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Genius Archer's Streaming

Season 2: Chapter 142: You Said You Were an Archer (1)
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Hui-Chul pulled his lean body closer to the desk, never taking his eyes off Almond's movements. His hands quickly sketched and wrote something. He marveled at the possibility of such movements, pondering where they could be utilized and which missions they would suit among numerous other imaginations adorned with his drawings and words.

Night had fallen by the the filled the empty page.

Hui-Chul entered the capsule.

After launching the familiar game, he sent a message to his teammates.

The message was sent to a whopping 220 members. Soon, 200 soldiers and 3 commanders gathered in no time.

The think tank team also finished their preparations for observation.

Hui-Chul especially looked for one newcomer participating in the scrimmage for the first time.

"He's here."

Almond was also properly waiting.

Hui-Chul climbed onto the podium and spoke, "The scrimmage against the England team will begin shortly. Perform well as you always do."


OrangeKing asked a question for the audience's understanding as it was their first national competition scrimmage, "Ah, KimchiWarrior. This is our first national competition scrimmage, right? Could you explain the characteristics of each civilization for England and Korea?"

"Ah, yes. Let's start with the English civilization. As a unified nation of the Anglo-Saxon tribes…"

"No, that's enough!"

OrangeKing cut him off so the audience could understand and he also grew tired of the historical stories.

He slammed the desk and asked, "Does Korea have turtle ships or not!?"

"Yes, they do."

"Do ancient Korean soldiers appear or not!?"

"Yes… they do."

OrangeKing flicked his fingers in approval.


"Just tellabout these things."


"Okay, Mr. Kimchi. The faction for the Korean civilization…? Is that the correct term?"

"Yes, we call it a faction. You can understand it as the characteristics or unique abilities of that civilization."

"Yes. I heard rumors that Korea's faction isn't very good. Is this just the national team blaming others or is it true?"

Faced with OrangeKing's sharp question, Kimchi Warrior scratched his head bewildered.

"That's too philosophical of a question."

"Let's just say it's blaming others─"

"Ah, wait a moment.

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"What is it?"

"Well, no matter how much we talk about it, it might seem that way…"

Kimchi Warrior pulled up something on the screen. It was a Japanese SNS page.

"This is a post by a member of the Japanese team. Take a look."

When he ran a translation app, it was translated into Korean.

"… What do those w's mean?"

"It's like lol in Japan."


OrangeKing summarized it after reading carefully, "So to summarize… Japan is astonished! The world is amazed by the Korean faction's performance!? Is that it?"

"Right. The results are a bit different from how it was worded though."

It seemed clear that the Korean civilization was not good if even the Japanese acknowledged it.

"If the Japanese say so… it must definitely not be good, right? Then it's faster if you tell us the advantages first."

"Yes. When things go well, it's quite significant from the middle of the third era. You know the term, “Firepower Joseon?” The late third era is when the technology to make bows and gunpowder ctogether. It’s truly the golden age."

"But it's hard to get there?"

"Yes. Korean is one of the civilizations with lower resource gathering efficiency."

"Really? That's fatal. Why?"

"That's too long to explain… I'll add more explanations later if there's a chance in the game."

"Ah, okay. Can you tell us about a typical disadvantage aside from the lower resource efficiency?"

"Well, to give you an example, there's something called a bamboo spear among the early factions in the Korean civilization."

"Ah, yes."

"In the national competition, weapons often get dropped or destroyed and becunusable. Weapon making is expensive too, especially since resources are precious for the Korean civilization. It's even more expensive."

"Yes. So?"

"When you upgrade the bamboo spear in the Korean civilization, you can only use a bamboo spear once when no other weapons are available. Once means until the bamboo spear is destroyed. Of course, bamboo spears get destroyed easily."

"Ah…! So you mean you can immediately pull out a bamboo spear even if your weapon is destroyed or dropped on the battlefield?"


"How much damage does the bamboo spear do? Like 30,000?"

"Not at all."

"Then it seems pretty lame, doesn't it?"

"Yes, that's right. It's such a lousy faction that it's not worth upgrading."

"Huh… But?"

OrangeKing still hadn't shaken off his doubts.

"Could it be that other civilizations are also whining about the sthing? What faction do others use in the sera? We want to compare it with that."

Kimchi Warrior explained without any change in expression, "Ah, yes. For example, our opponent today, England, has a faction called Dane's Shield that is available from the first era. They can produce shields from the first era."


Knowing the utility of shields from his experience with the game, OrangeKing understood that having such an advantage from the first era was hugely beneficial and the cost was low.

"Yes. It's so cheap that almost all soldiers can fight with a shield."

"That's unreasonable…"

"Yes. Moreover, shields produced in the first era are often used up to the third era. They're too efficient not to use."

Afterward, the two discussed the key points to watch in today's battle against England as the game's start tapproached.


Almond stood amid a group of strangers. Today would be his first texperiencing the national competition format.

"There hasn’t been much explanation."

Aside from the basic things Cookie directly explained last time, not much had been explained to him.

Almond looked at his teammates standing beside him. People of various appearances chatted with each other.

"Is Jaydril from England there?"

"Yeah. That guy is pretty tough."

"The longbowmen are seriously stressful. Honestly, they urgently need a nerf."

Almond couldn't join their conversations. It wasn't that he didn't want to fit in. Not fitting in and being unable to were different things.

Viewers related to him like starting a new semester at school. They somewhat sympathized with Almond's awkwardness.

It was precisely that feeling. Even though everyone seemed about the sage and shared similar hobbies, he didn’t know anyone well as they all talked among themselves.

Even Cookie didn't pay attention to Almond, which made him worry about what was to come.

"Can I even fight on horseback like this? No… I might not even get a bow."

With no one paying attention to him, he felt a certain emptiness.

"Am I changing?"

With his thirties just around the corner, such thoughts crossed his mind.

Just as the Korean national team’s promising archer Yu Sang-Hyeon was once changed by Ah-Sung, streamer Almond could also be changing.

The ten second countdown began. Almond cleared his mind as much as possible.

The only thing that mattered now was showing a slight potential as a national representative in this scrimmage. He had to show that he could perform as a national player.

Suddenly, the surroundings changed and they found themselves in a vast meadow with only a town hall building standing alone.

Finally, the countdown ended and a piercing buzzer sounded. The gbegan.


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"Let's start the game!" OrangeKing shouted as the gbegan.

"Letremind you again! This is a national competition format!"

"Yes. It's quite different from the basic battles you've been watching. Each civilization has its unique traits and 200 players are summoned at once to participate."

This was a recap for the viewers who hadn't seen the explanation of the national competition and only started to watch now.

"Yes! It's impressive that 200 people are summoned from the start. Isn't it more realistic if you think about ancient historical battles?"

"Right. It would be stranger to recruit so many people on the spot."

"But what do these 200 people do from the start? They don't just guard the base and loaf around, do they?"

"Yes, of course. From the start, the 200 soldiers can be used to attack. Usually, they’re grouped for scouting."

By the tKimchi Warrior explained this, the players on the map started moving. The viewers and Almond were new to this national competition, but the players weren’t. They busily moved from the start.

"Ah, I forgot to mention this! Twelve o'clock is Korea! Six o'clock is England! Both sides are starting to scout with their 200 soldiers spreading out!"

The 200 soldiers from each side began scouting by dispersing.

"Wow. And the map is really huge, isn't it? It's no joke."

The map was so large that it would take steven with this many people. Kimchi Warrior nodded in agreement.

"Yes. That's why quick scouting is important. You need to know where the resources are and where the animals worth hunting are to gain an advantage in battle."

"This really feels like an actual war, doesn't it?"

The setup, which contained elements of a real war, pleased viewers who had a romance for medieval warfare.

Meanwhile, OrangeKing’s eyes rapidly moved and followed the camera.

"It's nice that the scale is so large, but it's hard to find where Almond is."

It was hard to locate Almond. Kimchi Warrior reassured him by shaking his head.

"Yes. It's difficult. Right now, it's not important to find him. There's nothing significant for him to do yet."

At this point, Almond was just one among 200. His significance could increase based on his performance, but it was difficult at the moment as they were just starting to scout.

"So far, Korea has scouted about a third of the map. England is a bit slower. It seems Korean soldiers will enter England's territory. Why is that?"

"It's a difference in scouting strategy. England has formed scouting groups of ten while Korea has formed groups of five. Thus, there's a difference in efficiency, but this will also affect their combat efficiency."

"Ah, I see? So while Korea might scout faster, England will have the advantage if the scouting forces meet..."

Suddenly, OrangeKing's tone becurgent.

"But it looks like the forces are going to meet?!"

Among the dispersed scouting forces, sseemed likely to encounter the enemy first.

The camera zoomed in on that area. They were unaware of each other yet, but they were bound to meet judging by their directions.


Was it divine intervention for the stream? OrangeKing spotted someone.

"Here comes Almond!"

Almond was among the group about to engage in battle.