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Goodbye, My Love

Chapter 1449
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However, Marco was unfamiliar with the rural environment and had no idea where these creatures might appear. He glanced at the ground beneath his feet and discreetly stomped a few times, hoping to compact the earth and dissuade any venomous critters from emerging.

Just then, Loraine rose onto her tiptoes, planted a quick peck on Marco's forehead, and then slipped out of his grasp, bounding a few steps ahead.

With a gleaming smile on her face, she beamed with delight, “Sorry, | was only teasing.” Marco stood momentarily stupefied by the kiss, absently touching his forehead. Then, a slow smile spread across his handsfeatures, as he realized Loraine had merely pulled a prank. He quickly hurried after her.

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Soon enough, he caught up with her and reclaimed her hand, which she did not resist this time.

Who could have thought that the tender and affectionate man beside her used to be a cold, unfeeling iceberg? A warm sensation blossomed within Loraine, and she found herself hoping that their journey could extend just a bit longer.

Regrettably, no matter how winding the rural road was, it inevitably cto an end. In less than half an hour, they had reached its terminus.

The countryside unfolded before them, dotted with modest houses and occasionally interspersed with a few Larger structures.

As evening fell, the chirps of insects echoed through the fields, and the post-sunset air mingled with the sweet scent of grass, painting a unique pastoral ambiance.

ninja Hand in hand, Marco walked leisurely with Loraine, murmuring, “Loraine, if you love this place, how about we construct a villa here? Just the two of us, immersed in this tranquility. What do you say?” Loraine, picturing such a scenario, felt a stir in her heart but quipped, “Forget it, you can’t even farm. How can you Live here?” Marco offered a sheepish smile.

At this moment, a white structure caught their eye-a two-story building with walls of peeling paint. It was quaint and timeworn, yet it maintained a well-kept air.

A small playground adorned the courtyard, buzzing with over a dozen children-each as sprightly as Little sprouts- running and playing, their jubilant Laughter contagious.

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Loraine gazed fondly at the frolicking children, whispering, “When we were young, Mrs. Harvey would personally lead us in games. The children at the orphanage rarely went to kindergarten; all of our education cfrom her.” Marco tenderly held her hand in his, his eyes filled with warmth as he looked at her.

Suddenly, a basketball rolled to their feet. A child sprinted over to retrieve it, clad in clean, slightly oversized clothes emblazoned with the Universe Group logo-likely donated by the company.

The child cast a brief glance at them before racing back to his friends, shouting, “Mrs. Harvey, we have guests!” A white-haired elderly woman with a cane emerged from the house. She wore reading glasses and bore a kind smile. As she squinted at Loraine and Marco, she suddenly froze, her expression turning to one of disbelief.

Eloise rubbed her eyes and looked at Loraine, still in disbelief.

“Are you... Lorrie?”