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Goodbye, My Love

Chapter 1474
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Yet, noticing that the guards from the Cooper family remained at their posts, Judie felt a sense of relief wash over her.

After all, this was her domain. She shouldn't fear a handful of strangers! Feeling a renewed sense of confidence, Judie reinstated her imperious demeanor. “Loraine, I'll overlook your insolence this once. Since my family is hosting today’s banquet, you are not welcome here. | suggest you leave immediately, along with your man!” A mocking expression swept over Loraine’s face. In the past, she had declined numerous invitations to banquets in Vagow, let alone to attend Judie’s feast in this despicable setting. She longed to distance herself from this crude environment, but her obligation to accompany Eloise had left her with no alternative.

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Loraine retorted with a sneer, “Very well. Though we're here to accompany Mrs. Harvey, we did bring two gifts for the banquet. As per local customs, it’s only right that we stay. However, given your attitude, I've lost all interest in remaining here. I'll simply take Mrs. Harvey and Leave.” As she gestured for Eloise to follow, Eloise willingly complied, indignant at Judie’s disrespect and previous dismissal of her gifts.

ninja.com “Since the Cooper family doesn’t appreciate our gifts, I'LL depart as welll” Judie, witnessing the situation turn unfavorable, was gripped by panic.

The extravagant banquet was essentially hosted to get Eloise to give up the orphanage’s land. If Eloise departed, wouldn't the banquet be rendered pointless? The thought of the money she'd spent fueled her distress! Momentarily, Judie disregarded her pride, hurriedly modifying her stance.

“Wait! Well... Although I'm not fond of you, considering Mrs.

Harvey's esteemed status, I'll reluctantly tolerate your presence, solely for her sake. | won't drive you away.” Loraine’s smile bore a hint of derision, causing Judie to feel uncomfortable. In a bid to assert dominance, Judie persisted, “However, let's not forget that you're in my territory. If you intend to remain, you must follow the rules. If you fail to do so, don’t expect any courteousness from me!” Regrettably for her, her threats were met with deaf ears. Loraine wore an expression of indifferent disdain, while Marco didn’t even bother to look her way, treating her as if she didn’t exist.

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Judie's frustration peaked, her teeth grinding in exasperation. Taking a few deep breaths to calm herself she summoned a forced smile and addressed Eloise feigning concern, “Madam, | do all this in your interest.

I've been more than accommodating to them. Please give it a serious thought. Shouldn't the land of the orphanage be given to me?”

Aware of Judie's lingering thoughts on the matter, Eloise responded with a grimace, opting to remain silent, Fortunately, a call from within the villa directed at Judie offered a reprieve. Wearing a disgruntled expression, Judie cast a cursory glance at the group before making her exit, promising to resume her conversation with Eloise later. Once Judie was out of sight, Eloise’s countenance softened. She looked apologetically at Loraine.

“Lorrie, | regret dragging you young people into this mess. Judie is not an easy character to deal with. If you prefer, you can take your leave to spare yourself from her offensive language. It’s rather unsettling.”

After all, Eloise’s life was entrenched in this village, making her future encounters with Judie inevitable.It woundn't be wise to cause offence A estrange the Cooper family.

However, Loraine had risen above this environment, and she no longer needed to endure such humiliation.

Eloise’s only concern was for Loraine’s wellbeing, a sentiment Loraine fully understood. However, she couldn't just leave at this point.