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Goodbye, My Love

Chapter 1409
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Loraine managed a smile, though her annoyance was clear to see.

Observing her expression, the department head was quick to console her.

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“Inteusers have a tendency to exaggerate. They don’t have the full picture. Don’t let their words affect you! What should our next step be? Should we attempt to silence these comments?” Loraine dismissed the idea with a shake of her head. “Silence them? Why should we? That would only makelook guilty.” She paused momentarily before revealing a sly grin.

“However, | won't stand by and let Marco andtake unjust criticism. Direct the public relations department to disclose all the particulars of the Universe Group's collaboration with the Bryant Group. Let's address every issue head-on. Despite Marco’s willingness to compromise during our collaboration, | refrained from taking advantage of him. Our partnership has always been mutually beneficial.” The department head was awestruck by Loraine’s resolve. He stood there, absorbing her confidence.

Meeting his gaze, Loraine added, “Don’t fret, you'll all receive overtpay for this.” His face blossomed into a grin at this, and he bobbed his head in agreement before dashing off to execute her instructions.

Loraine sat in contemplation, mulling over the unfolding . Her thoughts strayed to Marco, and a frown of concern furrowed her brow.

ninja Resolving to act, she picked up her phone and dialed his number. [x Marco answered almost instantly, a note of surprise in his voice.

“Why are you callingat this hour?” he inquired.

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Loraine hesitated, unsure if she should be upfront about the ongoing situation, but Marco beat her to it. “Is it because the trending topic is causing a stir?” he proposed.

“Yes... I've already set people in motion to manage it. Are you holding up okay?” Her evident concern warmed Marco. “Don’t fret. It's just Marina and Laura’s meddling. I'm not bothered by it,” Marco reassured her.

Marina and Laura might have deemed him worthless, Left with nothing but a reliance on Loraine, but Marco was unfazed. He had already planned his next move and wasn’t letting their tactics disrupt him.

Continuing with her line of concern, Loraine asked, “That's good to hear. Where are you right now?” Clearing his throat, Marco responded, “I'm currently house hunting.” Taken aback, Loraine realized her oversight.

Of course, when Marco was ousted, all his properties would have been seized. How could she have neglected to consider his Living conditions?