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Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 2660  Prologue of the Sequence!
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Chapter 2660  Prologue of the Sequence!

The Moon Empress had received many reports from Cicada Song lately.

Cicada Song managed all 32 of the Radiance Federation's cities, so he had been gathering intel on the situation in the 32 cities.

The information had been passed through so many ranks and gone through so many revisions that it was only a few lines of simple statements by the time it got to Cicada Song. Nonetheless, he was aware of the meaning behind the statements.

Because he understood the meaning, he repeatedly sought the Moon Empress out to update her on the situation. He hoped she would see these issues as important and find solutions.

Once the Radiance Federation's troops obtained the Dead Decay Earthworms, it became manageable for them to fight the dead spirits crisis.

However, it was difficult for the low-rank spirit qi professionals and regular people to gain confidence from this.

The regular people and low-rank spirit qi professionals made up 90% of the Radiance Federation's population. The Radiance Federation's endurance would be transformed if their morale could be boosted.

Liu Wencheng's suggestion would be the best way to raise morale, and the Moon Empress was happy to support this.

Cicada Song finally relaxed.

After the Moon Empress was done speaking, Chef Supreme and the Bamboo Monarch also expressed their stances.

The Bamboo Monarch said seriously, "I also have many high-class Creation Master resources. I will give some of them to the Radiance Hundred Sequence to nurture them.

"We shouldn't stop at selecting the Radiance Envoys. We should pick out new Radiance Knights, too! Some of the resources I provide will go to the newly chosen Radiance Knights."

The Bamboo Monarch's words did not have a discursive tone. Instead, he had already made a decision.

This was because the Radiance Knight candidates had even more potential than the Radiance Hundred Sequence.

Additionally, the Radiance Envoys were the flag bearers for the Radiance Federation, but they would need to be supported. The Radiance Knights existed to serve the Radiance Envoys!

Another reason was that the Bamboo Monarch knew that his disciple Gu Lang stood no chance of becoming a Radiance Envoy. It would be very difficult to defeat the current generation of Radiance Envoy.

It was likely that the only person who stood a chance was the Moon Empress' disciple Lin Yuan. Not even the Spacetime Elder's granddaughter was a shoo-in. It was most likely that Gu Lang would become a Radiance Knight.

The Bamboo Monarch did not want the disciple he had invested so much effort into to become a marginal character among the younger generation. After all, Gu Lang was not even a member of the Radiance Hundred Sequence.

Chef Supreme did not have as many considerations as the Bamboo Monarch.

He was willing to provide resources to aid the Moon Empress' endeavor because he knew that he owed her and Lin Yuan his life.

Before he contracted the Lifespan Mouse and gained an endless life, Chef Supreme thought that he had reached the end of his lifespan. Yet, because of that tiny mouse, he had regained his life! He was now able to say that he had a truly immortal life!

He guessed that the Moon Empress and the Spacetime Elder had also resolved their lifespan issues by contracting the Lifespan Mouse.

The Moon Empress and Lin Yuan were his saviors, and Chef Supreme was very thankful to them.

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If not for the fact that he had not had the opportunity to meet Lin Yuan recently, Chef Supreme would definitely have expressed his sincere thanks to Lin Yuan.

"I will provide the Radiance Hundred Sequence and Radiance Knights with the same amount of resources as the Bamboo Monarch. They can be added to the Moon Empress' prize pool as well! I am rather curious to see what position the Moon Empress' disciple attains in this Radiance Hundred Sequence selection!

"He was restricted to Sequence #91 the last time because it was his first Radiance Hundred Sequence selection. I think he stands a good chance of vying for Sequence #1 with Xia Qing!"

Liu Jie was the current Sequence #1 of the Radiance Hundred Sequence. However, Chef Supreme did not mention him because he was aware of the relationship between Liu Jie and Lin Yuan. They were not competitors.

In actuality, Liu Jie was not weak at all.

Chef Supreme had gained a detailed understanding of Liu Jie. He disagreed with Night Leaning Moon's method of helping Liu Jie use the Insect Queen as the final weapon. This was because he had seen too many cases of carcinoma feys destroying the main world.

By controlling carcinoma feys, Liu Jie was essentially holding a timed bomb.

Chef Supreme had warned Night Leaning Moon of this numerous times and had even argued with her over it.

It was only later that he found out about the Firefly Demon Fetuses that Liu Jie had obtained and that they could transform carcinoma feys into fairies. Their potential became boundless when they transformed into fairies with high intelligence and could follow Liu Jie's orders.

It was only then that Chef Supreme's idea of Liu Jie changed. It could be said that unimaginable accomplishments were in store for Liu Jie's future!

The dueling stage was not convenient for Liu Jie to exhibit his abilities. If he was given a large open space where he could unleash his abilities, it was possible that even Lin Yuan would be no match for him.

However, given the relationship between Liu Jie and Lin Yuan, there was no way that Liu Jie would compete with Lin Yuan!

This was just like back then when Night Leaning Moon refused to compete with the Moon Empress.

It was a pity that Iron Prison had not been competent enough. Otherwise, Night Leaning Moon might not have been able to become a Radiance Envoy.

Chef Supreme could not help but smile a small smile while he reminisced.

Half of the people sitting on these 13 seats had been nurtured in their early days by resources provided by him. Now, these people who he had watched grow up had become pillars of the Radiance Federation.

In the past, such emotions would have brought him joy but also slight woe.

Now, he did not feel even a hint of sadness. He no longer had to fear being eliminated due to his lifespan coming to an end!

The fact that the Moon Empress was willing to give him the Lifespan Mouse meant that it was not exceptionally precious. It was likely that the rest of the Radiance Federation's royalty would eventually receive the Lifespan Mouse of their own.

The older one became, the more one feared separation. Chef Supreme did not want to look around him one day just to realize that they had all gone.

Ever since he gained an endless lifespan, Chef Supreme not only worked harder than before at concocting spirit fluids and researching feys that could be used in the dead spirits crisis but also spent his free time playing chess with the Spacetime Elder and chatting about the past.

The Moon Empress smiled when she received Chef Supreme and the Bamboo Monarch's support.

The Radiance Federation's three Class 5 Creation Masters were still very much united. This unity had not been worn away by time.

This proposal that Liu Wencheng had brought up had received full support. None of the Radiance Federation's royalty opposed it. Not even Iron Prison, who always had issues to pick out, had anything to say this time.

All left to do now was for Liu Wencheng to proceed with the plans.

As a member of royalty, no one knew better than Liu Wencheng how to carry out such plans.

Now that they were done with this interlude, the Moon Empress brought up the main topic and described everything happening with the dead spirits crisis.

Although not every member of the Radiance Federation's royalty was a Creation Master who needed to concern themselves with nurturing feys, it was still necessary to have a grasp on what was happening. This would enable them to make the right decisions when handling their tasks.

This especially applied to Liu Wencheng. He needed to understand the risks that he would be putting the Radiance Hundred Sequence through by sending them in to help with the dead spirits crisis.

The Moon Empress was not against sending the Radiance Hundred Sequence to help with the dead spirits crisis, but she needed to ensure their safety and minimize the possibilities of any injuries that could happen while they were carrying out their tasks!

Once Liu Wencheng understood what was happening, he would definitely assign experts from Radiance Sacred Hall to guard the members of the Radiance Hundred Sequence.

The imperial meeting lasted for an entire day before it finally ended.

Unless something drastically changed with regard to the dead spirits crisis, there would be no need to hold another imperial meeting for the foreseeable future!

After the imperial meeting ended and the other members of royalty left, Chef Supreme and the Bamboo Monarch stayed back.

The Bamboo Monarch sternly said, "Moon Empress, I have been managing the Radiance Federation's Creation Masters. There is something I must tell you. Most of these Creation Masters are far too arrogant. This attitude will not be beneficial for the nurturing of feys during the dead spirits crisis!

"I think that we need to do something to change their attitudes. The others might be unable to do anything about this, but the three of us can!"

Chef Supreme shook his head. Chef Supreme did not think that it would be easy to handle such a situation.

As a Class 5 Creation Master, the Bamboo Monarch should be well aware of how such a situation could arise.

Creation Masters were creators. If Creation Masters had not been nurturing feys and producing resources, the humans would not possess a third of the power they currently possessed.

As a result, Creation Masters were usually arrogant. It would be strange to come across one who did not think highly of themselves.

If they began enforcing strict restrictions on these Creation Masters, there was a high chance that this would backfire on them and cause the Creation Masters to go on strike.

The Radiance Federation could not afford such a consequence! It was not just the Radiance Federation. No faction would be able to handle such a situation.

Hence, Chef Supreme did not want the Bamboo Monarch to take the risk of something like that happening.

The Moon Empress fell silent when she heard what the Bamboo Monarch said.

She had also noticed this issue. Even if the Bamboo Monarch did not bring this matter up, she would have eventually.

But the difference between them was that the Moon Empress would have thought deeply before she brought up this matter.

The dead spirits crisis would last for thousands or even tens of thousands of years. During such a long period, many generations of Creation Masters would come and go.

There was indeed a need to change the Creation Masters' attitudes. Otherwise, as they were given more authority, it was inevitable that they would carry more weight in decision-making!

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Since it was going to be a reform, there would definitely be obstacles.

But with Lin Yuan's resources, the Moon Empress now had the means to overcome those obstacles. Otherwise, she would never have decided to support the Bamboo Monarch's decision.

Chef Supreme and the Bamboo Monarch were done expressing their opinions and were currently looking at the Moon Empress seriously as they waited for her reply.

The Moon Empress gently knocked on the surface of the table. This was not one of her habits. Instead, it was one of the things that Lin Yuan did when he was thinking.

Slowly, the Moon Empress had incorporated Lin Yuan's habits.

"I support Chef Supreme. The Creation Masters do need to change their attitudes. Their actions should also be restained. But I don't think we should depress their statuses. I think you understand why I'm saying this. Bamboo Monarch should be the one to handle this.

"Chef Supreme, you can support him! If you encounter any difficult issues, you can let me know and we can talk it through together! I hope we can pass through the dead spirits crisis as peacefully as possible and that the legacy of humans doesn't come to an end here."

Lin Yuan was in the Spirit Lock spatial zone working hard at nurturing feys when his phone suddenly rang. He was surprised to see that the call was coming from the Moon Empress.

Normally, the Moon Empress preferred to communicate with Lin Yuan through the Thoughts Letter Paper instead of calling him.

Lin Yuan picked up the call and heard the news about the upcoming Radiance Hundred Sequence selection.

As a previous Radiance Hundred Sequence member, Lin Yuan should participate in the selection.

Lin Yuan was using spirit qi crystals to nurture feys but could hand over the job to Genius.

This would not take him too much time. Rather, it would be no different from a spirit qi professional sending his fey into combat.

Lin Yuan had gotten almost no rest in the past year.

Participating in the Radiance Hundred Sequence selection would be a form of relaxation for him.

Once this selection was over, Lin Yuan also intended to follow Radiance Sacred Hall's order to be sent to one of the major cities to help in the defense against the dead spirits.

He was done with the preparations for the dead spirits crisis. All he could do now was wait for Tower Canon to make their move. There was no way he could dig them out to confront them while they were hiding in the shadows.

Moreover, rather than battling Tower Canon now, Lin Yuan preferred for them to stay in hiding for longer. The longer they hid, the stronger he would grow.

All Lin Yuan needed now was time. The more time he had, the more ripe source fruits he would possess and the more Afterlife Realm Dictators he would have in his arsenal. Every Afterlife Realm Dictator would be a key weapon against Tower Canon.

Red Thorn would also be able to take control of more Tarot experts.

"Master, I will wait for news from Radiance Sacred Hall and do my best to participate in the Radiance Hundred Sequence selection. Will there also be selections for the Radiance Knights and Radiance Envoys? I would also like to see how everyone has grown."

Lin Yuan was referring to his friends like Gu Lang, Liu Jie, Gao Feng, and An He.

He also wanted to use this opportunity to give resources to his friends to help them increase their power.

Lin Yuan felt that the real Eight Pages of Tower Canon would be appearing soon.

There was also no way that the dead spirits crisis was this easy to handle. Lin Yuan could not shake the feeling that something big was stewing!