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Goodbye, My Love

Chapter 1482
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Another chimed in, growing more heated, “And if we're waiting for the orphanage to be torn down for a building, who knows the wait? You talk about earning money for road repairs, but what about those who need money now, whose children need schooling? They can’t wait!” The sentiment in the room began to sway towards Loraine, and admiration for her began to bubble up.

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“Loraine’s really cinto her own,” someone praised, “She talks like a top executive, smooth and impressive! And she understands gratitude. That's rare!” “I stand with Loraine,” another declared.

“By her plan, we Lose nothing and gain fixed roads. What's there to debate?” As the voices of praise and support for Loraine swelled, Judie’s control frayed. Her disdain for these “simple villagers” broke through, and her anger erupted.

“You ungrateful bunch! This feast is on the Cooper family, and you betray us for this capricious woman? You eat our food and then turn on us? Leave!” Loraine’s eyes dimmed at Judie’s outburst, piecing together the true intent of the gathering.

If she and Marco had not attended, Judie might have used the feast to force Eloise’s hand over the orphanage.

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Such malice! The villagers’ faces flushed at Judie’s tirade, and their voices dropped to indignant whispers. “Judie has lost all reason. Wasn't this her invitation?” “And we brought her gifts! How cshe berates us for freeloading?” “I gave her my best eggs! What's wrong with enjoying the meal?” Angela’s Library Though their anger simmered, the Cooper family’s standing kept their voices Low and complaints private. Still, their eyes wandered to the half-finished dishes on the table, reluctance mingling with indignation.

Loraine rose, her voice strong and sure.

“If the Coopers want us gone, we'll go. I'll host a meal at the county’s best restaurant. No gifts required. All are welcome; we'll feast as we please!” The crowd's response was immediate and joyous. Disbelief gave way to anticipation, and without a second thought, they stood, ready to depart.

For these villagers, the county’s top restaurant was a rare luxury, reserved for grand occasions. Now, a lavish meal without the burden of gifts? Who would decline? Judie’s face twisted, rage rendering her speechless. Her eyes blazed, but words, for once, failed her.

Loraine Looked at Judie, her smile a mixture of amusement and defiance, and remarked, “The Cooper family does indeed know how to wield power and show generosity. You invite us to dine and just as readily send us away. But the guests didn’t cempty-handed. The gifts at the entrance are ours. Since we are being dismissed, don’t forget to collect our gifts. It would be a real tragedy to endure humiliation and lose our offerings in the process!” The villagers, who had paused at the door, recognized the truth in Loraine’s words. They hurriedly gathered the gifts they had brought and departed.