bye,

take care and stay safe.


groan recstasy as I release my load onto her back. This was just what I needed. The best

way I knew to

wind and relax.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“So when will we do this again, Tomorrow?” she asks, her eyes shining.

She looks more relaxed. I guess she needed this just as much as I did. I help her wipe my

cum off her back, but I don’t say anything. She knows the drill. I call she answers, not the

other way around.

After I’m done, she starts getting dresses. It’s past ten at night and I want to get some

shut eye before my busy schedule tomorrow.

Like I said, she knows the drill. She doesn’t spend the night and vice versa. We are nothing

more than F*** buddies.


She’s the only one that calls me by my full name. I hate it the name. Mainly because it

reminds me of the archangel when I am literally the opposite of an angel.

“Shut it. You don’t call the shots. We’ll do this when I decide” I growl, already feeling

suffocated by her damn question.

I see an emotion similar to hurt pass through her features. I ignore it. She knew very well

what she was getting into when she agreed to this.

“So meanwhile I wait till it’s my turn? I wait till you’re bored with your other women?” she


I’ve never kept it a secret. She knew she wasn’t the only F*** buddy I had. I liked variety.

Today I was in

the mood for having a taste of her. It might be the same tomorrow. Or I might develop a

taste for

someone else. 1

“Yes” I tell her firmly.

The light that was shining in her eyes dims. She tries her best, but I see her fighting her

emotions. Fighting

the hurt I had caused.

Fuck! I hate this. Hate it when they develop feelings. We’ve had this arrangement for two

years and it worked fine until now. Looks like it’s time to nip this at the bud.

She didn’t have time to date and I don’t date. So this became the best solution. Besides,

she’s just my


you could handle this, but I guess it was a mistake. So this will be the last time we F***.


working for me like nothing ever happened between us, am I understood, Eden?”

She stares at me. Her eyes spearing mine.

i don’t think I can do this anymore” she whispers. Tears filling her eyes“I love you, but I

see that will never Tove me. For some reason you’ve closed off your heart and I can’t keep

sleeping with you knowing that you’ll never reciprocate my love”

She was a damn good secretary, but to hell with it.

I guess it’s time for you to write a resignation letter, isn’t it?” I smirk, mocking her.

She doesn’t reply. Just shakes her head before she turns around and quietly leaves. I sigh,

but I don’t follow her. Instead I use my phone to unlock the gates for her. Once she’s gone,

I collapse on my bed.

She’s right. I closed my heart off. Promising myself that I will never fall in love. Sure my

parents have an amazing marriage, and they love each other so much, but their case is

one in a million.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

I’ve seen how love can F***ing destroy you. Seen how it can kill you on the inside and

leave you as nothing but a shell.

Love all but destroyed Rowan when he lost Emma. It was like living with a zombie for

months, until Noah was born

born. He used to drink himself to oblivion. Seeing all this why would I give any woman

such immense

power over me? Why would I give them the weapon to destroy me? 1

He was destroyed when things went to shit with Emma and now? Now I am afraid of the

same thing


He doesn’t realize it yet. That he loves Ava. When it finally hits him, it will destroy him.

Knowing that he

has hurt the woman he loves over and over again.

I release a breath I was holding and go to the bathroom for a shower. Ten minutes later

and I am still

anxious. I don’t know what was causing it, but I have a good damn feeling that it was

Rowan. It’s that

sixth twin sense.


I get out of the shower, dry myself and put on a pair of sweats. I was just about to get my

phone and call

my brother when my security system unlocks. There is only one other person who has
