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Goodbye, My Love

Chapter 1452
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Sist Upon hearing the children’s cries, Eloise’s brows instantly knitted together, anger flickering in her eyes.

However, in front of the children, she mastered her emotions, providing them with gentle and loving comfort.

As their crying began to subside, she called over a few of the older children. She affectionately patted their heads, instructing, “Take your younger siblings inside to watch TV. Leave the rest to me.” The children of the orphanage, though visibly upset, were no strangers to such abrupt situations. They managed to curb their anger, wisely deciding not to cause additional stress for Eloise. They obediently followed her directives and retreated into the house.

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Puzzled and anxious, Loraine turned to Eloise, seeking answers. “What's going on? Those people have returned? Who are they?” Eloise was a highly esteemed figure in the village, having built a strong rapport with the locals. It seemed unlikely that anyone would want to upset the children or seek a confrontation. Could it be stroublemakers? Despite Loraine’s apprehension, Eloise offered her a calming smile and gently patted her hand.

ninja “It’s nothing severe, Lorrie. | need you to look after the children inside, and I'll deal with this. I'll return shortly.” Before Loraine could voice her concerns, Eloise was already leaning on her cane, making her way towards the entrance.

Loraine couldn't shake off her worry. Despite Eloise’s attempts to downplay the situation, something felt off.

Still, she couldn't ignore the request to look after the children — it was a long-standing tradition for the older kids to take care of the younger ones in times of need. While she had performed this duty numerous times before, the safety of Eloise weighed heavily on her mind.

With Loraine caught between her concerns and her duties, Marco gently took her hand and reassured her. “Go inside and take care of the children. I'll accompany Mrs. Harvey to the entrance. That way, you won't need to worry.” With Marco's assurance that he would stand by Eloise, Loraine’s worries subsided. She gave him a grateful glance before nodding in agreement.

Once Loraine saw Marco accompanying Eloise, she retreated to the common room.

The room, used for the children’s classes and group activities, exuded an old-world charm. It was furnished with Love and care. Compared to Loraine’s memories from her own childhood, it had significantly improved, appearing far more welcoming and comfortable.

Loraine found herself awash in nostalgia.

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Upon stepping into the room, she saw a group of older children offering comfort to the younger ones, who had been frightened and were crying softly.

Most of the children at the orphanage had been forced to grow up faster than their peers. Even in their crying there was a restraint, a quiet sobbing that was heartbreaking to witness Recalling the sweets she had purchased earlier, Loraine fished them out from her backpack, intending to console the children.

Having previously cared for younger children at the orphanage, she was well-versed in the task. She waved the candies in the air, and the children’s attention was instantaneously attracted.

One child, his cheeks streaked with tears, followed the motion of the candies with his eyes before Looking up at Loraine in a blend of curiosity and confusion, his tears abruptly ceasing.

Assuming his hesitation was due to shyness, Loraine offered him a warm smile. To her surprise, the little boy sprang from his bed and wrapped his arms around her leg, exclaiming cheerfully, “Angel Sister, you've cto visit us!”