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Goodbye, My Love

Chapter 1458
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“When the Torres family took Lorrie away abruptly, the villagers were left with a distorted version of events. The Coopers, seeing the Torres family’s Luxurious car, fabricated a story that Lorrie was taken in by a wealthy man. Public opinion has a way of distorting the truth. As an ordinary person, my words hold little weight, and my explanation fell on deaf ears. As a result, Lorrie has been misunderstood for many years.” Marco listened to her patiently as she continued, “Lorrie was returning to a comfortable Life with the Torres family. The petty jealousy of the villagers could not harm her there. As long as she was away from them, she would soon forget those malevolent characters. Therefore, | chose not to contact Lorrie, sparing her any further association with these individuals.” Eloise always had Loraine’s best interests at heart, and she was correct. The Torres family could solve this local issue with ease.

However, Eloise feared that if the Coopers learned of Loraine’s true identity, their gossip could harm the reputation of the Torres family in the city.

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It was better to let the rumors stay confined to this isolated and backward village.

ANGELA'sLIBRARY Marco comprehended Eloise’s reasoning, and remained silent. He and Loraine knew all too well the destructive power of rumors.

Although they were previously unaware of Judie’s torment of the orphanage, now that they knew, they wouldn't allow Eloise to suffer further.

As Marco was about to speak, he heard Loraine’s voice behind him.

“Mrs. Harvey, Marco, where are those troublemakers?” At the sound of Loraine’s voice, Eloise immediately ceased speaking.

She turned to look at Loraine, feigning a reprimanding tone, “Lorrie didn’t | tell you to stay in the room and look after the children? Why did you leave?” “I was worried about you. You've been gone for so long.” Seeing that both Eloise and Marco were safe, Loraine let out a sigh of relief.

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Smiling, she held Eloise’s hand.

However, Loraine soon noticed that Eloise’s clothes were speckled with dust and she was slightly trembling as she walked. Observing the signs of a scuffle on the ground, Loraine pieced things together, but remained silent.

She didn’t mention her knowledge about Judie, simply offering Eloise her support.

“I'LL take you back to your room to rest.” Eloise, not wishing to worry Loraine, reassured her, “I'm fine. I'm just not as strong as | used to be, but I'm not injured.” Loraine bit her lip and insisted on helping Eloise back to her room After ensuring Eloise was resting, she cout and asked Marco, “What happened earlier?” Marco didn’t wish to keep her in the dark, so he relayed the entire incident. Recalling the children’s complaints, Loraine’s anger towards the maliciousness of the Cooper family was ignited.

“Judie has crossed a line. She's overtly exploiting the orphanage and even tormenting the children there. She's a vile woman!” Despite knowing Judie’s propensity to intimidate the weak and fear the strong, Loraine was still incensed.