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Ex-Husband’s Regret by Evelyn M.M

Chapter 211
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Chapter 0211


The day I’ve been dreading was here. I was afraid of the truth getting out, but never in my

wildest dream

did I think that Ava would be the one to reveal it.

I’ve tried so hard to keep it a secret. It was my shame to bear, and now everyone knew.

Rowan knew.

Among everyone, he’s the one I didn’t ever want to know.

“You mean Noah’s best friend? That Gunner?” Gabe asks, his voice ringing in shock.

I flinch at his name. I’d tried all I could to keep my life separate from him. To not get

involved in his life.

Everything was now nothing but a mess.

“Yes, Gabe. Isn’t it just a F***ing coincidence? If he and Cal had never moved in next to us,

then I would never have figured it out, and Emma would have continued with her

deception while hurting a little boy.

who craved the love of his mother.”

I feel the anger that radiates from Ava. It was scorching hot. Never in my life have I ever

seen Ava look at

me with such contempt.

I curse her luck. I didn’t know that Cal had moved next to Ava or that our sons had

become best friends.

If I’d known, I would have demanded that Cal to move.

“You’re lying. Emma would never do something like that. You just want to cause us more

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trouble. Haven’t


done enough? Your parents nearly bankrupted our company!” Travis yells at her.

I know my brother. I know he’s just frustrated and confused. Otherwise, he would never

have talked to Ava that way. Especially since he’s trying to mend bridges with her.

“Like I told you before, Travis, shut the F*** up. This is between me and your bitch of a

sister, and as for the company, well, you deserve it. Just for the way you’ve talked to me, I

might just decide to sink that.

F***ing company myself.”

The horror in Travis eyes is real. It just hit him that he’s managed to piss her off even

more. That’s the thing about Travis, he rarely thinks before he speaks. I love him, but it

makes me wonder how the hell he

survived being CEO.

“Even though he didn’t deliver his words well, Travis is right, Ava. You can’t come here

accusing Emma without proof. We would have known if she had a child. Damn, Kate would

have been the first to know,” Rowan’s dad says, trying to appease Ava, who looked like

she was about to blow,

He was right. My mother would have been the first to know about the pregnancy had I not

been ashamed


I never wanted to carry anyone’s baby except for Rowan’s. When I got pregnant, I was

ashamed of the pregnancy. Ashamed of how I got pregnant in the first place. So to keep

that shame hidden, I never told a single person except my best friend. Molly was the only

one who knew I had a son.

“The proof is staring right in front of you.” Ava snarls. “If I were wrong, why the hell hasn’t

she said

anything? Because, knowing Emma, she would have come out guns blazing if I were lying,

yet she is as

quiet as a tomb.”

They all tum to me, but I have nothing to say. My brain wasn’t functioning. If I could I

would have called Molly for guidance. I was alone while dealing with the aftermath of

Ava’s revelation.

I hate her for this. For ruining everything. Everything had been going well even though we

hadn’t sorted.

our differences with Rowan. I know eventually we would have.

Rowan was the other reason I didn’t tell anyone about my pregnancy back them. I was still

hurting and I wanted him to continuing hurting because he’s the one that destroyed what

we had. How then could I

expect him to regret losing me if he found out I got pregnant for another man?

He would have let go of the regret because we would have been even. I know it makes me

selfish, but I didn’t want that. I wanted him to continue hurting. It was my punishment to

him for sleeping with Ava.

“You know what? I don’t even care if you believe me or not. I’m not here for any of you.

I’m here for that

little boy who doesn’t understand why his mother doesn’t want anything to do with him.

Why she doesn’t love him. How do you even sleep at night, Emma?” Ava’s voice turns soft

towards the last part.


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I’m not a psychologist, but I think Gunner’s situation reminds her of her trauma. Mom and

Daddy wanted

nothing to do with her growing up.

I look at the ground, not able to withstand her piercing eyes, but she doesn’t let me.

“Look at me when I’m talking to you,” she demands, her tone turning deadly.

Her aura demanded attention. Against my better judgment, I lift my eyes to hers. This was

something I

wasn’t used to when it came to Ava. She has never been dominant. She was always the

weak one, and for a moment, I get scared of the inferno burning in her eyes.

“Why would you do this to Gunner? Honestly, Emma, you’re the one who always dreamed

of having children, so why would you do this to your own son? Do you hate him so much

that you’re capable of living and pretending like he doesn’t exist?” Before I can say

anything, she cuts me off

“I always thought you were perfect. Even when things went sour, I still thought you were

good, turns out you’re nothing but a bitch, because only a heartless bitch would abandon

their son the way you abandoned Gunner. I hope whatever made you abandon him was

worth it, because he doesn’t deserve

With that she turns around and leaves without saying another word to any of us. Rowan

tries following her, but Gabe grabs his arms and stops him. He whispers something in his

ear, and Rowan sags in defeat.

“Is it true, Emma? Do you really have a son?” Mom asks in a shaky and sad voice. Tears

was rapidly filling her eyes “Please tell me Ava wasn’t telling the truth”

Part of me wants to lie, but what would be the use? The seed has already been planted. It

would simply take a DNA test to confirm what I’ve been trying to run away from for the

past eight years.

I sigh in defeat as tears fill my eyes. “Yes. Gunner is my son.”