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Host, Please Be Honest! What Exactly Are You?

Chapter 425 First Mission
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Rudolf would be damned if he allowed anyone to send them out there alone when they didn't even know their surroundings well enough. 

Mabel, one of the annoying ladies from Jason's team, and Levi, an arrogant man who looked no older than 19 from the same team, wanted to retort. But where did Rudolf give them the chance?

"Because we are new, doesn't mean we're stupid."

"Yeah!" Chris chimed in, although he didn't know what point Rudolf was driving at.


The corners of Rudolf's lips twitched. 'You're not helping Chris, but thanks for having my back.' 

He swept his face at the annoying group. What was the difference between them and these people from different eras?

The most obvious fact was that modern people didn't like suffering one bit. Modern people were more outspoken, even for the littlest matters.

If it were these olden people who faced the same situation of getting bullied, they might choose to swallow it and stay silent until it erupted like a volcano. But why should they?

Typically, Rudolf was the type to observe and wait. But in this situation, he didn't see any point in waiting to gain the upper hand. If they waited any more, perhaps day by day, they would lose their members. And once dead... You are DEAD.


Rudolf would never accept such unfair treatment.

"As I said, don't think you can walk over us, newbies. If I'm not mistaken, what you're trying to do is what others have done to you. So though I sympathize with your group, we, the newbies, won't take a single step out unless we are paired with others."

"That's right." Emily, the food streamer/blogger, added. "So you think you are all smart for commanding us as you will? News flash, sweeties, if we were quiet during the last few days and seemed weak, that was because we wanted to." Of course, it's a lie, but these olden people don't need to know that, do they?

"You, you… Well, isn't this a fine how-do-you-do? Your manners are utterly barbaric. Well… For your information, I'll have you know that I am the 13th princess who was 37th in line to the throne back in my time. So knowing this, do you still dare to talk to me in that manner?"

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"Bah! Princess, my Foot!" Emily scoffed. "Keep your loyalty to yourself. So what if you are a royal? Can I eat it? Is it edible? Is it serving any purpose now? No. No. No... Maybe you'd like me to throw you out before you know we are no longer in our previous world!!"


Several people from other groups couldn't hold back as they chuckled with teary eyes. How sassy. These newbies were something else. 

Emily rolled her eyes, not bothered by the hateful glares coming her way.

Back in modern times, one would look at the stunning portraits of these ancient women, thinking they must've been glamorous and amazing. But meeting these people in the flesh, she only wanted to take back her adoration. 

Honestly, she felt they had several screws, not loose, but missing from their heads.

What the hell was wrong with these people?

The smell of gunpowder fueled the air, but Rudolf's group didn't care.

Jenny pushed her glasses back, agreeing to Chris' wisdom. "You can't just give us a map and tell us to figure things out. That order won't fly. And likewise, even if we are pairing with anyone, we must be well briefed on the outside situation... Lest any of you try to 'accidentally' kill us out there."

Please. They watched too many zombie movies to know that human nature can't be trusted in times like this, especially when several people don't like each other.

It's smart for them to keep their human numbers up. But some people are too petty, selfishly disregarding the overall situation and doing what seems best to them.

Jenny, Emily, Bianca, and the others didn't trust Jason's team all that well. That's why before they leave for any paired missions, they must be told all the potential dangers they might face every step of the way.

What sort of soils breed monsters that rise and grab them from the ground? What sort of regions emitted poisonous smells? They had to know everything in case someone purposefully let them get eaten. 

Bassano was amazed by their boldness and way of thinking. Hey... If he and his group had stood their ground when they first arrived, would they have lost so many people at the start?

Were the people from the new era always so bold? He had to admit that their manner of handling things would result in low casualties on their side. 

They took control of the room and left Jason's team speechless. 

Chris scoffed inwardly. 'Hmph! You're all a hundred years too old to fight with us, modern people.'

The times have changed, with women and men becoming more outspoken. 

Want them to swallow their pain and risk their lives after what they witnessed 2 days ago? Not a chance! And if you don't let them have their way, they will riot.

They will sit here and eat free food and do whatever they want without making contributions. 

What? Do you think you can starve them? Please! They, modern people, had many ways to make life unbearable for everyone.

"You! You! You! You!...Outrageous!"

"You guys are too much!"

Bianca, the beauty streamer, sneered. "We can be more if you don't ease up. All we want is fair treatment. Is that too much to ask?"

"Shut it, Harlot! It's bad enough that you have no respect for Catherina's royal status. I'll have you know the year we vanished was the year women were officially allowed to vote. But if I knew changing things would lead to us women dressing in so little clothes, I would've never agreed!"

Bianca cracked her knuckles hard. She could tell that even after so many years, though some worked hard to build their strengths, many women here solely relied on men for protection. 

Perhaps, a majority of men have died while trying to save these women. Some men were used as shields by them. 

However, Bianca, though a beauty streamer, had several martial arts belts. Modern women were allowed to fight and still look sassy. Of course, she was still afraid of bugs and creepy things. But for humans like these annoying women, she wasn't. 


A cruel smile appeared on her charming face. "Mabel... Was it? Say it again! I dare you." 

Mabel's face turned pale, not from fear of Bianca but from fear that her beautiful face would get ruined, leading to her partner leaving her. After facing so many hellish creatures, how can humans frighten her?

The hatred embedded in her eyes grew fierce. "You vile, vicious girl! How dare you threaten me? You--"

"Stop." Bassano's husky voice quieted the room. Although everyone belonged to individual teams, Bassano was akin to a village chief if this was a village. 

When he spoke, everyone listened. After all, he was the oldest one here. 

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"That's enough. We are family here. We humans must stick together to survive. Jason, I understand the feelings of that and your group, but we must live in harmony, yes?"

Jason clenched his fists unwillingly but still nodded.

"Yes, Bassano... You're right." Jason also understood that this time, the group that came in had too few people.

So for the next 100 years, if they were to act rashly and keep losing people the way they did previously, then it would only make their situation disastrous when out on missions. 

Of course, this didn't mean he would let them go for questioning his authority. He didn't believe he wouldn't be able to cure their arrogance. 


'Just you wait.' This isn't over. Those in Jason's group backed down but still gave Rudolf's gang death stares.

How childish.

Seeing through his petty thoughts, Bassano secretly shook his head before focusing on Rudolf's side. 

"Newcomers... Your request has been approved. Your team will partner with my team for the next 2 months. After that, you'll partner with the others for another 4 months before going on missions alone." 

After all, they will be here for hundreds and hundreds of years if they keep surviving. So 6 months of partnering felt like much, but it wasn't.

"Good. Now that that's settled, it's time to brief you on your upcoming mission."

"Mission?" Rudolf recalled that in this world, darkness fell every 48 hours. The darkness fell for 24 hours, and the cycle repeated.

Yesterday was the day of darkness, meaning they had these next 2 days to gather resources as much as they could. 

In their world, it should be evening already. But here, the light, though not the sort of sunshine one would expect. After all, the sky was red. 


"Yes... You're all in luck. We're about to head out for a mission, and you, of course, will be tagging along. Isn't that great?"
