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Flora’s Guide to a Second Chance at Love and Life

Chapter 566
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Flora was moving at lightning speed, too fast to keep up with! You couldn't even see her strikes, just the muffled thuds as several men were sent flying through the air, crashing into the sea with loud splashes. "Ms. Flora is incredible!" Lance cupped his hands around his mouth, shouting in excitement, his eyes wide with amazement.

Ms. Flora was undoubtedly a force to be reckoned with! Colton was equally thrilled. It had been ages since they'd seen Flora in action, except for that one memorable incident at Empire Base. Her style was as direct and fierce as ever.

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The woman watched in disbelief as one bodyguard after another was tossed aside, her smile frozen in place. Flora looked so frail; how could she be so strong? But she refused to believe Flora could handle ten, let alone a hundred, opponents on her own.

The crowd was stunned, speculating about Flora's true identity. Among them were people from the lobby who recognized her. One man mentally lit a candle for the woman, knowing she'd crossed a dangerous line.

"What the hell are you doing, woman?!" A man crunning over, panic written all over his face when he saw Flora surrounded by bodyguards. He was one of the three men who had insulted Flora earlier in the lobby. Rushing over at the sound of the commotion, he was horrified to find the woman had provoked Flora.

"Stop it, all of you!" Miles's voice wavered with fear. The woman, misunderstanding his concern, sneered, "Feeling sorry for her? Look at yourself; she's out of your league!" "No! Do you even know who she is?!" Miles was frantic. These bodyguards were fiercely loyal to the woman and wouldn't listen to him. And now, they couldn't stop even if they wanted to. Terror was etched on their faces as the girl before them moved like a ghost, her actions a blur. It wasn't a fight; it was a gto her. She could easily take them all down, but she chose to toy with them instead.

Finally, bored with the game, Flora kicked the last bodyguard into the sea, sending them all tumbling into the water. An eerie silence fell over the scene. Flora walked up to the woman, rubbing her wrists, smiling. "Want to go again?" Her smile sent a shiver down the woman's spine, cold sweat breaking out. She hadn't expected Flora to be so terrifying. Miles, too, was drenched in sweat, realizing that she was not someone to mess with. The thought that he had once coveted her made his hair stand on end.

"What's all this commotion?" A woman's voice suddenly rang out. Crimson, leading a group, walked toward them. The woman's eyes lit up with a new plan. If she couldn't handle Flora, surely Crimson, the host here, could.

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"Miss Crimson, this vile woman shamelessly seduced my man and threw all my people into the sea! How can someone like her be allowed to m stay on the island and attend the Club 25Xannual meeting?" The woman accused Flora first, using the most venomous language to paint her as promiscuous and disgraceful. She mistook Crimson's darkening expression as belief and deep loathing for Flora. "Miss Crimson, this despicable woman, I don't even know how she managed to get onto the island, she..."

"That's not true!" The woman's accusation was cut short as a woman in a crisp white lab.coatm stepped forward from the crowd. Flora was momentarily taken aback upon seeing her. She hadn't expected to encounter her here.

RULE #1 choose married women They have reason to keep things secret, as do you.