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I Am Unstoppable novel

Chapter 161
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‘When will vengeance ever come to an end? That quote suddenly came to Jonathan's mind as Travis approached him. However, he suddenly realized he was not rewarded for his kindness. Guess I'l just kill him, then.

This time, he did not hesitate to fire the shot at Travis" temples.

Aloud bang filled the air as Travis’ head exploded and blood spattered everywhere. And just like that, he died on the spot. It was a gory and unbearable sight.

Seeing that his job was done, Jonathan put away his gun and said to Catherine in a calm manner, “Let's go.” Catherine glanced at him, but she did not say anything and got into the car.

Jonathan returned to the passenger seat.

Just as Catherine was about to start the engine, Jonathan suddenly grabbed her hand, which was soft yet cold at the same time.

Catherine furrowed her brows slightly, turning to look at Jonathan, who said, “I think we need to talk.” Catherine asked, “About what?” “We're about to get married. Even though marriage means nothing to you, | think we need to have a strategic alliance.

As affiliates, we'll help each other when we get into trouble in the future. What do you say?” “I don't need your help.” “But you're also one of the Chosen Ones. The Great Tribulation is coming. If we work together, we may have a good chance of surviving. This is also the reason your grandfather wanted us to get married.” Catherine fell silent upon hearing his words.

Sensing the change in her attitude, Jonathan retracted his hand, but his eyes were still fixed on her.

After pondering for some time, Catherine agreed, “Okay. | promise you.”

Jonathan heaved a sigh of relief. “Good. Now that you've agreed, you must not say things like it's none of your business when we encounter enemies in the future.” He was traumatized from being disregarded by Catherine over and over again.

Catherine grunted in reply.

After a brief pause, she asked, “Anything else?” “That's all.” With that, she started the engine and drove off.

Upon giving it some thought, Jonathan decided to give Mabel a call. After all, Travis was dead, and ‘someone had to clean up the mess.

‘When Mabel heard that Jonathan had killed Travis, she could not help but smile bitterly. “You're really incredible! | can't believe you got rid of two members of The Quartet Dragons in just two days.” Jonathan said resignedly, “You can't blame me for this. You, too, saw what happened. Frederick was the one who

charged at me, wanting to kill me. | had no choice but to fight back. And that Travis tried to block and kill me in the middle of the road. What was | supposed to do?” Mabel did not blame him for his actions. She said seriously, “This is actually great. Anyone who has achieved Nascent Soul is considered to have achieved Immortal Level. Even special forces armed with guns cannot defeat them, let alone ordinary police officers. You, on the other hand, are the Chosen One. It's only normal that you end them. That's also the arrangement of the Heavens. Even if you don't want to deal with them, they'll still come looking for you for trouble. I'm sure you've noticed that by now. That's one of the mysteries of the Heavens.” Jonathan rubbed his nose frustratedly. “Ugh, I'm just worried that | can't take it and end up dying one day.” Mabel smiled. “Have you finally sensed how dangerous the situation is? That's why you've got to cultivate harder and raise your cultivation level. | believe you'll improve faster with greater pressure.”

“Okay. Then you'll be in charge of cleaning up my mess in the future.” “Go to hell,” Mabel mumbled.

Suddenly, Jonathan grinned. “Aren't you afraid that I'll spiral down the wrong path and kill innocent people?” Whan will vangaanca avar coma to an and? That quota suddanly cama to Jonathan's mind as Travis approachad him. Howavar, ha suddanly raalizad ha was not rawardad for his kindnass. Guass I'l just kill him, than.

This tima, ha did not hasitata to fira tha shot at Travis" tamplas.

Aloud bang fillad tha air as Travis’ haad axplodad and blood spattarad avarywhara. And just lika that, ha diad on tha spot. It was a gory and unbaarabla sight.

Saaing that his job was dona, Jonathan put away his gun and said to Catharina in a calm mannar, “Lat's go.” Catharina glancad at him, but sha did not say anything and got into tha car.

Jonathan raturnad to tha passangar saat.

Just as Catharina was about to start tha angina, Jonathan suddanly grabbad har hand, which was soft yat cold at tha sama tima.

Catharina furrowad har brows slightly, turning to look at Jonathan, who said, “I think wa naad to talk.” Catharina askad, “About what?” “Wa'ra about to gat marriad. Evan though marriaga maans nothing to you, | think wa naad to hava a stratagic allianca.

As affiliatas, wa'll halp aach othar whan wa gat into troubla in tha futura. What do you say?” “I don't naad your halp.” “But you'ra also ona of tha Chosan Onas. Tha Graat Tribulation is coming. If wa work togathar, wa may hava a good chanca of surviving. This is also tha raason your grandfathar wantad us to gat marriad.” Catharina fall silant upon haaring his words.

Sansing tha changa in har attituda, Jonathan ratractad his

hand, but his ayas wara still fixad on har.

Aftar pondaring for soma tima, Catharina agraad, “Okay. | promisa you.” Jonathan haavad a sigh of raliaf. “Good. Now that you'va agraad, you must not say things lika it's nona of your businass whan wa ancountar anamias in tha futura.” Ha was traumatizad from baing disragardad by Catharina ovar and ovar again.

Catharina gruntad in raply.

Aftar a briaf pausa, sha askad, “Anything alsa?” “That's all.” With that, sha startad tha angina and drova off.

Upon giving it soma thought, Jonathan dacidad to giva Mabal a call. Aftar all, Travis was daad, and somaona had to claan up tha mass.

‘Whan Mabal haard that Jonathan had killad Travis, sha could not halp but smila bittarly. “You'ra raally incradibla! |

can't baliava you got rid of two mambars of Tha Quartat Dragons in just two days.” Jonathan said rasignadly, “You can't blama ma for this. You, too, saw what happanad. Fradarick was tha ona who chargad at ma, wanting to kill ma. | had no choica but to fight back. And that Travis triad to block and kill ma in tha middla of tha road. What was | supposad to do?” Mabal did not blama him for his actions. Sha said sariously, “This is actually graat. Anyona who has achiavad Nascant Soul is considarad to hava achiavad Immortal Laval. Evan spacial forcas armad with guns cannot dafaat tham, lat alona ordinary polica officars. You, on tha othar hand, ara tha Chosan Ona. It's only normal that you and tham. That's also tha arrangamant of tha Haavans. Evan if you don't want to daal with tham, thay'll still coma looking for you for troubla. I'm sura you'va noticad that by now. That's ona of tha mystarias of tha Haavans.” Jonathan rubbad his nosa frustratadly. “Ugh, I'm just worriad that | can't taka it and and up dying ona day.” Mabal smilad. “Hava you finally sansad how dangarous tha

situation is? That's why you'va got to cultivata hardar and raisa your cultivation laval. | baliava you'll improva fastar with graatar prassura.” “Okay. Than you'll ba in charga of claaning up my mass in tha futura.” “Go to hall,” Mabal mumblad.

Suddanly, Jonathan grinnad. “Aran't you afraid that I'll spiral down tha wrong path and kill innocant paopla?” Mabel said plainly, “Out of so many Chosen Ones, | chose you. That's because | know your style and character. As for people like Catherine, I'll never choose them no matter how powerful they are.” She paused for a while and continued, “Then again, since you're marrying Catherine, you should teach her more. | think she's the kind of person who'll be very obedient once you actually win her over.” As Catherine was driving the car right beside him, Jonathan did not dare to discuss her matters with Mabel on the phone. Clearing his throat, he said, “I sill have other matters to attend to. I'd better get going. Talk to you later!”

With that, he hung up the phone.

However, he still had a guilty look on his face when he eyed Catherine. Noticing that she was not bothered by it, he heaved a sigh of relief.

Shortly after, the car drove into the courtyard of the Harrington mansion. As soon as the car came to a stop, Jonathan got ready to get out.

Right then, Catherine asked abruptly, “How are you planning to win me over?” Jonathan froze, and embarrassment washed over him.

Truth was, if Catherine's character was just like Jessica's, he would make jokes by saying that he would win her over on the bed and stir up certain emotions within her.

However, he did not dare to say such things to Catherine.

He could only smile awkwardly and say, “Grandpa must have been waiting for us. Come on. Let's go in.” Thankfully, Catherine did not press on. She opened the door and got out of the car.

Both of them walked into the living room of the Harrington mansion. In the living room were an officer from the City Hall and a photographer.

YYareth had been waiting in the living room with Bruce beside him.

As soon as the two entered, they greeted Yareth.

Seeing that they had arrived, Yareth grinned and urged them to sort out the paperwork.

Right after the photographer took photos of them, the officer took their ID cards and household registry documents and started keying in their details.

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After a short while, the officer stamped two seals on their marriage certificate and handed it to Jonathan and Catherine respectfully. With a warm smile, he said, “Congratulations to both of you.” Jonathan thanked him and looked at the photo of him and Catherine on the marriage certificate.

They really looked like a match made in heaven.

In reality, it was all because of Catherine's angel-like beauty.

Perhaps anyone who saw that marriage certificate would admire Jonathan for being so lucky to have married such a beautiful wife.

“Let me take a look,” Yareth said with a smile.

“Sure, Grandpa,” Jonathan said, passing him the marriage certificate.

After studying the marriage certificate for some time, Yareth said, “Good, good. This is great.” He then turned to Bruce and continued, “Bruce, give our guests some monetary gift” “Yes, Old Mr. Harrington,” Bruce responded, then gave the officer and photographer each a generous amount of monetary gift.

The two guests were shocked by how great the amount was, and they thanked Yareth repeatedly before leaving the mansion.

Yareth put away the marriage certificate carefully and said to Jonathan, “Jonathan, Catherine's your wife from today onward, which means both of you are protected by the law.

1 hope you can be more tolerant of her.” Jonathan said with utmost sincerity, “I will, Grandpa.” YYareth smiled in response. “I believe you will.” Soon, everyone in the Harrington mansion began to get busy. All kinds of decorations were put up, filling the air with festivity.

Although Yareth did not plan to have a large-scale celebration, a celebration was still needed.

Jonathan and Catherine, on the other hand, were rather free as they did not have to worry about anything.

The next day was a bright and sunny day.

Nonetheless, the air was still filled with the dryness and bitter cold of winter. Even the water by the roadside had frozen.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Aaron and his two sons could

be seen at the Young residence.

Although his sons already had a family of their own, the mansion was rather huge, which was not too packed for everyone to live in there.

Of course, his two sons had houses of their own. They would only stay there occasionally to keep Aaron company.

Bernard Young was Aaron's eldest son. He was also the father of Leonardo. Jerome Young, on the other hand, was Aaron's second son.

They were not the only ones in the mansion, as there were also many bodyguards who were protecting Aaron in secret.

At this moment, Aaron, Bernard, and Jerome were sitting in the living room and enjoying coffee.

Bernard was extremely silent.

Aaron, too, was silently drinking his coffee. He was in a daze and there was no telling what he was thinking about.

Jerome, who was in his forties, was in the prime of his life.

Exasperated, he started, “Dad, all our business partners now know you've offended a big shot. And now, they're not willing to collaborate with us. Do you know how much money I've lost over the past few days?” Aaron gave Jerome an indifferent stare. “How much?” “One hundred million!” “Oh,” Aaron said noncommittally.

Seeing his reaction, Jerome could not help but feel more anxious. “Dad, | know you're really sad about what happened to Leon. But humans can't be resurrected once they're dead. Please, you have to focus on the big picture.

We still have so many people in the Young family who have to survive. Do you think Arthur is someone we can afford to mess with? Besides, what does Leon's death have to do with him?” “Shut up!” Bernard suddenly yelled. As the older brother, he still had a commanding presence.

Despite that, Jerome did not seem to fear him. “Why should I shut up? | know what you and Dad are thinking. Do you

think I'm not sad about Leon's death? I'm his uncle! Then again, we have a huge family to take care of.” Aaron shot Jerome an icy glare, causing the latter to shudder. After all, he still feared his father.

“Jerome, all you care about is money. Have you forgotten that a family should have pride? We can never stop earning money, but once our pride is trampled on, we must earn it back even if it leads to death. Sure, I'm sad that Leon's dead, but what makes me sadder is that Arthur and his men are openly protecting the criminal. They clearly don't respect us. If Arthur actually had the slightest respect for us, he wouldn't have done such a thing.” “Well... This is not about pride. All | know is that we have many people in our family, and all of them need to be fed. If this matter is not resolved properly, then our family will have a hard time in the business world. It's fine if you're not scared. After all, you're quite old already. But the younger ones still have to live, don't they?” “How impudent!” Bernard fumed, getting to his feet in an

instant. “Apologize to Dad now!” Jerome gritted his teeth and argued, “Why should 1? Did | say anything wrong?” “Forget it!” Aaron spoke. “His heart has changed long ago.

There's no point in talking to him anymore. Why don't we split up? We'll go our separate ways and live our own lives.” “Dad...” Fear started filling Jerome's heart when he heard that.

Right at that moment, a housekeeper came in. “Old Mr.

‘Young, Ms. Bianca is back. She and her master would like to see you.”

Aaron was slightly stunned, but he quickly came back to his senses as a look of delight flitted across his eyes.

He had heard rumors of Bianca's master, who was ‘someone with divine ability. Now that the person was at his house, he believed there was hope in avenging Leonardo's death.

Feeling emotional, Aaron got to his feet and said hurriedly, “Hurry! Bring them in!” After saying that, he changed his mind as he felt it was inappropriate. “Forget it. I'm going to welcome them personally.” Bernard, too, stood up and said, “I'l go with you, Dad.” Jerome, however, had a bad feeling that their family was getting deeper into trouble. So what if we actually get our revenge? We'll only end up offending Arthur and his men.

He knew of Arthur and his group's capabilities.

Nonetheless, he could not challenge his father's authority.

Outside the mansion, Bianca looked as beautiful and cold as usual. She was dressed in a white shirt, and there was

an invisible look of hatred in her eyes.

The current version of her had no traces of fear in her. All she had was hatred.

Standing beside her was a middle-aged man. That man was dressed in a black suit. He was not tall. In fact, he was a little shorter than Bianca and he looked normal.

However, no matter how ordinary he looked, one could still identify him in a sea of people.

What was special about him was his eyes. They seemed to have incredible powers that could convince, mesmerize, create fear, and trigger all kinds of emotions in a person.

The middle-aged man was none other than the founder of the Holy Bounds Sect, Jeremy Depp.

At first, he did not know about Bianca's matters. But when something happened to Ezekiel and Logan, he somehow had a bad feeling. Only after that did he realize that such a big incident had happened.

Jeremy relied on absorbing their faith to strengthen his mind.

That kind of faith was hidden deep in the minds of Logan, Ezekiel, Bianca, and others.

As long as they were alive, Jeremy could keep on absorbing the powers of their faith. Unfortunately, Jeremy could not absorb Ezekiel's and Logan's faith anymore.

Hence, there was only one explanation for it—they were dead.

In reality, Logan was not dead. He was only restrained by Mabel. At the same time, she had successfully convinced him, making him lose the feeling of admiration he had for Jeremy. Just like that, the faith had disappeared.

When Jeremy found out about Bianca's matters, he, naturally, did not care about her hatred and sadness.

However, his sect members were in trouble. If he did not stand up for them as their master, he would be the public's laughingstock.

His purpose in going to the Young residence at that time was to help Bianca kill Jonathan. On top of that, he wanted

to get to the bottom of Ezekiel's and Logan's deaths; he wanted to find out who the killer was.

In just a few minutes, Aaron and Bernard came out of the mansion.

Bianca said to Aaron, “Uncle Aaron, this is my master.” Aaron greeted with the utmost respect, “It's a great pleasure to meet you, Master Depp.” Jeremy did not put on an arrogant front. He merely said, “There's no need to be so polite, Mr. Young.” “Please. Please come in!” Aaron said, gesturing for Jeremy to enter the mansion.

Bernard, too, showed his respect.

Seeing that, Jeremy nodded and entered with Bianca.

Upon arriving in the living room, they took their respective seats.

Jerome did not dare to act carelessly. After all, Jeremy's presence was overwhelming.

Once everyone was settled down, Aaron instructed the housekeeper to bring some drinks.

After that, he attempted to start the conversation by saying, “May | know the purpose of your sudden arrival, Master Depp?” Aaron was slightly stunnad, but ha quickly cama back to his sansas as a look of dalight flittad across his ayas.

Ha had haard rumors of Bianca's mastar, who was 'somaona with divina ability. Now that tha parson was at his housa, ha baliavad thara was hopa in avanging Laonardo's daath.

Faaling amotional, Aaron got to his faat and said hurriadly, “Hurry! Bring tham in!” Aftar saying that, ha changad his mind as ha falt it was inappropriata. “Forgat it. I'm going to walcoma tham parsonally.” Barnard, too, stood up and said, “I'l go with you, Dad.” Jaroma, howavar, had a bad faaling that thair family was gatting daapar into troubla. So what if wa actually gat our ravanga? Wa'll only and up offanding Arthur and his man.

Ha knaw of Arthur and his group's capabilitias.

Nonathalass, ha could not challanga his fathar's authority.

Outsida tha mansion, Bianca lookad as baautiful and cold as usual. Sha was drassad in a whita shirt, and thara was an invisibla look of hatrad in har ayas.

Tha currant varsion of har had no tracas of faar in har. All sha had was hatrad.

Standing basida har was a middla-agad man. That man was drassad in a black suit. Ha was not tall. In fact, ha was a littla shortar than Bianca and ha lookad normal.

Howavar, no mattar how ordinary ha lookad, ona could still idantify him in a saa of paopla.

What was spacial about him was his ayas. Thay saamad to hava incradibla powars that could convinca, masmariza, craata faar, and triggar all kinds of amotions in a parson.

Tha middla-agad man was nona othar than tha foundar of tha Holy Bounds Sact, Jaramy Dapp.

At first, ha did not know about Bianca's mattars. But whan

'somathing happanad to Ezakial and Logan, ha somahow had a bad faaling. Only aftar that did ha raaliza that such a big incidant had happanad.

Jaramy raliad on absorbing thair faith to strangthan his mind.

That kind of faith was hiddan daap in tha minds of Logan, Ezakial, Bianca, and othars.

As long as thay wara aliva, Jaramy could kaap on absorbing tha powars of thair faith. Unfortunataly, Jaramy could not absorb Ezakial's and Logan's faith anymora.

Hanca, thara was only ona axplanation for it—thay wara daad.

In raality, Logan was not daad. Ha was only rastrainad by Mabal. At tha sama tima, sha had succassfully convincad him, making him losa tha faaling of admiration ha had for Jaramy. Just lika that, tha faith had disappaarad.

‘Whan Jaramy found out about Bianca's mattars, ha, naturally, did not cara about har hatrad and sadnass.

Howavar, his sact mambars wara in troubla. If ha did not stand up for tham as thair mastar, ha would ba tha public's laughingstock.

His purposa in going to tha Young rasidanca at that tima was to halp Bianca kill Jonathan. On top of that, ha wantad to gat to tha bottom of Ezakial's and Logan's daaths; ha wantad to find out who tha killar was.

In just a faw minutas, Aaron and Barnard cama out of tha mansion.

Bianca said to Aaron, “Uncla Aaron, this is my mastar.” Aaron graatad with tha utmost raspact, “It's a graat plaasura to maat you, Mastar Dapp.” Jaramy did not put on an arrogant front. Ha maraly said, “Thara's no naad to ba so polita, Mr. Young.” “Plaasa. Plaasa coma in!” Aaron said, gasturing for Jaramy to antar tha mansion.

Barnard, too, showad his raspact.

Saaing that, Jaramy noddad and antarad with Bianca.

Upon arriving in tha living room, thay took thair raspactiva saats.

Jaroma did not dara to act caralassly. Aftar all, Jaramy's prasanca was ovarwhalming.

Onca avaryona was sattlad down, Aaron instructad tha housakaapar to bring soma drinks.

Aftar that, ha attamptad to start tha convarsation by saying, “May | know tha purposa of your suddan arrival, Mastar Dapp?” Jeremy took a sip of coffee and gently placed the cup on the table. He then lifted his head and glanced at Aaron, saying, “It's because of my disciples, of course.

Mr. Young, you've got a broad connection in Yaleview. Do you know what happened to my two disciples, Logan and Ezekiel?” Aaron sighed. “I've heard what happened to Logan and Ezekiel from Bianca. As for the details, I'm not really sure.

The only thing I'm sure of is that this matter has something

to do with Jonathan and Mabel. I'm sure Bianca must've told you about what happened that day, right?” Jeremy nodded, picking up his cup and taking another sip before falling into deep thought.

Seeing that Jeremy was silent, Aaron could not help but ask, “Master Depp, what do you plan to do now?” “Although Jonathan is involved with Mabel and his relationship with Arthur is unknown, he is still a reckless person. Hence, he has to die. As for Mabel, she has a profound status. Even | can't simply mess with her. Then again, it's still possible to teach her a tiny lesson,” Jeremy said.

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Both Aaron and Bianca wanted Jonathan dead. Therefore, they sighed with relief when they heard that Jeremy wanted to kill Jonathan.

“Jonathan is currently staying at the Harrington residence.

If you're planning to attack him, | actually have a suggestion,” Aaron quickly said.

“Oh? What is it?" Jeremy asked.

“The day after tomorrow will be the wedding of Jonathan and Catherine from the Harrington family, and Mabel will be attending the event. It'll be crowded with guests that day.

I'm sure the scums will be shocked to see you kidnap Jonathan and teach Mabel a lesson.” Jeremy had no plans to kill Mabel, but that did not mean he feared her.

He just did not want to make things awkward between him and the government. Regardless, he was not afraid of teaching Mabel a small lesson in public.

“Okay, let's do that.” Jeremy decided to go with his plan.

“Master Depp, Dad, I'm afraid there's one problem both of you haven't considered,” Bernard piped up right then.

“Which is?” Aaron asked.

Jeremy furrowed his brows slightly, but he remained silent.

“Old Mr. Harrington is rumored to be incredibly powerful.

Many families in the capital don't even dare to talk about him. Master Depp, if you go looking for trouble on the

wedding day, I'm afraid Old Mr. Harrington won't just stand idly by.” Jeremy merely scoffed, “That's great if he's really a skilled fighter. Otherwise, it'll be too boring.” Bernard figured there was nothing more he could say upon hearing Jeremy's words.

Meanwhile, Aaron sighed with relief.

Although the Langeton family from Yaleview was not really a wealthy family, they had been practicing martial arts from generation to generation, using martial arts to build their own business network and establish a business empire.

Back at the Langeton residence, Travis' corpse was laid on the ground of the courtyard, covered with a piece of white cloth.

Xavier, Josiah, Frederick, the two other sons of the Langeton family, and several family members were present.

Travis was Xavier's grandson, who was also the son of

Xavier's second son.

At that moment, his second son, Sylvester Langeton, and his wife were engulfed by misery.

Travis' body was brought over by the police.

When the Langetons saw his body, an indescribable feeling of anger and sadness filled their hearts, all because Travis’ death was too tragic. Not just his arm, but his head had also been blown to pieces.

They could barely recognize him.

Sylvester was infuriated. With bloodshot eyes, he said to Xavier, “Dad, | heard from the servants that Travis wanted to avenge Freddie, but he ended up like that in the blink of an eye. I'm sure this is the Harrington family's doing.” His wife was still sobbing at the side.

With a furious look in his eyes, Xavier growled, “| know who did this.” “Who?” asked Sylvester.

“Travis went looking for Jonathan to get revenge, and his death was caused by a kind of highly explosive mercury bullet. Not anyone is allowed to own those bullets. Now, Jonathan has a close relationship with Mabel from the Department of National Security. Obviously, it's Mabel who gave him the bullets. There's no way that rascal is Travis match. He must've used the gun because he couldn't win the fight. Travis must've been caught off guard and fell into his trap.” “Dad, since we know it was that rascal who's behind all this, we must take revenge,” Sylvester said, gritting his teeth.

Xavier said sternly, “Of course. How could a grandson of mine die in vain? That rascal has ruined my family. | must make him pay with his blood.” “What are we waiting for, then? Let's go and kill the Harringtons,” Sylvester suggested.

Xavier's eldest son, Josiah, stood up immediately.

“Sylvester, you must not act rashly. That old man of the Harrington family is incredibly powerful. We're not his match.”

“So what? Is my son going to die for nothing? Will you let your son's arm get broken for nothing?” Sylvester raged.

Josiah's face twitched. He could not say what he wanted to.

Finally, he hissed, “I'm not afraid of death. I'm just afraid we won't be able to take our revenge even if we die. How can we not be valiant when we've been cultivating for our entire life?” “Okay. Stop arguing,” Xavier cut them off.

“Dad, you have a plan, don't you?” Josiah asked.

There was a distant look in Xavier's eyes as he said, “Now that things have come to this, our only solution is to bring out our ancestor from the mountain.” “Our ancestor?” Josiah was shocked. “She's been cultivating in isolation for ten years on Esberg Mountain. No one knows if she's dead or alive...” Sylvia Hudson, the ancestor of the Langeton family, was already a legendary expert ten years ago. However, she was quite old at that time. No matter how powerful her

cultivation was, she could not avoid the effects of aging.

Hence, she had decided to cultivate in isolation to test if she could defy the Heavens and her age.

There was no news of her once she left.

Almost every member of the Langeton family thought she had died.

“I believe she's fine,” Xavier said. “Josiah, make arrangements to get a private plane. | want to make a trip to Esberg Mountain. The Harrington family is having the wedding the day after tomorrow. We must give them a wedding that they will never forget.” “I'm going with you, Grandpa!” Frederick volunteered, his eyes glinting with hatred.

Xavier glanced at Frederick, whose broken arm could not be put back together, leaving him crippled for life. Thankfully, he was a Nascent Soul cultivator who had great recovering abilities. In fact, his wounds had already scabbed over.

Staring at his grandson, who was in a pitiful state, Xavier

hesitated for a moment before saying, “Okay. It'll be great to have you there and have her take a look at you.” Thus, the matter was decided.

That afternoon, Xavier and Frederick flew to Esberg Mountain on a private plane.

Two hours later, the plane landed safely in an open area.

Xavier and Frederick got off the plane immediately.

Back then, Sylvia had left Xavier some clues that would lead him to her location, so he followed the same clues and went looking for her.

If Sylvia was still alive, she would be about one hundred and sixty years old.

After all, Sylvia was Xavier's great-grandmother and Frederick's great-great-great-grandmother.