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Goodbye, My Love

Chapter 1418
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Marco also hadn't expected Liza to go to such extremes for the sake of the Bryant Group.

Adopting her former grandson as her legal son? Liza seemed unbothered by the prospect of becoming a laughing stock for the rest of her Life.

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On the other end of the phone, unable to wait for Marco's response, Liza anxiously pressed, “Marco, I'm proposing this for your benefit. If you decline, given your current state of having nothing, Loraine will eventually grow weary of you, and her family will not allow her to associate with someone of your status!” For A Famil Upon hearing this, Loraine couldn't restrain herself any longer. She scoffed sarcastically, “Mrs. Bryant, your arrogance seems to have clouded your assessment of others. The Torres family doesn’t look down upon Marco.

They Look down upon your Bryant family. In fact, now that Marco is no longer a Bryant, it's more of a merit than a flaw in the eyes of the Torres family.” Loraine wasn't purposely trying to antagonize Liza with her statement.

It was simply the truth.

After Marco was expelled from the Bryant family, Aldo had privately reached out to Loraine a few days earlier, inquiring about Marco’s well-being. His concern for Marco was evident, and he even suggested providing Marco with a position in the Universe Group, should Marco feel overwhelmed by his current predicament.

The Torres family’s negative bias towards Marco had significantly dwindled due to his relentless efforts to prove his worth. Their only remaining apprehension was the troublesmembers of the Bryant family.

With that concern now gone, Marco's standing had undoubtedly improved in the eyes of the Torres family.

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Liza was blindsided by Loraine’s retort, her anger flaring as she lashed out, “How dare you stand by Marco's B side! | knew it, Loraine! You must be the one manipulating him against the Bryant family!” ninja Loraine couldn't help but sneer out of exasperation. It seemed that paranoia ran deep within the Bryant family.

She refrained from offering an explanation and shot back icily, “So what if | am? That's none of your concern.” Liza was seething with rage. Anticipating that her next words would be sharp and stinging, Marco interjected, “I'm not coming back. Stop insisting.” Liza was taken aback and shouted, “Marco!” Remaining composed, Marco responded, “Perhaps you should spend your energy compensating the laid-off employees appropriately. Once they get what they're entitled to, this public relations crisis will resolve itself naturally.” Speechless, Liza struggled to find her words. After a brief silence, she managed to ask, “Marco, are you sure about this? Are you really not reconsidering?” Marco replied coolly, “Is there anything else?” This was his implicit way of making it clear that there was no room for negotiation.

Liza's pretense of benevolence vanished instantly. Unmasking her real self, she burst into a torrent of invectives.

“You're a despicable creature! Void of any decency! You'll live to regret this!”