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Goodbye, My Love

Chapter 1443
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Lillie subconsciously shivered under his piercing gaze. But her ignorance kept her fearless, she saw Marco as nothing more than a gigolo. So ignoring the warning bells at the back of her head, she refused to back down.

“Why do | have to apologize? I'm only saying the truth! You can ask around the village. There's no one who doesn’t know what sort of person she is. You're good-looking for sure, but you certainly have terrible judgment!” Marco's face went completely dark as he heard this. Had it not been for the fact that she was a woman, he would have had her lifeless on the ground by now.

Loraine did not want to cause issues in such a place. However, she couldn't stand by while Marco was disrespected. Her tone was curt as she addressed Lillie, “You won't apologize? Then remain there in the mud. Don’t bother getting up.” Hearing Loraine’s warning, Lillies rage flared even more. She retorted, “Who do you think you are, threatening me? If | choose to get up, what can you do to stop me?” As she attempted to rise, a pair of women’s shoes suddenly advanced towards her hand, startling her into retreat even before being touched.

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Loraine’s expression remained impassive, neither haughty nor triumphant. It was as if she had absentmindedly squashed an ant.

Lillie was fuming. She clenched her teeth and tried to stand up once more, only to be repelled again.

She feared Loraine might actually kick or stomp on her.

After several futile attempts, Lillie ended up sprawled on the ground like a defeated bug. Previously, she had been the one tormenting ninja.com Loraine, but now the tables had turned.

“Don't push your luck, Loraine!” Lillie hollered, her eyes blazing with fury. Unable to tolerate it anymore, she lunged at Loraine’s feet, trying to topple her, regardless of the risk of injury to herself.

However, the moment she made contact with Loraine, Marco quickly pulled Loraine into his arms and repelled Lillie with a swift kick. Unlike Loraine’s earlier intimidation, his actions bore real threat.

Lillie fell heavily onto the ground. Looking up, she saw Marco's face etched with anger, a countenance that suggested he could kill without hesitation. She recoiled in terror.

Balanced within Marco's embrace, Loraine glanced at Lillie with a mixture of disdain and cold amusement. Then she crouched down in front of her, her expression laced with mock sympathy.

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“Do you still consider me the orphan you used to torment? Lillie

Fisher, | didn't return today to seek revenge, and frankly you're not worth my time .So if you cease to truble me. I'm willing to let this slide.” Individuals like Lillie only knew how to strut and oppress in a small village. Loraine refused to squander her time on such people.

Lillie froze instinctively, but then abruptly burst into a fit of hysterical sobbing.

“Loraine, you brazen harlot! You think you're superior just because you've ensnared a few men? You dare to bring him here to intimidate me, huh? Just you wait, I'll get Judie to set this right!”

Loraine found it amusing that Lillie still planned to enlist Judie’s help just as she did when they were children.Conversely,Marco's face darkened , and he demanded sternly, “Judie Cooper? Where is she?”