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God of Blackfield

Chapter 204.1: Do You Really Think He Would Just Sit Still? (1)
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Chapter 204.1: Do You Really Think He Would Just Sit Still? (1)

Seemingly just waking up from a nap, Kang Chan found himself in a hospital room when he regained consciousness. An IV, a beeping machine, and a few electrodes and wires were connected to him.

He was still alive, which meant they likely succeeded in dealing with the Blackhead. Nevertheless, his heart sank. Kang Dae-Kyung could be in prison by now.

Kang Chan looked to the side, finding two French agents standing in front of the door with their feet apart and hands clasped together in front of them. They approached Kang Chan.

“How long was I out?” Kang Chan asked.

“You were unconscious for two days, Monsieur Kang.”

Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!

As he sat up, he removed the breathing tube attached to his nose.

“Where’s my phone?” Kang Chan asked again.

“Right here.” One of the agents took out Kang Chan’s phone from the table drawer. Out of instinct, Kang Chan looked for Seok Kang-Ho’s number first.

- Hello? Where are you? Are you okay?

Seok Kang-Ho’s barrage of questions was filled with worry.

“Is my father alright? Did something happen to him?”

- The National Intelligence Service and the Prosecution are holding their ground in a power struggle. What the Prosecution is trying to do has filled the agents with spite, so not even they can do anything rash right now.

“Will it resolve anything if I fly over right now? And can you hold on long enough for me to get there?”

- You coming to South Korea right now will just throw everything in even more chaos. You should talk to the others first. Anyway, how do you feel?

“Right now, I just feel like I woke up from a good night's sleep. I have to talk to manager Kim. I’ll call you back after.”

- Alright.

Kang Chan hung up and immediately looked for and dialed Lanok’s number.

- Mr. Kang Chan! You’re awake! How do you feel?

“I don’t feel anything particularly wrong with me right now,” Kang Chan answered.

Amid their conversation, an agent headed outside and came back with a tray of soup, bread, and a few other foods that Kang Chan could eat.

- That’s a relief. The hospital said they couldn’t find any special symptoms, and the researchers said that they couldn’t see any energy waves from you. There are no energy wavelengths from the Blackhead either.

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Did they turn the Blackhead into nothing more than just a normal rock? He felt somewhat bittersweet about it.

Ah, shoot! Now’s not the time to be swayed by emotions.

“Mr. Ambassador, I’ll leave for South Korea.”

- I have ordered a plane to be on standby. Just tell the agents when you’re good to go.

“Thank you, Mr. Ambassador.”

Kang Chan hung up and ate the soup and bread that one of the agents brought for him. He wasn’t just eating because he was hungry. To recover the energy he lost the past few days, he knew that he would have to eat his fill.

A moment later, a member of the medical team came into the room and removed the IV on Kang Chan’s arm, then wheeled the equipment out.

“Is there somewhere I can take a shower?” Kang Chan asked.

“There’s a shower facility you can use at the end of the hall.”

“Do you happen to have anything I can wear as well?”

“We have prepared a pair for you.” An agent opened the closet, revealing a clearly new suit hanging on the rack inside it.

Damn it! I didn’t get stabbed this time, but that rock managed to ruin my clothes anyway.

Thanks to the two agents blocking the entrance, Kang Chan got to use a small shower facility that had ten shower booths by himself.

He knew that now was not the time to care about trifling things, though.

Kang Chan flung off the hospital gown and lightly washed up. He then changed into the suit he had brought into the facility with him.

“Do you know where the plane is?” Kang Chan asked the agents after dressing up.

“A car is waiting for us in the underground parking lot of the hospital.”

Kang Chan was just about to head toward the elevator when a British agent quickly ran over.

“Mr. Kang!”

“What’s he saying?” Kang Chan asked the French agents.

“He’s saying that you can’t leave the hospital without Ethan’s permission.”

Kang Chan’s eyes glinted, causing the British agent to give an even longer explanation. Despite how many words he said, Kang Chan didn’t understand him one bit.

More importantly, Kang Chan neither had the time nor wanted to wait for something like this.

“I’m going to talk to Ethan, so tell them to back off,” Kang Chan said.

As the French agent passed on Kang Chan’s orders, the elevator opened. Kang Chan got in, and the two agents got in after him. The British agent just watched, unable to stop him from leaving.

Kang Chan got in the car prepared for him and left the hospital. While on the road, he looked at his surroundings.

“This hospital belongs to the intelligence bureau,” an agent told Kang Chan.

“Did they suffer severe damages from the earthquake?”

“The earthquake didn’t hit the entire country that hard, but it did heavily damage one residential area. It seems over a thousand people died.”

Damn it! Why did they make a subterranean shock device in the first place? To gain what?

“What about the other countries?” Kang Chan asked again.

“The earthquake reached all across Europe, but it hit the UK the hardest.”

Nothing to be done about it now, though, since it already happened.

Kang Chan brought up his phone to his ear as he continued to listen to the agent.

Ethan didn’t answer, perhaps because he had something important going on. Kang Chan figured that since his number would be left in the call history, Ethan could now either decide to return the call or not. Either way, he had done his bit.

The airport was thirty minutes away from the hospital.

The two agents got on the plane with him to look after him. After a while, the plane took off.

Whether it was from the United Kingdom or from France, there wasn’t much of a difference in the time it took to get to South Korea.

“Is there coffee here?” Kang Chan asked.

‘We’ll prepare one for you,” an agent replied. He quickly brought over coffee and an ashtray.

Kang Chan wasn’t stupid. At this point, even Seok Kang-Ho would notice that the French agents were treating Kang Chan unusually politely.

“What’s going on?” Kang Chan asked.

The agents looked as if they couldn’t understand what he was trying to say.

“Why are you guys treating me this way? I need to know the reason,” Kang Chan said.

“Monsieur Kang, those that join the training in France’s Niafles are subject to being promoted to Conducteur by the DGSE. Now that the DGSE has promoted you to that rank, it is only natural that we treat you at the same level as the assistant director.”

This is driving me nuts!

Two days after losing consciousness, he woke up as an officer of France’s DGSE. Kang Chan couldn’t complain about it right now, though, since he knew that Lanok wouldn’t have done this without a reason.

The agents went outside when Kang Chan didn’t say anything else and just picked up a cigarette.

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“Whoo!” When Kang Chan exhaled smoke. He finally felt alive again.

Buzz— Buzz—Buzz—. Buzz— Buzz—Buzz—. Buzz— Buzz—Buzz—.

Kang Chan had just extinguished his cigarette and was drinking coffee when Kim Hyung-Kung called him.


- Mr. Kang Chan, it’s Kim Hyung-Jung. I heard from Mr. Seok Kang-Ho that you’ve woken up. Are you injured anywhere?

“I’m fine,” was all Kang Chan replied since he didn’t know what Seok Kang-Ho said.

- I heard you’re coming to South Korea.

“That’s right. I’m on my way right now. I think I’ll be there in about twelve hours. Is my father okay?”

- The prosecution won’t be causing problems any time soon, so you can take your time to calm down a little bit before coming over.


It’s not like I’m going through my stormy period of adolescence. Would I really do something to the Prosecutor-General as soon as I get there?

When Kang Chan hung up, an agent brought over a delicious-looking steak.

He had always found it much better to have food served all at once. Having it divided by course out of formality was too slow for him.

After his meal, Kang Chan went into the room in the back of the plane and laid down. Although he heard that he had been unconscious for two days, he felt as if he woke up hours ago and it was already time for bed.


Kim Seong-Woong opened the blinds and looked out the window, finding two agents in suits standing near two cars. They were so stone-faced that it seemed as if they were trying to blatantly tell the world, “We’re agents of the National Intelligence Service.”

Because of them, Kim Seong-Woong couldn’t just rashly give orders to Deputy Prosecutor-General Lee Seung-Ryul, who was already waiting for orders in front of Kang Dae-Kyung’s company.

These two NIS agents stayed in front of his office to show that they would arrest Kim Seong-Woong for treason the moment he tried to have Kang Dae-Kyung arrested.

‘Would they really push through with this?’

Kim Seong-Woong frowned when he remembered the look in Hwang Ki-Hyun’s eyes during their meeting.

Huh Ha-Soo sold off South Korea’s classified secrets?

Kim Seong-Woong wasn’t even sure if that was true.

However, if they followed due process, then they should’ve strongly protested against Huh Sang-Soo receiving the death penalty in China and asked for help from the United States and Japan. They wouldn’t arrest the chairperson of the National Assembly just because he provided aid to the enemy.

Even if he did act to benefit the enemy a little bit, Huh Ha-Soo put in so much to achieve many things before that! Are they just going to ignore all of that and just count his sins?

How many people in this world do they think would be completely innocent if they were investigated right now? They’re disturbing the prosecution from fairly enforcing the law just so they can deploy a mere high schooler in the frontlines!

Kim Seong-Woong was aware that Kang Chan was by no means ordinary and Kang Dae-Kyung was innocent.

That was all the more reason for them to arrest Kang Dae-Kyung.